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Statistics and Data Interpretation for the Helping Professions James A. Rosenthal
Teaching Elementary Science: A Full Spectrum Science Instruction Approach William K. Esler | Mary K. Esler
Principles of Neuropsychology Eric A. Zillmer | Mary V. Spiers
Becoming a Teacher in Texas: A Course of Study for the Professional Development ExCET Cynthia Gift Henry | Janice L. Nath
The Making of England: To 1399, Volume 1 C. Warren Hollister | Robert C. Stacey | Robin Chapman Stacey
Explorations in Counseling and Spirituality: Philosophical, Practical, and Personal Reflections Christopher M. Faiver | R. Elliott Ingersoll | Eugene M. O'Brien | Christopher McNally
Police Accountability: The Role of Citizen Oversight Samuel Walker
The Working Reader Mary Lou Conlin
¡Eso es!: Breve gramática para la comunicación Gene S. Kupferschmid | Susan G. Polansky
Working with Young Children from Culturally Diverse Backgrounds M. Diane Klein, Ph.D, CCC-SLP | Deborah Chen
Psychopathology: A Competency-Based Model for Social Work Marilyn R. Zide | Susan W. Gray
This Realm of England, Volume 2 Lacey Baldwin Smith
Constructing Early Childhood Science David Jerner Martin
Readings in Christianity Robert E. Van Voorst
Canícula: Imágenes de una niñez fronteriza Norma Elia Cantú
Britain Yesterday and Today Walter L. Arnstein
The Age of Aristocracy 1688-1830 William B. Willcox | Walter L. Arnstein
Reasoning With Statistics: How To Read Quantitative Research Frederick Williams | Peter R. Monge
Primer on Crime and Delinquency Theory Robert M. Bohm
Teaching Language In Context Alice Omaggio Hadley
Managing Personnel In The Public Sector Gill Robinson-Hickman
En la Ocho y la Doce Roberto G. Fernández
Readings in Deviant Behavior: Classic and Contemporary Nathaniel Eugene Terrell | Robert F. Meier
Instructional Design for Classroom Teaching and Learning Kevin B. Zook
Entretiens: Cours de conversation H. Jay Siskin | Cheryl L. Krueger
Growing Ideas: A Reader for Writers Michelle Christopherson
Advocacy in the Human Services Mark Ezell
Ethics at the End of Life Ralph Baergen
Sociology: Concepts and Characteristics Judson R. Landis
Color of Bureaucracy: The Politics of Equity in Multicultural School Communities Colleen L. Larson | Carlos J. Ovando
Comparing Religious Traditions: Ethics of Family Life, Volume 1 Jacob Neusner
Comparing Religious Traditions: Making an Honest Living, Volume 2 Jacob Neusner
Comparing Religious Traditions: The Life of Virtue, Volume 3 Jacob Neusner
Major Problems in American Indian History: Documents and Essays Albert L. Hurtado | Peter Iverson
Macro Skills Workbook: A Generalist Approach Karen K. Kirst-Ashman | Grafton H. Hull, Jr.
Social Work Advocacy: A New Framework for Action Robert L. Schneider
The American West Since 1945 Gerald Nash
Through the Eye of the Needle: A Maori Elder Remembers Mary Katharine Duffie
Understanding Research Methods and Statistics Gary W. Heiman
A Cloud of Witnesses: Readings in the History of Western Christianity Joel F. Harrington
The Reading Edge: Thirteen Ways to Build Reading Comprehension Ben E. Johnson
Developing Your School Counseling Program: A Handbook for Systemic Planning Zark VanZandt | Jo Hayslip
Quest for Identity: The U.S. Since 1945 Randall B. Woods
Lovers of Wisdom: An Introduction to Philosophy with Integrated Readings Daniel Kolak
Sociology of Marriage and the Family: Gender, Love, and Property Scott L. Coltrane | Randall Collins
Literary and Cultural Theory: From Basic Principles to Advanced Applications Donald E. Hall
Symbolic Logic Dale Jacquette
The Human Record: Sources of Global History, Volume I: To 1700 Alfred J. Andrea | James H. Overfield
American Mosaic: Multicultural Readings in Context Barbara Roche Rico | Sandra Mano
Basics of Reasoning Ronald Munson | David Conway
Personal Finance Elizabeth B. Goldsmith
Basic Skills in Psychotherapy and Counseling Christiane Brems
Criminal Procedure: Vehicle Stops, Searches, and Inventories Rolando V. del Carmen
Making America: A History of the United States, Brief Carol Berkin | Christopher L. Miller | Robert W. Cherny | James L. Gormly | W. Thomas Mainwaring
Making America: A History of the United States, Volume A: To 1877, Brief Carol Berkin | Christopher L. Miller | Robert W. Cherny | James L. Gormly | W. Thomas Mainwaring
Making America: A History of the United States, Volume B: Since 1865, Brief  Carol Berkin | Christopher L. Miller | Robert W. Cherny | James L. Gormly | W. Thomas Mainwaring
Unspoken Worlds: Women's Religious Lives Nancy Auer Falk | Rita M. Gross
Educating the Deaf: Psychology, Principles, and Practices Donald F. Moores
Dollars & Sense: Planning for Profit in Your Child Care Business Janet Bush
Major Problems in the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era Leon Fink
Fundamental Statistics for Behavioral Sciences Robert B. McCall
Teaching Music in the Secondary Schools Charles Hoffer
The Earth and Its Peoples Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup
The Portable Technical Writer William Murdick | Jonathan C. Bloemker
American Government: Readings and Responses Monica Bauer
Early Childhood Activities For Creative Educators Pam Briggs | Theo Pilot | Janet Bagby
Foundations of Critical Thinking Royce P. Jones
Reading and Writing from Literature John E. Schwiebert
Ethical Issues in Interpersonal Communication: Friends, Intimates, Sexuality, Marriage & Family Elaine E. Englehardt
Graphic Design Solutions Robin Landa
Migrations CD-ROM with User Guide Patrick Manning
Our Lives, Our Worlds: A Thematic Reader  Richard M. Shaw | Julie Bergman | Jo Wana Cavins | Linda Cravens Fricker
Renegade Kids, Suburban Outlaws: From Youth Culture to Delinquency Wayne Wooden | Randy Blazak
The Human Record: Sources of Global History, Volume II: Since 1500 Alfred J. Andrea | James H. Overfield
Assessment for Crisis Intervention: A Triage Assessment Model Rick A. Myer
Bringing Art into the Elementary Classroom Joan B. Koster
Existential Literature Linda E. Patrik
Human Relations in Business Michael G. Aamodt | Bobbie L. Raynes
Essentials of Western Civilization: A History of European Society, Volume II: Since 1550 Steven Hause | William Maltby
Elements of Managed Care: A Guide for Helping Professionals Susan R. Davis | Scott T. Meier
Essentials of Western Civilization: A History of European Society, Volume I: To 1715 Steven Hause | William Maltby
Lives and Voices: Sources in European Women's History Lisa DiCaprio | Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks
What Can We Know?: An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge Louis P. Pojman
Visual Workout: Creativity Workbook Robin Landa | Rose Gonnella
Leading Public Organizations: An Interactive Approach Carol A. Rusaw
Men and Masculinity: A Text-Reader Theodore Cohen
Religion and American Culture George M. Marsden
Taking Control of Your College Reading and Learning  Elaine Byrd | Elaine Carter | Stacy Waddoups
It's About Time: America's Imprisonment Binge James Austin | John Irwin
Understanding Sexuality Research Michael W. Wiederman
World Literature and Thought: The Modern World to 1900, Volume III Donald Gochberg | Surjit Singh Dulai | Edward D. Graham | Kenneth Harrow | Priscilla Melendez | Anibal Gonzalez
Life in Riverfront: A Middle Western Town Seen through Japanese Eyes Mariko Fujita Sano | Toshiyuki Sano
A Philosopher's Compass Jonathan Jacobs
Student Video and Workbook Gerald Corey | Robert Haynes
Should We Consent to Be Governed?: A Short Introduction to Political Philosophy Stephen Nathanson
Aesthetics: Classic Readings from the Western Tradition Dabney Townsend
Arguing About Law: An Introduction to Legal Philosophy Andrew Altman
Teaching Learners with Mild Disabilities Ruth Lyn Meese
The Organizational Self and Ethical Conduct: Sunlit Virtue and Shadowed Resistance James Anderson | Elaine E. Englehardt
Life's Choices: Problems and Solutions Richard S. Sharf
Art of Integrative Counseling Gerald Corey
The New Testament: A Critical Introduction Edwin D. Freed
Treatment Planning in Career Counseling John Liptak
Anthology of Asian Scriptures Robert E. Van Voorst
From Thought to Word Ann Kesslen | Kate Collins
Voices from the Field: Readings in Criminal Justice Research Carl Pope | Rick Lovell | Steven G. Brandl
Ethics: Introduction to Philosophy & Practice Stephen J. Freeman
Latin America: People & Their History William H. Beezley | Colin MacLachlan
Nakama, Volume 2: Japanese Communication, Culture, Context Yukiko Abe Hatasa | Kazumi Hatasa | Seiichi Makino
El arte de la conversación, El arte de la composición José Luis S. Ponce de Léon | James S. Noblitt
The American Experience: A Concise History, Volume I Randall B. Woods | Willard B. Gatewood
The American Experience: A Concise History Randall B. Woods | Willard B. Gatewood
The American Experience: A Concise History, Volume II Randall B. Woods | Willard B. Gatewood
College Reading with the Active Critical Thinking Method: Book 2 Janet Maker | Minnette Lenier
College Reading with the Active Critical Thinking Method: Book 1 Janet Maker | Minnette Lenier
Mentoring Foreign Language TA's, Lecturers, and Adjunct Faculty: AAUSC 2000 Volume Benjamin Rifkin | Sally Sieloff Magnan
Major Problems in African American History: Volume II: From Freedom to "Freedom Now," 1865 - 1990s Thomas C. Holt | Elsa Barkley Brown
Teaching Spanish with the 5 C's: A Blueprint for Success: AATSP Professional Development Series Handbook Vol. II Gail Guntermann
Moving and Learning Series: Early Elementary Rae Pica
Moving and Learning Series: Toddlers Rae Pica
Walden and Civil Disobedience Henry David Thoreau | Paul Lauter
By the Ages: Behavior & Development of Children Prebirth through 8 Lynn Marotz | Eileen K. Allen
The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer | Larry D. Benson
The Age of Innocence Edith Wharton | Carol J. Singley | Paul Lauter
Meeting Physical and Health Needs of Children with Disabilities: Teaching Physical and Health Management Skills Kathryn W. Heller | Paula E. Forney | Paul A. Alberto | Morton N. Schwartzman | Trudy Goeckel
Language Arts in Early Education Jayne Sowers, Ed.D.
Ancient Greece: Ancient History Series, Volume II William E. Dunstan
Gerontological Social Work: Knowledge, Service Settings, and Special Populations Robert L. Schneider | Nancy P. Kropf | Anne J. Kisor
Teaching Social Studies in Early Education Wilma Robles DeMelendez | Vesna Beck | Melba Fletcher
Writing Online: A Student's Guide to the Internet and World Wide Web Nick Carbone
Gender Basics: Feminist Perspectives on Women and Men Anne Minas
Creative Resources for Infants and Toddlers (Spanish Version) Judy Herr | Terri Swim
Curriculum for Young Children: An Introduction Eve-Marie Arce
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain | Susan K. Harris | Paul Lauter
American Family Album: 28 Contemporary Ethnic Stories Bonnie TuSmith | Gerald W. Bergevin
Using Art to Create Art Wendy M. L. Libby
Inclusive Education for the 21st Century: A New Introduction to Special Education Deanna J. Sands | Elizabeth B. Kozleski | Nancy French
Counseling, Treatment, and Intervention Methods with Juvenile and Adult Offenders  Rudolph Alexander, Jr.
Human Behavior, Communities, Organizations, and Groups in the Macro Social Environment: An Empowerment Approach Karen K. Kirst-Ashman
Becoming an Art Teacher Jane K. Bates
California Criminal Procedure Devallis Rutledge, Esq.
Cases in Organization Development Robert T. Golembiewski | Glenn H. Varney
Chain of Evidence Workbook Timothy Sweetman | Adele Sweetman
Courtroom Survival Devallis Rutledge, Esq.
Criminal Justice Reader Cliff Roberson
Exemplary High School Paul S. George | Kenneth C. McEwin | John M. Jenkins
Exploring Juvenile Justice Cliff Roberson
Gangs, Graffiti, and Violence: A Realistic Guide to the Scope and Nature of Gangs in America Duane A. Leet | George E. Rush | Anthony M. Smith
Human Behavior in the Social Environment John F. Longres
In Brief, A Handbook for Developmental Writers  Stephen McDonald | William Salomone
Legal Aspects of Corrections Harvey Wallace | Cliff Roberson
Police Patrol Operations Mark R. Miller
Practical Criminal Investigation Manuel S. Pena
Report Writing Essentials Lance A. Parr
Social Work Research and Evaluation: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches Richard M. Grinnell, Jr.
The Community and the Social Worker Phillip Fellin
The New Police Report Manual Devallis Rutledge, Esq.
American Captivity Narratives Olaudah Equiano | Mary Rowlandson | Gordon M. Sayre | Paul Lauter
On Gödel Jaakko Hintikka
The Red Badge of Courage, Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, and Other Selected Writings Stephen Crane | Phyllis Frus | Stanley J. Corkin | Paul Lauter
Spanish Phrasebooks Ana C. Jarvis
Major Problems in American Religious History Patrick Allitt
On Plato John Peterman
Sources of Twentieth-Century Europe Marvin Perry | Matthew Berg | James Krukones
Major Problems in African American History, Volume I Thomas C. Holt | Elsa Barkley Brown
Inclusive Early Childhood Education: Merging Positive Behavioral Supports, Activity-Based Intervention, and Developmentally Appropriate Practice David Dean Richey | John Wheeler
Online Education: Learning and Teaching in Cyberspace Greg Kearsley
Texas Government: Politics and Economics Kim Quaile Hill
The Pulse of Wisdom: The Philosophies of India, China, and Japan Michael C. Brannigan
Getting the Most From Your Human Service Internship Pamela Myers Kiser
On Aristotle Garrett Thomson | Marshall Missner
On Thoreau Stephen Hahn
Healthy Classroom Management: Motivation, Communication, and Discipline Raymond Nakamura
Rehabilitation Model of Substance Abuse Counseling John J. Benshoff | Timothy P. Janikowski
Power and Politics in America Leonard Freedman
Die Deutschen Wulf Koepke
The Well-Tempered Keyboard Teacher Marienne Uszler | Stewart Gordon | Scott McBride-Smith
Politics and Economic Policy in the United States Jeffrey E. Cohen
As Long as the Grass Shall Grow and Rivers Flow: A History of Native Americans Clifford E. Trafzer
Juvenile Delinquency: Into the Twenty-First Century Lewis Yablonsky
Major Problems in American Colonial History: Documents and Essays Karen Ordahl Kupperman
Major Problems in the Era of the American Revolution, 1760-1791: Documents and Essays Richard D. Brown
Metaethics, Normative Ethics, and Applied Ethics: Contemporary and Historical Readings James Fieser
On The Buddha Bart Gurzalski
Reading Rhetoric Theory Barry Brummet
An Introductory English Grammar Norman C. Stageberg | Dallin D. Oaks
Reflections: An Anthology of African-American Philosophy James Montmarquet | William Hardy
Diversité: La nouvelle francophone James Gaasch | Valérie Budig-Markin
Why They Call It Politics: A Guide to America's Government Robert Sherrill
Choice & Chance: An Introduction to Inductive Logic Brian Skyrms
Basic Research Methods and Statistics: An Integrated Approach Nancy Furlong | Eugene A. Lovelace | Kristin Lovelace
On Heidegger Patricia Johnson
The West Transformed: A History of Western Civilization, Volume A, To 1500 Warren Hollister | Sears McGee | Gale Stokes
Creative Resources for the Early Childhood Classroom: Spanish Edition Judy Herr | Yvonne R. Libby-Larson | Juan Toro | Kurt Bornada
Risky Business: America's Fascination with Gambling Ronald M. Pavalko
Philosophers at Work: Issues and Practice of Philosophy Elliot D. Cohen
The West Transformed: A History of Western Civilization, Alternate Volume, Since 1300 Warren Hollister | Sears McGee | Gale Stokes
The West Transformed: A History of Western Civilization, Volume B, 1300-1815 Warren Hollister | Sears McGee | Gale Stokes
The West Transformed: A History of Western Civilization, Volume C, Since 1789 Warren Hollister | Sears McGee | Gale Stokes
The West Transformed: A History of Western Civilization, Volume I, to 1715 Warren Hollister | Sears McGee | Gale Stokes
The West Transformed: A History of Western Civilization, Volume II, Since 1648 Warren Hollister | Sears McGee | Gale Stokes
On Hobbes Marshall Missner
Understanding Culture's Influence on Behavior Richard Brislin
11 Essentials of Effective Writing Ann Marie Radaskiewicz McNeely
United States Foreign Policy-Making: Process, Problems, and Prospects for the Twenty-First Century William H. Baugh
Child and Adolescent Development Kelvin L. Seifert | Robert J. Hoffnung
Basic Spanish Grammar Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo | Francisco Mena-Ayllón
Classroom Assessment of Reading Processes Rebecca Swearingen | Diane Allen
Place of Mind Brian Cooney
Painting as a Language: Material, Technique, Form, Content Jean Robertson | Craig McDaniel
Discovering the American Past, Brief Edition William Bruce Wheeler | Susan D. Becker
Great Political Thinkers: From Plato to the Present Alan O. Ebenstein
Psychotherapist's Resource on Psychiatric Medications: Issues of Treatment and Referral George Buelow | Suzanne Hebert | Sidne Buelow
Creators of the American Mind Series, Volume III: Abraham Lincoln: The Man and the Myth James T. Baker
Dealing with Challenges in Psychotherapy and Counseling Christiane Brems
Cajas de cartón Francisco Jiménez | Introduction by Luis Leal
Philosophy Through the Ages Joan A. Price
A New History of Philosophy, Volume I: From Thales to Ockham Wallace I. Matson
A New History of Philosophy, Volume II: From Descartes to Rawls Wallace I. Matson
Foundations of Behavioral Research Fred N. Kerlinger | Howard B. Lee
America Since 1941: A History James T. Patterson
Clinical Case Management with Persons Having Mental Illness Joseph Walsh
Public Policy: An Evolutionary Approach James P. Lester | Joseph Stewart, Jr.
Reading Beyond Words W. Royce Adams | Jane Brody
Medical Spanish: A Conversational Approach Thomas Kearon | Maria DiLorenzo-Kearon Ph.D
India: Government and Politics in a Developing Nation Robert L. Hardgrave | Stanley A. Kochanek
Pathways to Psychology Robert J. Sternberg
Rhythms of Writing Pamela Dykstra
Chiseled in Sand: Perspectives on Change in Human Service Organizations Robert Cohen | Jessye Cohen
Elements of Deductive Inference: An Introduction to Symbolic Logic Joseph Bessie | Stuart Glennan
America in the Twentieth Century: A History James T. Patterson
The Heath Introduction to Literature Alice S. Landy | William Rodney Allen
The Helping Professions: A Careers Sourcebook William R. Burger | Merrill Youkeles | Fred B. Malamet | Franceska Blake Smith | Charles Guigno
Critical Issues in Special Education James E. Ysseldyke | Bob Algozzine | Martha L. Thurlow
Perspectives on American Politics  William Lasser
Introduction to Comparative Politics: Concepts and Processes Howard J. Wiarda
Stress Management for Wellness Walter Schafer
Latinoamérica: su civilización y su cultura Eugenio Chang-Rodríguez
Human Services Counseling Toolbox William A. Howatt
Judaism: Development and Life Leo Trepp
Three Psychologies: Perspectives from Freud, Skinner, and Rogers Robert D. Nye
The French Revolution Owen Connelly
Pivotal Decisions: Select Cases In Twentieth Century International Politics Carolyn Rhodes
Students with Autism: Characteristics and Instruction Programming Jack Scott | Claudia Clark | Michael Brady
Life and Death: A Reader in Moral Problems Louis P. Pojman
Life and Death: Grappling with the Moral Dilemmas of Our Time Louis P. Pojman
California: Its Government and Politics Michael J. Ross
Voice and Articulation Kenneth C. Crannell
Key Cases, Comments, and Questions on Substantive Criminal Law Henry F. Fradella
How Sweet the Sound: The Spirit of African American History Nancy Elizabeth Fitch
The Other Side of Western Civilization, Volume I Stanley Chodorow | Marci Sortor
The Heath Introduction to Fiction John J. Clayton
The Heath Introduction to Poetry Joseph DeRoche
Sociology: An Introduction Christopher Bates Doob
Learning to Philosophize Del Kiernan-Lewis
Law and Contemporary Corrections Christopher E. Smith
Those United States, Volume I Gerald Michael Greenfield | John D. Buenker
Living Well: Introductory Readings in Ethics Steven Luper
Those United States: International Perspectives on American History, Volume II Gerald Michael Greenfield | John D. Buenker
Relational Communication: Continuity and Change in Personal Relationships Julia T. Wood
Basic Interviewing Skills: A Workbook for Practitioners Valerie Nash Chang | Sheryn T. Scott
Law in Social Work Practice Andrea Saltzman | David M. Furman
Major Problems in the History of the American South: Documents and Essays, Volume II Paul D. Escott | David R. Goldfield | Sally G. McMillen | Elizabeth Hayes Turner | Thomas G. Paterson
Music in Latin American Culture: Regional Traditions John M. Schechter
Music in Latin American Culture: Regional Traditions John M. Schechter
Major Problems in the History of the American South: Documents and Essays, Volume 1 Paul D. Escott | David R. Goldfield | Sally G. McMillen | Elizabeth Hayes Turner | Thomas G. Paterson
20/20: 20 New Sounds of the 20th Century William Duckworth
Current Issues in Public Administration Frederick Lane
This High and Holy Moment: The First National Women's Rights Convention, Worcester, 1850 John F. McClymer
Metaphysics: Contemporary Readings Steven D. Hales
The Proficient Reader Ira D. Epstein | Ernest B. Nieratka
Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction for Students with Disabilities June Lee Bigge | Colleen Shea Stump | Michael Edward Spagna | Rosanne K. Silberman
Major Problems in American History, 1920-1945 Colin Gordon | Thomas G. Paterson
Functional Analysis of Problem Behavior Alan C. Repp | Robert H. Horner
Introduction to Criminology Brendan Maguire | Polly F. Radosh
Politics of American Government Stephen J. Wayne | G. Calvin MacKenzie | David O'Brien | Richard Cole
Elementary Mathematics and Science Methods: Inquiry Teaching and Learning Gerald William Foster
A Reader's Guide: A Brief Handbook Harvey S. Wiener | Charles Bazerman
Thinking on Paper: A Reading-Writing Process Workbook Judy Markline
Correctional Theory and Practice Clayton A. Hartjen | Edward E. Rhine
National Park Service Law Enforcement Luke Lukas
Social Work Values and Ethics: Identifying and Resolving Ethical Dilemmas Elaine P. Congress
Sports Journalism at its Best: Pulitzer Prize-Winning Aticles, Cartoons, and Photographs Heinz-Dietrich Fischer
Theories of Deviance Stuart H. Traub | Craig B. Little
The American Congress Steven S. Smith
Many Faces of Giftedness Alexinia Young Baldwin | Wilma Vialle
Reading Thresholds Carolyn H. Fitzpatrick | Marybeth B. Ruscica
All of Us: A Multicultural Reading Skills Handbook Harvey S. Wiener | Charles Bazerman
America Transformed: A History of the United States Since 1900 Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
America: The Politics of Diversity David G. Lawrence
The French Revolution: A Document Collection Laura Mason | Tracey Rizzo
European Imperialism: 1830 to 1930 Alice L. Conklin | Ian Christopher Fletcher
Psychology Astrid M. Stec | Douglas A. Bernstein
Classic Readings in American Politics Pietro Nivola | David Rosenbloom
Critical Incidents in Group Therapy Jeremiah Donigian | Diana Hulse-Killacky
Social and Political Philosophy George Sher
Western Civilization Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | William B. Cohen | David D. Roberts | Jennifer Michael Hecht
Western Civilization: The Continuing Experiment, Volume I: To 1715, Brief Edition Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | William B. Cohen | David D. Roberts | Jennifer Michael Hecht
Western Civilization: The Continuing Experiment, Volume II: Since 1560, Brief Edition Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | William B. Cohen | David D. Roberts | Jennifer Michael Hecht
Mass Culture and Electronic Media Marjorie Ford | Jon Ford
The Natural World Marjorie Ford | Jon Ford
Neither Man Nor Woman: The Hijras of India Serena Nanda
Statistics: An Introduction Roger E. Kirk
Eleanor Roosevelt: First Lady: Creators of the American Mind Series, Volume II James T. Baker
Ethical Theory and Moral Problems Howard J. Curzer
Major Problems in Mexican American History Zaragosa Vargas
Al tanto: Catorce cuentos contemporáneos Gene S. Kupferschmid
Research Design in Counseling P. Paul Heppner | Dennis M. Kivlighan, Jr. | Bruce E. Wampold
Advanced Practice in Human Service Agencies: Issues, Trends, and Treatment Perspectives Lupe A. Alle-Corliss | Randall M. Alle-Corliss
Basic Counseling Responses®: A Multimedia Learning System for the Helping Professions Hutch Haney | Jacqueline Leibsohn
Single-Subject Research: Application in Educational and Clinical Settings Stephen B. Richards | Ronald Taylor | Rangasamy Ramasamy | Rhonda Y. Richards
A-B-C's of Human Experience Wallace J. Kahn
Philosophy of Religion in a Global Perspective Gary E. Kessler
Songworks II: Singing From Sound to Symbol Peggy D. Bennett | Douglas R. Bartholomew
Readings in Cognitive Psychology Robert J. Sternberg | Richard K. Wagner
Reading Relationships Nancy Jo Brown
Casebook in Family Therapy David M. Lawson | Frances Prevatt
Black Family: Essays and Studies Robert Staples
Major Problems in American Military History: Documents and Essays John Whiteclay Chambers II | G. Kurt Piehler
Morals, Marriage, and Parenthood: An Introduction to Family Ethics Laurence D. Houlgate
Aims and Options: A Thematic Approach to Writing Rodney D. Keller
American Civil Liberties Otis H. Stephens, Jr. | John M. Scheb, II, Ph.D.
Virtuous Therapist: Ethical Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy Elliot D. Cohen | Gale Spieler Cohen
Mass Politics: The Politics of Popular Culture Daniel M. Shea
Pop Dreams: Music, Movies, and the Media in the American 1960's Archie Loss
Big Math Activities for Young Children James L. Overholt, Ed.D. | Jackie White-Holtz | Sydney Dickson
Politics in Russia and The Successor States Donald Kelley
Voices from the Reconstruction Years, 1895-1877 Glenn Linden
Working Well, Living Well: Discover the Career Within You Clarke G. Carney | Cinda Field Wells
Psychology of Aging: Theory, Research, and Interventions Janet K. Belsky
Stress and Health Phillip L. Rice
Central Readings in the History of Modern Philosophy Robert Cummins | David Owen
Multicultural Education: Raising Consciousness Gloria Boutte
In Search of Myself: Life, Death, and Personal Identity Daniel Kolak
America the Unusual John Kingdon
The Origins of the Cold War Robert J. McMahon | Thomas G. Paterson
Contending Perspectives in International Political Economy Nikolaos Zahariadis
Philosophy of Religion William J. Wainwright
Costume Design Barbara Anderson | Cletus R. Anderson
The Portable Business Writer William Murdick
Contextualizing Aesthetics: From Plato to Lyotard H. Gene Blocker | Jennifer M. Jeffers
Practical Student: Career-Oriented Success Carl M. Wahlstrom | Brian K. Williams | S. Kelly Dansby
Rules of the Game: Lessons from the Field of Community Change Mark S. Homan
Creative Resources for the Anti-Bias Classroom Nadia Saderman Hall
Social Justice/Criminal Justice: The Maturation of Critical Theory in Law, Crime, and Deviance Bruce A. Arrigo
The Rinehart Reader Jean Wyrick | Beverly Slaughter
The Economic Transformation of America: 1600 to the Present Robert L. Heilbroner | Alan Singer
Reading Strategies for Nursing and Allied Health Ann B. Faulkner | Dana K. Stahl
Counseling and Development in a Multicultural Society John A. Axelson
What Would You Do?: An Ethical Case Workbook for Human Service Professionals Patricia Kenyon
Non-Western Theories of Development: Regional Norms Versus Global Trends Howard J. Wiarda
Chemical Dependency: A Family Affair Olivia Curtis
Weaving: A Handbook of the Fiber Arts Shirley E. Held
Political Analysis: Technique and Practice Louise G. White
Panoramas literarios: España Beverly Mayne Kienzle | Teresa Méndez-Faith
Call and Response Reprint Hill
Call and Response Reprint Hill
Nakama 1: Japanese Communication, Culture, Context Seiichi Makino | Yukiko Abe Hatasa | Kazumi Hatasa
Contemporary Industrial/Organizational Psychology L.N. Jewell
Health Psychology Phillip L. Rice
Making Choices in Sexuality: Research and Applications Susan L. McCammon | David Knox, Ph.D. | Caroline Schacht, M.A.
African-American Music Earl L. Stewart
The Wadsworth Casebook Series for Reading, Research and Writing: The Yellow Wallpaper Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell
The Prevention of Crime: Social and Situational Strategies Dennis P. Rosenbaum | Arthur J. Lurigio | Robert C. Davis
The Riverside Milton John Milton | Roy Flannagan
American Constitutional Law, Volume I: Cases, Essays, and Comparative Notes Donald P. Kommers | John E. Finn
Coming of Age Michael Schaller | Virginia Scharff | Robert D. Schulzinger
Abortion Controversy: 25 Years After Roe vs. Wade, A Reader Louis Pojman | Francis J. Beckwith
African American Master Student Profiles Osborne Robinson, Jr.
Casebook for Abnormal Psychology Clark R. Clipson | Jocelyn M. Steer
Major Problems in the Civil War and Reconstruction Michael Perman | Thomas G. Paterson
Nature's Nation: An Environmental History of the United States John Opie
Practicing American Politics: Introduction to Government, Complete Edition David Edwards | Alessandra Lippucci
Major Problems in American Immigration and Ethnic History Jon Gjerde | Thomas G. Paterson
Passageways: An Interpretive History of Black America, Volume II Colin A. Palmer
Religions East and West Ward J. Fellows
American Environmental Policy David H. Davis
Cases and Applications in Non-Profit Management Robert T. Golembiewski | Jerry G. Stevenson
Cognitive Psychology David G. Payne | Michael J. Wenger
Criminal Justice in the United States, 2nd Dean J. Champion
Introduction to Criminology Cliff Roberson
Music for Young Children Andress
Peace Officers' Guide to California's Dangerous Weapons Laws Rick Bruce
Reporting on the Courts: How the Mass Media Cover Judicial Actions William Haltom
Teacher's Teaming Handbook: A Middle Level Planning Guide John Arnold | Chris Stevenson
Teaching Strategies for Inclusive Classrooms Mary W. Schmidt | Nancy E. Harriman
Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Donald O. Schultz | Derald D. Hunt
Writing Right for Today's Mass Media Paul Adams
Scientific Knowledge Janet Kourany
About Language: A Reader for Writers William H. Roberts | Gregoire Turgeon
Teaching Music: Managing the Successful Music Program Darwin E. Walker
Teaching Woodwinds: A Method and Resource Handbook for Music Educators William Dietz
The Director's Companion Mel Shapiro
Personality: Strategies and Issues Robert M. Liebert | Michael D. Spiegler
The Legacy of the Great War: Peacemaking 1919 William R. Keylor
Panoramas literarios: América hispana Teresa Méndez-Faith
Practical Logic: An Antidote for Uncritical Thinking Douglas J. Soccio
Becoming Visible: Women in European History Renate Bridenthal | Susan Mosher Stuard | Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks
To Govern a Nation Bryon Daynes | Raymond Tatalovich | Dennis Soden
World Security: Challenges for a New Century Michael Klare | Yogesh Chandrani
Foundation Course in Spanish Laurel H. Turk | Carlos A. Solé | Aurelio M. Espinosa, Jr.
The Psychology of Language Paul Whitney
Privacy: The Debate in the United States Since 1945 Philippa Strum
Health Views Marjorie Ford | Jon Ford
A Manera De Ensayo Susan C. Schaffer | Rebeca Acevedo
Readings in the Marriage and Family Experience Bryan Strong | Christine DeVault | Barbara W. Sayad
Psycholinguistics Jean Berko Gleason | Nan Bernstein Ratner
Brief Group Treatment:Practical Training for Therapists and Counselors Jerrold Lee Shapiro | Lawrence S. Peltz | Susan Bernadett-Shapiro
Learning Dynamics Marjorie Ford | Jon Ford
Public Administration for the Twenty-First Century Philip J. Cooper | Linda P. Brady | Olivia Hidalgo Hardeman | Katherine C. Naff | J. Steven Ott | Harvey White
Power Journalism: Computer-Assisted Reporting Lisa C. Miller
American Public Policy: The Contemporary Agenda Steven G. Koven | Mack C. Shelley II | Bert E. Swanson
American Government James Q. Wilson
The Triangle Strike and Fire, American Stories Series, Volume I John F. McClymer
Ethical Decision-Making Manual for Helping Professionals Sarah O. Steinman | Nan Franks Richardson | Tim McEnroe
Thirteen Questions in Ethics and Social Philosophy G. Lee Bowie | Kathleen M. Higgins | Meredith Michaels
Mexico: Corporatism to Pluralism George W. Grayson
German for Singers William Odom | Benno Schollum
Contemporary Moral Issues in a Diverse Society Julie M. McDonald
Modern Japan Peter Duus
Western Civilization: The Continuing Experiment, Complete Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | William B. Cohen | David D. Roberts
The American Spirit, Volume 2: Since 1865 Thomas A. Bailey | David M. Kennedy
Stirring up Thinking Ben E. Johnson
Applying Cultural Anthropology: Readings Gary Ferraro
The College Handbook of Creative Writing Robert DeMaria
The Industrial Revolution in America Gary J. Kornblith
Playwriting: From Formula to Form William M. Downs | Lou Anne Wright
American Pageant: A History of the Republic Thomas A. Bailey | David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen
Creative Resources: Art, Brushes, and Buildings Judy Herr | Yvonne R. Libby-Larson
Creative Resources: Family, Food, and Plants Judy Herr | Yvonne R. Libby-Larson
Psychotherapy In Chemical Dependence Treatment: A Practical and Integrative Approach George Buelow | Sidne Buelow
Searching for Great Ideas: Readings Past and Present Tom Klein | Bruce Edwards | Tom Wymer
The American Spirit, Volume I: To 1877 Thomas A. Bailey | David M. Kennedy
Critical Thinking in Psychology D. Alan Bensley
Chinese Way in Religion Jordan Paper | Laurence G. Thompson
The Ancient Near East: Ancient History Series, Volume I William E. Dunstan
A Sinhalese Village in Sri Lanka: Coping with Uncertainty Victoria J. Baker
Shadowed Lives: Undocumented Immigrants in American Society Leo R. Chavez
The Gender Dance in Couples Therapy Mark Worden | Barbara D. Worden
Introduction to Christianity Mary Jo Weaver | Jason Bivins | David Brakke
The Greening of a Nation? Environmentalism in the U.S. Since 1945 Hal K. Rothman
Systematic Training in the Skills of Virginia Satir Sharon Loeschen
The Cyclopedic Education Dictionary Carol Sullivan Spafford, Ed.D | Augustus Izzo Pesce, D. Ed. | George Grosser, Ph.D.
NOT! The Same Old Activities For Early Childhood Moira Green
Themes With a Difference: 228 New Activities for Young Children Moira Green
Soap, Sex, and Cigarettes: A Cultural History of American Advertising Juliann Sivulka
Allerlei Zum Besprechen Herman U. Teichert | Gabriele Hahn
Principles of Educational and Psychological Measurement and Evaluation Gilbert Sax
Hollywood Rhapsody: The Story of Movie Music, 1900-1975 Gary Marmorstein
Techniques of the Contemporary Composer Jerry Lee Ford, Jr
Music Reference and Research Materials: An Annotated Bibliography Vincent H. Duckles | Ida Reed
Computer Music: Synthesis, Composition, and Performance Charles Dodge | Thomas A. Jerse
Russian Politics in Transition Joan DeBardeleben
Instrumentation and Orchestration Alfred Blatter
Punctuation Plain & Simple  Edgar C. Alward | Jean Alward
Musical!: A Grand Tour Rise, Glory, Fall Denny Martin Flinn
The Wadsworth Casebook Series for Reading, Research and Writing: Master Harold Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell
Efficient Reading James I. Brown | Vivian Vick Fishco
Parle-moi un peu!: Information Gap Activities for Beginning French Classes Helene Neu | Todd Reeser
All f/the Children Denise Finazzo, D. Ed
Building Understanding Together: A Constructivist Approach to Early Childhood Education Sandra Waite-Stupiansky, Ph.D.
The Essentials of Early Education Carol Gestwicki
Major Problems in the History of the American West Clyde A. Milner II | Anne M. Butler | David Rich Lewis
Making the Grade Royce W. Adams
Personas Mexicanas: Chicano Highschoolers in a Changing Los Angeles James Diego Vigil
The Nazi Revolution: Hitler's Dictatorship and the German Nation Allan Mitchell
Courts, Politics, and the Judicial Process Christopher Smith
Introduction to Criminal Evidence Jon Waltz
Opportunity for Skillful Reading Irwin L. Joffe
The Paradoxes of Police Work Douglas W. Perez
The Wadsworth Shakespeare William Shakespeare | G. Blakemore Evans | Harry Levin | Herschel Baker | Anne Barton | Hallet Smith | Marie Edel | Frank Kermode
Making Choices: Reading Issues in Context Michael E. Cooley | Katherine Powell
Major Problems in American Sport History Steven A. Riess
Big Ideas: An Introduction to Ideologies in American Politics R. Mark Tiller
Managing International Conflict: From Theory to Policy Lincoln Bloomfield
A Sound Approach to Teaching Instrumentalists: An Application of Content and Learning Sequences Stanley L. Schleuter
The Transformation of Modern France William B. Cohen
Changing Supreme Court Thomas R. Hensley | Christopher E. Smith | Joyce A. Baugh
Dramaturgy in American Theatre: A Source Book Susan S. Jonas | Geoffrey S. Proehl | Michael Lupo
La civilisation française en évolution II: Institutions et culture depuis la Ve République Ross Steele | Susan St .Onge | Ronald St.Onge
Strategies for Counseling with Children and Their Parents Geraldine Leitl Orton
The Riverside Anthology of Literature Douglas Hunt
A History of Western Philosophy: The Twentieth Century of Quine and Derrida, Volume V W. T. Jones | Robert J. Fogelin
From the South African Past John Williams
The U.S. and the Global Economy Since 1945 Henry C. Dethloff
Mexican Politics: The Dynamics of Change Howard Handelman
The Yanomamo Napoleon A. Chagnon
Teaching the Integrated Language Arts Shane Templeton
The Human Perspective: Readings in World Civilization, Volume II: The Modern World Through the Twentieth Century Lynn H. Nelson | Steven K. Drummond
Grand Valley Dani: Peaceful Warriors Karl G. Heider
Culture and Mental Illness: A Client-Centered Approach Richard J. Castillo
Student-Directed Learning: Teaching Self-Determination Skills Martin Agran
Functional Assessment and Program Development for Problem Behavior: A Practical Handbook Robert E. O'Neill | Robert H. Horner | Richard W. Albin | Keith Storey | Jeffrey R. Sprague
Developing Fieldwork Skills: A Guide for Human Services, Counseling, and Social Work Students Rosemary Chiaferi | Michael Griffin
Close-ups of the Past: Western Civilization in Case Studies Volume I: Ancient Civilization Gavin Lewis
Concepts to Completion: Writing well in the Social Sciences Thomas Bronwyn Williams | Mary Brydon-Miller
Public Administration: Profession and Practice: A Case Study Approach Gerald Garvey
Religion in the Japanese Experience: Sources and Interpretations H. Byron Earhart
Supervisory Relationships: Exploring the Human Element Tamara L. Kaiser
Theories and Analyses of Twentieth-Century Music J. Kent Williams
Culture and Modern Life David Matsumoto
Greek Society Frank J. Frost
The Music Theory Handbook Marjorie Merryman
Major Problems in California History Sucheng Chan | Spencer C. Olin
Logics John Nolt
Logical Arguments in Research Paper Russ Ward
Theory, Case, and Method in Comparative Politics Nikolaos Zahariadis
Congress Under Fire C. Lawrence Evans | Walter J. Oleszek
Art and Craft of Stage Management Doris Schneider
Celluloid Mirrors: Hollywood and American Society Since 1945 Ronald L. Davis
Musical Growth in the Elementary School Bjornar Bergethon | Eunice Boardman | Janet Montgomery
The Theatrical Imagination Jeffrey H. Huberman | Brant L. Pope | James Ludwig
Principles, Elements, and Types of Persuasion James Benjamin
Nature of Science Edwin Hung
Principles of Educational and Psychological Measurement and Evaluation Gilbert Sax
Songworks I Peggy D. Bennett | Douglas R. Bartholomew
Implementing Mastery Learning Thomas R. Guskey
British Literature 1780 to 1830, Paperback Version Anne Mellor | Richard Matlak
Aesthetics in Perspective Kathleen M. Higgins
Critical Thinking: Reading and Writing in a Diverse World Joan Rasool | Caroline Banks | Mary-Jane McCarthy
Moral Philosophy: Select Readings, 2nd George Sher
Contemporary Music Education Michael L. Mark
Music of the Twentieth Century: Style and Structure Bryan R. Simms
Inside the Music Industry: Creativity, Process, and Business Michael Fink
Teaching Kids to Sing Kenneth H. Phillips
Creative Teaching Strategies Marjorie Wynn PhD
Educational Research Gail J. Gerlach | George R. Bieger
Law, Mntl Hlth & Mntl Disorder Bruce D. Sales | Daniel W. Shuman
A Biography of the English Language C.M. Millward
Adolescence: A Contemporary View Linda Nielsen
Chief Red Fox Is Dead: A History of Native Americans, Since 1945 James J. Rawls
Choral Music Methods and Materials: Developing Successful Choral Programs Barbara A. Brinson
Many Sides of America: 1945 - Present Thomas R. Frazier
A Course in Basic Writing Susanna K. Horn | Ken Pramuk
Business as Ethical and Business as Usual: Text, Readings, and Cases Sterling Harwood
Introduction to Private Security Kären M. Hess | Henry M. Wrobleski
Intelligence: Multiple Perspectives Howard Gardner
Origins and Destinies: Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity in America Silvia Pedraza | Ruben Rumbaut
La civilisation française en évolution I: Institutions et culture avant la Ve République Ronald St.Onge | Ross Steele | Susan St.Onge
Audio in Media: Rec Studio Stanley R. Alten
Psych Consultation William A. Wallace | Donald L. Hall
Purisimeno Chumash Prehistory: Maritime Adaptations Along the Southern California Coast Michael Glassow
Reason at Work: Introductory Readings in Philosophy Steven M. Cahn | George Sher
Magic, Science, and Health: The Aims and Achievements of Medical Anthropology Robert A. Anderson
LABSIM: Experimental Design and Data Analysis Simulator, Version 9 Richard E. Edwards
Philosophy of Religion: A Global Approach Steven Phillips
Design Principles and Problems Paul Zelanski | Mary Pat Fisher
Uncommon Knowledge: Exploring Ideas Through Reading and Writing Rose Hawkins | Robert Isaacson
College Spelling Skills James F. Shepherd
From Longhouse to Village: Samo Social Change Daniel R. Shaw
Lives On The Line: Women and Ecology On A Pacifc Atoll Alexandra Brewis
Jesus in History: An Approach to the Study of the Gospels Howard Clark Kee
Active Communication Matthew Westra
Statistical Analysis for Public Administration Lawrence L. Giventer
The Rashaayda Bedouin: Arab Pastoralists of Eastern Sudan William C. Young
Invite Schl Success: A Self-Concept Approach to Teaching, Learning, and Democratic Practice William Watson Purkey | John M. Novak
Religion, Politics, and the Law: Commentaries and Controversies Peter M. Schotten | Dennis Stevens
Side by Side: A Multicultural Reader Harvey S. Wiener | Charles Bazerman
Deviance: RuleMakers and RuleBreakers Nancy A. Heitzeg
The Media and Politics Dean E. Alger
Human Conduct: Problems of Ethics John Hospers
Reading for Success Laraine E. Flemming
Lives of Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals: Children to Adults Ritch C. Savin-Williams
Primer for American History David M. Laushey
California Government Today: Politics of Reform Charles M. Price | Charles Bell
Chinese Religion: An Introduction Laurence G. Thompson
Sociology of Sport Howard L. Nixon | James H. Frey
Communication Skills in Helping Relationships Vonda Olson Long
Handbook for Ethics Robert C. Solomon
Singer's Italian: A Manual of Diction and Phonetics Evelina Colorni
Singer's Manual of German and French Diction Richard G. Cox
Mediamerica/Mediaworld, Updated Edward Jay Whetmore
Child's Rights Re-Visioned Rosalind Ekman Ladd
A Vision Unfulfilled: Russia and the Soviet Union in the Twentieth Century John M. Thompson
American Military History and the Evolution of Western Warfare Robert Doughty | Ira Gruber | Roy K. Flint | Mark Grimsley | George C. Herring | Donald D. Horward | John A. Lynn | Williamson Murray
Better Spelling: Fourteen Steps to Spelling Improvement James I. Brown | Thomas E. Pearsall
Essential English Handbook James W. Kirkland | Collett B. Dilworth, Jr.
Graded Spanish Reader: Primera etapa, Alternate Justo Ulloa | Leonor Álvarez de Ulloa
Graded Spanish Reader: Segunda etapa Justo Ulloa | Leonor Álvarez de Ulloa
Lecturas periodísticas Milton M. Azevedo
On Our Own Douglas T. Miller
Sources in American Constitutional History Michael Les Benedict
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Complete Paul S. Boyer
The Heath Introduction to Drama Jordan Y. Miller
The Making of Modern Japan Kenneth B. Pyle
The National Idea in Eastern Europe: The Politics of Ethnic and Civic Community Gerasimos Augustinos
Theories and Systems of Psychology Arthur Bohart
Warfare in the Western World: Military Operations from 1600 to 1871, Volume I Robert Doughty | Ira Gruber | Roy K. Flint | Mark Grimsley | George C. Herring | Donald D. Horward | John A. Lynn | Williamson Murray
The Structure of Singing: System and Art of Vocal Technique Richard Miller
Twenty Questions for the Writer Jacqueline Berke | Randal Woodland
Soundings: Music in the Twentieth Century Glenn Watkins
On Piano Playing Gyorgy Sandor
Walker-McConnell Scale of Social Competence and School Adjustment, Adolescent Version Hill M. Walker | Scott R. McConnell
The Grammar of Conducting: A Comprehensive Guide to Baton Technique and Interpretation Max Rudolf
Bioethics Brendan Patrick Minogue
Ethical Theory and Social Issues: History Texts and Contemporary Readings David Theo Goldberg
Intro Music Theory Joyce R. Dorr
Listen and Sing: Lessons in Ear-Training and Sight-Singing David A. Damschroder
History of Political Theory: An Introduction to Modern Political Theory, Volume 2 George Klosko
Alcoholism Treatment Katherine van Wormer
American Government: Politics and Political Culture William Lyons | John M. Scheb, II, Ph.D. | Lilliard Richardson
Biology, Ethics, and the Origins of Life Holmes Rolston, III
Child Abuse and the Legal System Inger Sagatun | Leonard Edwards
Panaché littéraire Mary J. Baker | Jean-Pierre Cauvin
Devel Thematic Units Diane D. Allen | Mary L. Piersma
Counseling Research and Program Evaluation Robert G. Hadley | Lynda K. Mitchell
Rückblick: Texte und Bilder nach 1945 Andreas Lixl-Purcell
Émotions Susan Purdy
Controversies in International Relations Theory: Realism and the Neoliberal Challenge Charles W. Kegley Jr.
Rights and the Common Good: The Communitarian Perspective Amitai Etzioni
The Balinese J. Stephen Lansing
College Vocabulary Skills James F. Shepherd
Teaching Young Adult Lit Jean E. Brown | Elaine C. Stephens
Spanish for Oral and Written Review Mario Iglesias | Walter Meiden
Toward a Social History of Archaeology in the United States Thomas C. Patterson
Aging in a Changing Society James A. Thorson
English Romantic Writers David Perkins
Morality and the Meaning of Life: An Introduction to Ethical Theory Joseph Ellin
Seeing Both Sides: Classic Controversies in Abnormal Psychology Scott O. Lilienfeld
Awatimarka: The Ethnoarchaeology of an Andean Herding Community Lawrence A. Kuznar
Strat f/Rslv Indiv or Fam Probs Fred W. Vondracek | Sherry Corneal
Problem of Pornography Susan Dwyer
Close Relationships Susan Hendrick
Organized Crime in America Dennis Jay Kenney | James O. Finckenauer
Human Motivation Russell G. Geen
Power of Art Richard L. Lewis | Susan Ingalls Lewis
Foundations of Music Education Harold F. Abeles | Charles Hoffer | Robert H. Klotman
Correct Writing Eugenia Butler
Major Problems in the History of the Italian Renaissance Benjamin G. Kohl | Alison A. Smith
Mejor Dicho Carmen Garcia | Emily Spinelli
Soviet Communism from Reform to Collapse Robert V. Daniels
The Western Tradition, Volume I: From the Ancient World to Louis XIV Eugen Weber
The Western Tradition: From the Renaissance to the Present, Volume II Eugen Weber
Residential Treatment of Adolescents and Children John Stein
Listening to Movies: A Film Lover's Guide to Film Music Karlin
America's Obsession: Sports and Society Since 1945 Richard O. Davies
Autism in Children & Adults Johnny L. Matson
From Messianism to Collapse: Soviet Foreign Policy 1917-1991 David MacKenzie
Public Policy in America: Government in Action Dennis J. Palumbo
How to Be a More Successful Language Learner Joan Rubin | Irene Thompson
Introduction to the Creation of Electroacoustic Music Samuel Pellman
From Plato to Wittgentstein Daniel Kolak
Civil War Era: Historical Viewpoints Eugene H. Berwanger
Discovery of Poetry Frances Mayes
English 2200 with Writing Applications: A Programmed Course in Grammar and Usage Joseph C. Blumenthal
English 2600 with Writing Applications: A Programmed Course in Grammar and Usage Joseph C. Blumenthal
English 3200 with Writing Applications: A Programmed Course in Grammar and Usage Joseph C. Blumenthal
Imperial Dreams/Harsh Realities: Tsarist Russian Foreign Policy, 1815-1917 David MacKenzie
Inside Today's Home Luann Nissen | Ray Faulkner | Sarah Faulkner
Mainstream of Civilization Stanley Chodorow | MacGregor Knox | Conrad Schirokauer | Joseph R. Strayer | Hans W. Gatzke
Persuasive Communication Erwin P. Bettinghaus | Michael J. Cody
Statistics William Hays
Writing Poetry Barbara Drake
Patronage: An American Tradition Anne Freedman
Basics of Music: Opus 1 Michael Zinn | Robert Hogenson
Integration of Social Work Practice Ruth Parsons | James D. Jorgensen | Santos H. Hernandez
Design Through Discovery: An Introduction Marjorie Elliott Bevlin
Design Through Discovery: The Elements and Principles Marjorie Elliott Bevlin
American Government: People, Institutions, and Policies Paul E. Johnson | John H. Aldrich | G. Miller
Practical Strategies for Critical Thinking Jan Rehner
The United States in the World: A History of American Foreign Policy, Volume II H.W. Brands
Social Policy: Institutional Context of Social Development and Human Services Demetrius S. Iatridis
Temas: Invitación a la literatura hispánica  María Estrella Iglesias | Christopher Maurer
Anthropology & Race Eugenia Shanklin
Integrating Soc Welfare Policy & Soc Wrk Prac Kathleen McInnis-Dittrich
Business Enterprise in American History Mansel G. Blackford | K. Austin Kerr
Sociological Spirit: Critical Essays in a Critical Science Earl R. Babbie
American Pageant: History of the Republic Thomas A. Bailey
Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia James Cracraft
Peoples of Color in the American West Sucheng Chan | Douglas Henry Daniels | Mario T. Garcia | Terry P. Wilson
The American Spirit, Volume I Thomas A. Bailey | David M. Kennedy
The American Spirit, Volume II Thomas A. Bailey | David M. Kennedy
Basic Italian Charles Speroni | Carlo L. Golino | Barbara Caiti
American Democracy Lewis Lipsitz | David Speak
Training Tenor Voices Richard Miller
Music Since 1945: Issues, Materials, and Literature Elliott Schwartz | Daniel Godfrey
American Government: Readings on Continuity and Change Robert Harmel
Art in the World Stella Pandella Russel
French for Oral and Written Review Charles Carlut | Walter Meiden
The National Experience: A History of the United States John M. Blum | William S. McFeely | Edmund S. Morgan | Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. | Kenneth M. Stampp | C. Vann Woodward
Alternatives to Imprisonment in Comparative Perspective (Cloth Edition) Uglijesa Zvekic | Anna del Frate
Classics of Modern Fiction Irving Howe
Literacy Instruction in Multicultural Settings Katherine H. Au
Supreme Court in the Federal Judicial System Stephen L. Wasby
An Intellectual History of Modern Europe Marvin Perry
Energy Politics Daniel Cochece Davis | David Howard Davis
Inventing Reality: The Politics of News Media Michael Parenti
One World of Literature Shirley Geok-lin Lim | Norman Spencer
Past Speaks: Sources and Problems in English History, Vol. 1: To 1688 Lacey Baldwin Smith | Jean Reeder Smith
Slavery in American Society Lawrence B. Goodheart | Richard D. Brown | Stephen G. Rabe
The Coming of the American Civil War Michael Perman
The Great Republic: A History of the American People: 1820 to 1920  Bernard Bailyn | Robert Dallek | David Brion Davis | David Herbert Donald | John L. Thomas | Gordon S. Wood
The Past Speaks: Sources and Problems in British History, Volume II: Since 1688 Walter L. Arnstein
Modal and Tonal Counterpoint: From Josquin to Stravinsky Harold Owen
Town and Country in Locorotondo Anthony H. Galt
Amish Children: Education in the Family, School, and Community John A. Hoestetler | Gertrude E. Huntington
Ethics: Problems and Principles John Martin Fischer | Mark Ravizza
Nazare: Women & Men in a Prebureaucratic Portuguese Fishing Village Frederik Chr. Brogger
The Ojibwa of Berens River, Manitoba: Ethnography into History Irving A. Hallowell | Jennifer S. H. Brown
To Believe or Not to Believe: Readings in the Philosophy of Religion E.D. Klemke
To Read Literature Donald Hall
Piano for the Developing Musician, Volume II Martha Hilley | Lynn Freeman Olson
Social Agency Policy, 2nd John Flynn
Make-Believe Media: The Politics of Entertainment Michael Parenti
Language Howard Giles | Nikolas Coupland
American Government  James Q. Wilson
Graded French Reader: Deuxième & Étape Camille Bauer
Graded German Reader: Erste Stufe Hannelore Crossgrove | William C. Crossgrove
Major Problems in American Constitutional History: Documents and Essays, Volume I Kermit L. Hall | Thomas G. Paterson
Major Problems in American Constitutional History: Volume II: From 1870 to the Present Kermit L. Hall
Major Problems in the Early Republic, 1787-1848: Documents and Essays Sean Wilentz | Thomas G. Paterson
Reformation Europe: Age of Reform and Revolution De Lamar Jensen
Renaissance Europe: Age of Recovery and Reconciliation De Lamar Jensen
Roman Society: A Social, Economic, and Cultural History Henry C. Boren
The Great Republic: A History of the American People, Volume I Bernard Bailyn | Robert Dallek | David Brion Davis | David Herbert Donald | John L. Thomas | Gordon S. Wood
World War II Roots and Causes Keith Eubank
Becoming a Master Student (Spanish) Dave Ellis
Social Influence John C. Turner
Men in Arms: A History of Warfare and Its Interrelationships with Western Society, 5th Richard Preston | Alex Roland | Sydney F. Wise
Friend by Day, Enemy by Night: Organized Vengeance in a Kohistani Community Lincoln Keiser
A History of England, Volume I, to 1714, 4th Stuart E. Prall | David Wilson
Images of Women in Literature Mary Anne Ferguson | Jean Ferguson Carr
Continuity of Change Melvin I. Urofsky
1492: Discovery, Invasion, Encounter: Sources and Interpretations Marvin Lunenfeld
Graded Italian Reader: Prima tappa Vincenzo Cioffari | Angelina Grimaldi Cioffari
Peter the Great Transforms Russia James Cracraft
Thinking about Social Problems Robert Henshel
Persp on Use of Non-Avers & Avers Interv Alan C. Repp | Nirbhay N. Singh
Decouverte Et Creation  Gerard Jian | Ralph Hester
Survey Research Methods Earl R. Babbie
The Zinacantecos of Mexico: A Modern Maya Way of Life Evon Z. Vogt
Life under the Tropical Canopy: Tradition and Change among the Yucatec Maya Ellen R. Kintz
Statistics and Data Analysis for Social Workers John L. Craft
The Russian Revolution and Bolshevik Victory: Visions and Revisions Ronald Grigor Suny | Arthur E. Adams
Programmed Ear Training: Intervals and Melody and Rhythm Leo Horacek | Gerald Lefkoff
The Complete Poetry and Prose of Geoffrey Chaucer John H. Fisher
Changing Lives: Women in European History Since 1700 Bonnie G. Smith
Exploring Religion Roger Schmidt
Insights on American History, Volume II Norman Risjord | Thomas J. Archdeacon | Alan G. Bogue | Paul S. Boyer | Charles L. Cohen | John M. Cooper | J. Roger Hollingsworth
Reading and Writing about Short Fiction Dennis Proffitt
Classics of Western Thought Series: Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation, Volume II Karl F. Thompson (Editor)
Classics of Western Thought Series: The Ancient World, Volume I Donald S. Gochberg (Editor)
Classics of Western Thought Series: The Modern World, Volume III Edgar F. Knoebel (Editor)
The Tiwi of North Australia C.W. M. Hart | Arnold R. Pilling | Jane C. Goodale
The Trobrianders of Papua New Guinea Annette B. Weiner
The Wadsworth Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer | Larry D. Benson | Robert A. Pratt | F.N. Robinson
The Swazi: A South African Kingdom Hilda Kuper
Political Theory James Wiser
The Wadsworth Anthology of Children's Literature Judith Saltman
Music in the Western World: A History in Documents Piero Weiss | Richard Taruskin
Graded Italian Reader: Seconda tappa Vincenzo Cioffari | Angelina Grimaldi Cioffari
Art of Drawing Bernard Chaet
The Mbuti Pygmies: Change and Adaptation Colin M. Turnbull
Modern China and Japan: Brief History Conrad Schirokauer
Introduction to Personality and Psychotherapy: A Theory-Construction Approach Joseph F. Rychlak
Lakota of the Rosebud: A Contemporary Adaptation Elizabeth Grobsmith
Mainstreams of Art John Canaday
The Founding of the Democratic Republic Martin Diamond
Gopalpur: A South Indian Village (Field Edition) Alan R. Beals
Participant Observation Spradley
Form in Tonal Music: An Introduction to Analysis Douglass Green
The Ethnographic Interview Spradley
Singing in French: A Manual of French Diction and French Vocal Repertoire Thomas Grubb
Quasi-Experimentation: Design and Analysis Issues for Field Settings Thomas D. Cook
The Cheyennes: Indians of the Great Plains E. Adamson Hoebel
You & Me Gerard Egan
Understanding Poetry Cleanth Brooks | Robert Penn Warren
Interpersonal Living: A Skills/Contract Approach to Human Relations Training in Groups Gerard Egan
A History of Western Philosophy: Kant and the Nineteenth Century, Revised, Volume IV W.T. Jones | Robert J. Fogelin
Art in America: A Brief History Richard McLanathan
A Survey of Choral Music Homer Ulrich
Face to Face: The Small-Group Experience and Interpersonal Growth Gerard Egan
Key Issues in the Afro-American Experience, Volume I to 1877 Martin Kilson | Daniel M. Fox
Hindu Religious Tradition Thomas J. Hopkins
A History of Western Philosophy: Hobbes to Hume, Volume III W.T. Jones | Robert J. Fogelin
A History of Western Philosophy: The Clasic Mind, Volume I W.T. Jones | Robert J. Fogelin
A History of Western Philosophy: The Medieval Mind, Volume II W.T. Jones | Robert J. Fogelin
Hano: The Tewa Indian Community in Arizona Edward P. Dozier
KIP - The Igbo of Southeast Nigeria Victor C. Uchendu
The Singer's Manual of English Diction Madeline Marshall
Certification Exam Review For Dental Assisting: Prepare, Practice and Pass! Melissa D. Campbell
Quality Medical Editing for the Healthcare Documentation Specialist Patricia A. Ireland | Kristin Wall
Microbiology: Practical Applications and Infection Prevention Bruce J. Colbert | Luis Gonzalez III
Sports Medicine Essentials: Core Concepts in Athletic Training & Fitness Instruction Jim Clover
Anatomy & Physiology for Speech, Language, and Hearing J. Anthony Seikel, Ph.D. | Douglas W. King, Ph.D. | David G. Drumright, B.S.
Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices Michelle A. Green | Mary Jo Bowie
2015 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office Alice Covell
Medical Language: Focus on Terminology Marie A. Moisio, MA, RHIA | Elmer W. Moisio
Medical Billing 101 Crystal Clack | Linda Renfroe | Michelle M. Rimmer, CHI
Medical Billing 101 (Book Only) Michelle M. Rimmer, CHI
Understanding Hospital Coding and Billing: A Worktext Marsha S. Diamond, CPC, CPC-H
Professional Review Guide for the CCS Examinations, 2015 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS-P Examination, 2015 Edition  Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the RHIA and RHIT Examinations, 2015 Edition Patricia Schnering
Legal and Ethical Aspects of Health Information Management Dana C. McWay
The Pharmacy Technician: A Comprehensive Approach Jahangir Moini
Human Development and Performance Throughout the Lifespan Anne Cronin, PhD, OTR/L | Mary Beth Mandich, PT, PhD
Treatment Resource Manual for Speech Language Pathology Froma P. Roth, Ph.D. | Colleen K. Worthington, M.S.
3,2,1 Code It! (with Cengage Demo Printed Access Card) Michelle A. Green
Dosage Calculations: A Ratio-Proportion Approach Gloria D. Pickar, RN, EdD | Amy Pickar Abernethy, MD
Homemaker Home Health Aide Suzann Balduzzi, RN, BSN, MSED
Introduction to Health Behaviors: A Guide for Managers, Practitioners & Educators Marietta Orlowski
Introduction to Health Promotion & Behavioral Science in Public Health Hala Madanat | Elva Arredondo | Guadalupe X. Ayala
Nursing Assistant: A Nursing Process Approach Barbara Acello | Barbara Hegner
Nursing Assistant: A Nursing Process Approach - On the Job: Essentials of Nursing Assisting Barbara Acello | Barbara Hegner
Evaluation and Management Coding Advisor Optum
2015 ICD-10-PCS Quick Reference Cards Optum
Understanding ICD-9-CM Coding: A Worktext Mary Jo Bowie | Regina M. Schaffer
Official CPC Certification Study Guide American Academy of Professional Coders
Coder's Desk Reference for Procedure Optum
Coders' Dictionary, 2015 Optum
Coding Companion for Pediatrics 2015 Optum
Current Procedural Coding Expert Optum
HCPCS Level II Expert - 2015 Optum
HCPCS Level II Professional - 2015 Optum
Procedural Cross Coder Optum
Understanding Modifiers Optum
Coding from the Operative Report for ICD-10-CM and PCS, 2015 Optum
Detailed Instruction for Appropriate ICD-10-CM Coding, 2015 Optum
ICD-9-CM Expert for Skilled Nursing, Inpatient, Rehabilitation Services, and Hospices Optum
DRG Desk Reference for ICD-9-CM, 2015 Optum
2015 CPT Standard Edition Optum
ICD-10-CM Professional for Hospitals 2015 Optum
CPT Professional Edition, 2015 Optum
Detailed Instruction for Appropriate ICD-10-PCS Coding, 2015 Optum
ICD-10-CM Expert for Physicians Draft 2015 Optum
Insurance Directory, 2015 Optum
ICD-10-CM Professional for Physicians Draft, 2015 Optum
DRG Expert for ICD-9-CM, 2015 Optum
ICD-9-CM Expert for Home Health & Hospices VOL 1, 2, and 3, 2015 Optum
ICD10PCS Expert Draft, 2015 Optum
ICD-9-CM Expert for Hospitals and Payers VOL. 1, 2 & 3, 2015 Optum
ICD-9-CM Professional For Hospitals Volumes 1, 2, and 3, 2015 Optum
ICD-9-CM Professional for Physicians Volumes 1, 2, & 3, 2015 Optum
From Backpack to Briefcase: Professional Development in Health Care Administration Michael R. Meacham
ICD-9-CM Expert for Physicians VOL 1 & 2, 2015 Optum
Coders' Desk Reference for HCPCS Level II, 2015 Optum
Comprehensive Anatomy and Physiology for ICD-10-CM and -PCS Coding, 2015 Optum
Comprehensive Perinatal & Pediatric Respiratory Care Kent Whitaker | Paul Eberle | Lisa Trujillo
2014 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office Alice Covell
Equipment Theory for Respiratory Care Gary White, MEd, RRT, CPFT
The Paperless Medical Office: Using Optum PM and Physician EMR Optum | Virginia Ferrari, M.H.A. | Michelle Heller, CMA (AAMA), RMA
Essentials of Pharmacology for Health Professions Ruth Woodrow | Bruce J. Colbert | David M. Smith
2014 ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Workbook Mary Jo Bowie | Gail Smith
Basic Allied Health Statistics and Analysis Gerda Koch
Respiratory Care Sciences: An Integrated Approach William V. Wojciechowski
Foundations of Aural Rehabilitation: Children, Adults, and Their Family Members Nancy Tye-Murray
Principles of Radiographic Positioning and Procedures Pocket Guide Richard Carlton | Joanne S. Greathouse | Arlene McKenna Adler
Professional Review Guide for CCS-P Exam, 2014 Edition Patricia Schnering
Introduction to Medical Terminology Ann Ehrlich | Carol L. Schroeder
Professional Review Guide for CCS Exam, 2014 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCA Examination, 2014 Edition Patricia Schnering
Forrest General Medical Center Advanced Medical Transcription Course Donna L. Conerly-Stewart | Patricia A. Ireland
Professional Review Guide for the RHIA and RHIT Examinations, 2014 Edition with Premium Website Printed Access Card Patricia Schnering
Understanding Procedural Coding: A Worktext Mary Jo Bowie
2014 Educational ICD-9-CM Volume 1, 2 & 3 & HCPCS Level II Optum
Dental Office Management Cindy Lamkin
Clinical Anatomy & Physiology of the Swallow Mechanism Kim Corbin-Lewis, Ph.D., CCC-SLP | Julie M. Liss, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Understanding Health Insurance: A Guide to Billing and Reimbursement Michelle A. Green
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Anita A. Lambert
Delmar's Complete Review for NCLEX-RN® Donna F. Gauwitz
The Manual of Speech Sound Disorders: A Book for Students and Clinicians Ken M. Bleile
Delmar's Guide to Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests Rick Daniels
Human Diseases Marianne Neighbors | Ruth Tannehill-Jones
Pharmacy Practice for Technicians Zachary I. Hanan | Sr. Jane M. Durgin
Curren's Math for Meds: Dosages and Solutions Anna M. Curren | Margaret Witt
Dental Assisting Instrument Guide Donna J. Phinney | Judy H. Halstead
Fundamentals of Sectional Anatomy: An Imaging Approach Denise L. Lazo
Health Politics and Policy James A. Morone | Dan Ehlke
National Fee Analyzer 2014 Optum
ICD-10-CM Expert for Hospitals Draft  Optum
Current Procedural Coding Expert — 2014 Optum
HCPCS Level II Expert — 2014 Optum
HCPCS Level II Professional — 2014  Optum
ICD-10-CM Clinical Documentation Improvement Desk Reference 2014 Optum
Official CPC Certification Study Guide American Academy of Professional Coders
Coders’ Desk Reference for HCPCS — 2014 Optum
Coders’ Dictionary — 2014 Optum
Coding and Payment Guide for Chiropractic Services — 2014 Optum
Coding Companion for Pediatrics - 2014 Optum
Current Procedural Coding Expert — 2014 Optum
E/M Fast Finder — 2014 Optum
HCPCS Level II Expert — 2014, Compact Edition Optum
Optum Learning: Facilities and Ancillary Services - 2014 Optum
Optum Learning: Understanding E/M Coding - 2014 Optum
Optum Learning: Understanding Modifiers - 2014 Optum
Procedural Cross Coder — 2014 Optum
Coders' Desk Reference for Procedures - 2014 Optum
Comprehensive Anatomy and Physiology for ICD-10-CM and - PCS Coding —2014 Optum
Detailed Instruction for Appropriate ICD-10-CM Coding — 2014 Optum
Optum Learning: Medical Billing Basics - 2014 Optum
CPT Standard - 2014 American Medical Association
CPT Professional Edition — 2014 American Medical Association
ICD-10-CM Hospitals: The Complete Official Draft Code Set 2014 Optum
DRG Desk Reference — 2014  Optum
Coders’ Desk Reference for Diagnoses — 2014 Optum
Coders’ Desk Reference for ICD-9-CM Procedures — 2014 Optum
Detailed Instruction for Appropriate ICD-10-PCS Coding - 2014 Optum
DRG Expert — 2014  Optum
ICD-9-CM Expert for Home Health and Hospice Volumes 1, 2 & 3 — 2014  Optum
ICD-9-CM Expert for Skilled Nursing Facilities, Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities and Hospices Volumes 1, 2 & 3 — 2014  Optum
Insurance Directory - 2014 Optum
ICD-9-CM Expert for Hospitals and Payers, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 — 2014 Optum
ICD-10-PCS: The Complete Official Draft Code Set (2014 Draft) Optum
DHO: Health Science Louise Simmers | Karen Simmers-Nartker | Sharon Simmers-Kobelak
ICD-10-CM: The Complete Official Draft Code Set, 2014 Optum
ICD-9-CM Standard for Hospitals, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 — 2014 Optum
ICD-9-CM Standard for Physicians, Volumes 1 & 2 — 2014 Optum
ICD-9-CM Expert for Physicians, Volumes 1 & 2 — 2014  Optum
ICD-9-CM Professional for Hospitals, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 — 2014 Optum
ICD-9-CM Professional for Physicians, Volumes 1 & 2 — 2014  Optum
Delmar's Clinical Medical Assisting Wilburta Q. Lindh | Marilyn Pooler | Carol D. Tamparo | Barbara M. Dahl
Delmar's Administrative Medical Assisting Wilburta Q. Lindh | Marilyn Pooler | Carol D. Tamparo | Barbara M. Dahl | Julie Morris
Law and Ethics for Pharmacy Technicians Jahangir Moini
Medical Transcription Projects Diane M. Gilmore
2013 ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Workbook Mary Jo Bowie | Gail Smith
Case Studies for Health Information Management Patricia Schnering | Nanette B. Sayles | Charlotte McCuen
Ethics and Issues in Contemporary Nursing Margaret A. Burkhardt | Alvita Nathaniel
2013 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office Alice Covell
Delmar Learning's Clinical Medical Assisting Pocket Guide Michelle Heller, CMA (AAMA), RMA
Adaptive Radiography with Trauma, Image Critique and Critical Thinking Quinn Carroll | Dennis Bowman
Understanding ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS: A Worktext Mary Jo Bowie | Regina M. Schaffer
Clinical Rotations Lois Thomson | Cathy Trocquet
Coding Case Studies Workbook Gail Smith
Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Competencies Wilburta Q. Lindh | Marilyn Pooler | Carol D. Tamparo | Barbara M. Dahl | Julie Morris
Cleft Palate & Craniofacial Anomalies: Effects on Speech and Resonance Ann W. Kummer
Using the Electronic Health Record in the Health Care Provider Practice Shirley Eichenwald Maki | Bonnie Petterson
A Guide to Health Insurance Billing Marie A. Moisio, MA, RHIA
Nutrition & Diet Therapy Ruth A. Roth
Body Structures and Functions Ann Senisi Scott | Elizabeth Fong
Essentials of Nursing Leadership & Management Patricia Kelly | Janice Tazbir
Today's Health Information Management: An Integrated Approach Dana C. McWay
Essentials of Nursing Leadership & Management (Book Only) Patricia Kelly | Janice Tazbir
Health Assessment and Physical Examination Mary Ellen Zator Estes
3,2,1 Code It! Michelle A. Green
Clinical Application of Mechanical Ventilation David W. Chang
Professional Review Guide for CCS-P Exam, 2013 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCA Examination, 2013 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS Examination, 2013 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the RHIA and RHIT Examinations, 2013 Edition Patricia Schnering
Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology for Communication Disorders  J. Anthony Seikel, Ph.D. | David G. Drumright, B.S. | Paula Seikel
Assisting in Long-Term Care Mary Jo Mirlenbrink Gerlach
Surgical Technology for the Surgical Technologist: A Positive Care Approach Association of Surgical Technologists
Coding and Payment Guide for Chiropractic Services - 2013 Ingenix
Current Procedural Coding Expert 2013 Ingenix
Detailed Instruction for Appropriate ICD-10-CM Coding - 2013 Ingenix
HCPCS Level II Expert 2013, Compact Edition Ingenix
HCPCS Level II Expert 2013 Ingenix
Current Procedural Coding Expert — 2013 Ingenix
Optum Learning: Facilities and Ancillary Services 2013 Ingenix
2013 Educational ICD-9-CM Volume 1, 2 & 3 & HCPCS Level II Ingenix
Coders' Dictionary 2013 Ingenix
Coders’ Desk Reference for HCPCS — 2013 Ingenix
Coding Companion for Pediatrics 2013 Ingenix
HCPCS Level II Professional 2013 Ingenix
Optum Learning: Coding from the Operative Report 2013 Ingenix
Official CPC Certification Study Guide American Academy of Professional Coders
Coders' Desk Reference for Procedures 2013 Ingenix
ICD-9-CM Expert for Home Health and Hospice Volumes 1, 2 & 3 - 2013 Ingenix
E/M Fast Finder 2013 Ingenix
Introduction to Public Health Organizations, Management, and Policy James Johnson
Professional Issues in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Rosemary Lubinski, Ed.D. | Melanie W. Hudson, M.A.
CPT Standard 2013 American Medical Association
Multi-Sector Casebook in Health Administration, Leadership, and Management James Johnson | Scott Musch
Insurance Directory — 2013 Ingenix
Head, Neck and Dental Anatomy Marjorie J. Short | Deborah Levin-Goldstein
DRG Expert 2013 Ingenix
Uniform Billing Christina D. Rizzo | Judith Fields
DRG Desk Reference 2013 Ingenix
ICD-9-CM Expert for Skilled Nursing Facilities, Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities and Hospices Volumes 1, 2 & 3 - 2013 Ingenix
Case Studies for Medical Assisting Kathryn Kalanick
CPT Professional Edition 2013 American Medical Association
ICD-9-CM Standard for Physicians, Volumes 1 & 2 - 2013 Ingenix
Delmar Learning’s Clinical Handbook for the Medical Office Michelle Heller, CMA (AAMA), RMA
ICD-9-CM Expert for Hospitals and Payers, Volumes 1, 2, & 3 - 2013 Ingenix
Coders’ Desk Reference for ICD-9-CM Procedures — 2013 Ingenix
Introduction to Epidemiology: Distribution and Determinants of Disease Caroline A. Macera | Richard Shaffer | Peggy M. Shaffer
ICD-9-CM Professional for Hospitals, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 - 2013 Ingenix
ICD-9-CM Expert for Physicians, Volumes 1 & 2 - 2013 Ingenix
ICD-9-CM Professional for Physicians, Volumes 1 & 2 - 2013 Ingenix
Comprehensive Anatomy and Physiology for ICD-10-CM & PCS Coding 2013 Ingenix
2013 Delmar Healthcare Drug Handbook George R. Spratto | Adrienne L. Woods
2013 Delmar Nurse's Drug Handbook George R. Spratto | Adrienne L. Woods
How To Get a Job in Health Care Robert H Zedlitz
2012 ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Workbook Mary Jo Bowie | Gail I. Smith
Introduction to Medical Practice Management Deborah Montone | Michelle Lenzi
Introduction to Health Care Finance and Accounting Carlene Harrison | William P. Harrison
Fundamentals of US Health Care: Principles and Perspectives Charles E. Yesalis | Robert M. Politzer, MS, Sc.D, C.A.S. | Harry Holt
Dental Assisting: A Comprehensive Approach Donna J. Phinney | Judy H. Halstead
Nursing Process: Concepts and Applications Wanda Walker Seaback
Sourcebook of Phonological Awareness Activities, Volume IV Candace L. Goldsworthy, Ph.D. | Robert A. Pieretti, Ph.D.
Administrative Medical Assisting Linda L. French | Marilyn T. Fordney
Pharmaceutical Calculations for Pharmacy Technicians: A Worktext Jahangir Moini
2012 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office Alice Covell
Medication Safety: Dispensing Drugs Without Error Kenneth R. Baker
Phlebotomy Procedures and Practices Lynn B. Hoeltke
Nursing Assistant's Survival Guide Karl Pillemer, Ph.D.
Essentials of Communication Sciences and Disorders Paul T. Fogle
Cardiopulmonary Anatomy & Physiology: Essentials of Respiratory Care Terry Des Jardins
Dental Terminology Charline M. Dofka
ICD-10-CM Diagnostic Coding System: Education, Planning and Implementation Carline Dalgleish
ICD-10: A Comprehensive Guide: Education, Planning and Implementation Carline Dalgleish
Emergency Guide for Dental Auxiliaries Debra Jennings, DMD | Janet Chernega, CDA, BS
Introduction to Healthcare Information Technology Mark Ciampa | Mark Revels
ICD-10-PCS Coding System: Education, Planning and Implementation Carline Dalgleish
Medical Terminology for Health Professions Ann Ehrlich | Carol L. Schroeder
Health Promotion in Nursing Janice A. Maville | Carolina G. Huerta
Psychosocial Occupational Therapy: An Evolving Practice Elizabeth Cara | Anne MacRae
Understanding Medical Coding: A Comprehensive Guide Sandra L. Johnson | Robin Linker
Practical Problems in Math for Health Science Careers Louise Simmers | Karen Simmers-Nartker | Sharon Simmers-Kobelak
Professional Review Guide for the CCS-P Examination, 2012 Edition Patricia Schnering
Understanding Procedural Coding: A Worktext Mary Jo Bowie | Regina M. Schaffer
Professional Review Guide for the CCA Examination, 2012 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS Examination, 2012 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the RHIA and RHIT Examinations, 2012 Edition Patricia Schnering
Medical Surgical Nursing: An Integrated Approach Lois Elain White | Gena Duncan | Wendy Baumle
Pocket Guide for Pharmacy Technicians Jahangir Moini
Clinical Research in Occupational Therapy Martin Rice | Susan K. Cutler
Understanding Health Insurance: A Guide to Billing and Reimbursement Michelle A. Green
CNA Mentoring Made Easy Karl Pillemer, Ph.D.
Leading the Way: Busy Nurses Guide to Supervision in Long-Term Care Karl Pillemer, Ph.D. | Christine Rheaume, R.N.
Maternity Nursing Care Lynna Littleton-Gibbs | Joan Engebretson
Basic Clinical Lab Competencies for Respiratory Care: An Integrated Approach Gary C. White, M.Ed., RRT, CPFT
Principles of Radiographic Imaging: An Art and A Science Richard R. Carlton | Arlene McKenna Adler
The Complete Textbook of Phlebotomy Lynn B. Hoeltke
Biology of Women Theresa Hornstein | Jeri Lynn Schweirin
Dosage Calculations Gloria D. Pickar, RN, EdD | Amy Pickar Abernethy, MD
Pharmacological Aspects of Nursing Care Bonita E. Broyles | Barry S. Reiss | Mary E. Evans
Surgical Mayo Setups Tammy Allhoff | Debbie Hinton
ICD10 CM: The Complete Official Draft Code Set (2012) Ingenix
3-2-1 Code It!: 2012 Update Michelle A. Green
Clerical and Data Management for the Pharmacy Technician Linda Quiett
Current Procedural Coding Expert 2012, Wholesaler Version Ingenix
Coding & Payment Guide for Chiropractic Services 2012 Ingenix
HCPCS Level II Professional 2012 Ingenix
Ingenix Learning: Facilities and Ancillary Services 2012 Ingenix
HCPCS Level II Expert 2012, Compact Ingenix
HCPCS Level II Expert 2012 Ingenix
ICD 10 PCS: the Complete Official Draft Code Set (2012) Ingenix
E/M Fast Finder 2012 Ingenix
Ingenix Learning: Understanding E/M Coding 2012 Ingenix
Ingenix Learning: Understanding Modifiers 2012 Ingenix
2012 Educational ICD-9-CM, Volume 1, 2, 3 and HCPCS Level II Ingenix
Coders’ Desk Reference for HCPCS 2012 Ingenix
Coders’ Dictionary 2012 Ingenix
Current Procedural Coding Expert 2012, Compact Ingenix
Official CPC Certification Study Guide American Academy of Professional Coders
Procedural Cross Coder 2012 Ingenix
Radiologic Technology at a Glance Theresa S. Reid-Paul
Ingenix Learning: Medical Billing Basics 2012 Ingenix
Coders’ Desk Reference for Procedures 2012 Ingenix
Ingenix Learning: Coding from the Operative Report 2012 Ingenix
Ingenix Learning: Coding Physicians Services 2012 Ingenix
Ingenix Learning: Comprehensive Instruction for Hospital Based Physician Services 2012 Ingenix
Basic Clinical Laboratory Techniques Barbara H. Estridge | Anna P. Reynolds
Motor Speech Disorders: Diagnosis & Treatment Donald B. Freed
Assessing and Differentiating Reading and Writing Disorders: Multidimensional Model Linda Lombardino
DRG Desk Reference 2012 Ingenix
Phlebotomy Technician Specialist Kathryn A. Kalanick
CPT Professional Edition 2012 Ingenix
DRG Documentation Deck 2012 Ingenix
CPT Standard 2012 Ingenix
Comprehensive Anatomy/Physiology for ICD-10CM Coding Ingenix
Coders' Desk Reference for Diagnoses 2012 Ingenix
Coders’ Desk Reference for ICD-9-CM Procedures 2012 Ingenix
DRG Expert 2012 Ingenix
Delmar’s Math Review Series for Health Care Professionals: The Basics of Fractions Roger Ellsbury
Foundations of Respiratory Care Kenneth A. Wyka | Paul J. Mathews | John Rutkowski
ICD-9-CM: Expert for Hospitals and Payers 2012, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 Ingenix
Respiratory Care Calculations David W. Chang
Ingenix Learning: Comprehensive Instruction in the Use of Diagnosis Codes 2012 Ingenix
ICD-9-CM: Professional for Hospitals 2012, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 Ingenix
ICD-9-CM: Standard for Hospitals 2012, Volumes 1, 2 & 3, Compact Ingenix
Insurance Directory 2012 Ingenix
ICD-9-CM: Expert for Physicians 2012, Volumes 1 & 2 Ingenix
ICD-9-CM: Expert for Home Health 2012, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 Ingenix
ICD-9-CM: Expert for Skilled Nursing Facilities, Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities and Hospices 2012 Volumes 1, 2 & 3 Ingenix
ICD-9-CM: Standard for Physicians 2012, Volumes 1 & 2, Compact Ingenix
ICD-9-CM: Professional for Physicians 2012, Volumes 1 & 2 Ingenix
Medical Assisting Administrative and Clinical Competencies Michelle Blesi | Barbara A. Wise | Cathy Kelley-Arney
Biostatistics: An Applied Introduction for the Public Health Practitioner Heather M. Bush
Ingenix University: Detailed Instruction for Appropriate ICD-10-CM Coding 2012 Ingenix
2012 Delmar Healthcare Drug Handbook George R. Spratto | Adrienne L. Woods
Delmar Nurse's Drug Handbook 2012 Edition George R. Spratto | Adrienne L. Woods
Comparative Health Information Management  Ann Peden
2011 ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Workbook Mary Jo Bowie | Gail Smith
Nursing Leadership & Management Patricia Kelly
A Guide to Clinical Assessment and Professional Report Writing in Speech-Language Pathology Cyndi Stein-Rubin | Renee Fabus
Breaking the Language Barrier: Spanish Terms and Phrases for Medical Office Personnel Sandra Marmolejo Romero
Health Care Economics Paul J. Feldstein
Pharmacology Handbook for the Surgical Technologist Jeff Feix
Counseling Skills for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Lydia V. Flasher | Paul T. Fogle
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Dr. Donald C. Rizzo
ICD-10-CM: The Complete Official Draft Code Set, 2011 Draft Ingenix
2011 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office Alice Covell
Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam Review Lorraine C. Zentz
ICD-10-PCS: The Complete Official Draft Code Set, 2011 Draft Ingenix
Contemporary Medical-Surgical Nursing Rick Daniels | Leslie H. Nicoll
Sourcebook of Phonological Awareness Activities, Volume III Children’s Classic: Literature, Grades 3 to 5 Candace L. Goldsworthy, Ph.D. | Robert A. Pieretti, Ph.D.
Language Disorders Across the LifeSpan Betsy P. Vinson
Preschool and School-Age Language Disorders Betsy P. Vinson
Capstone Simulation for Coding Stacey Mosay, RHIA CCS-P CPC-H
Clinical Decision Making: Case Studies in Medical-Surgical Nursing Gina M. Ankner
Sourcebook of Phonological Awareness Activities, Volume II: Children’s Core Literature Candace L. Goldsworthy, Ph.D.
An Integrated Approach to Health Sciences: Anatomy and Physiology, Math, Chemistry and Medical Microbiology Bruce J. Colbert | Jeff Ankney | Joe Wilson | John Havrilla
Introduction to Health Care Dakota Mitchell | Lee Haroun
Medical Coding Specialists's Exam Review-Physician Lynette Olsen, CPC, CCS-P, CPC-H
Parasitology for Medical and Clinical Laboratory Professionals John W. Ridley
Delmar's Case Study Series: Medical-Surgical Nursing Gina M. Ankner
Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children and Their Families Nicki L. Potts | Barbara L. Mandleco
Professional Review Guide for the CCS Examination, 2011 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS-P Examination, 2011 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the RHIA and RHIT Examinations, 2011 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCA Examination, 2011 Edition Patricia J. Schnering
Sourcebook of Phonological Awareness Activities, Volume I: Children's Classic Literature Candace L. Goldsworthy, Ph.D.
3-2-1 Code It! Michelle A. Green
Understanding Hospital Coding and Billing: A Worktext Marsha S. Diamond, CPC, CPC-H
Understanding ICD-9-CM Coding: A Worktext Mary Jo Bowie | Regina M. Schaffer
Shortell and Kaluzny's Healthcare Management: Organization Design and Behavior Lawton Burns | Elizabeth Bradley | Bryan Weiner
Understanding Human Behavior: A Guide for Health Care Providers Alyson Honeycutt | Mary Elizabeth Milliken
Comprehensive Exam Review for the Pharmacy Technician Jahangir Moini
Entry Level Exam Review for Respiratory Care William V. Wojciechowski
Coder's Desk Reference for HCPCS 2011 Ingenix
Coder's Dictionary 2011 Ingenix
Coding and Payment Guide for Chiropractic Services 2011 Ingenix
Ingenix Learning: Facilities & Ancillary Services 2011 Ingenix
Ingenix Learning: Understand Modifiers 2011 Ingenix
Current Procedural Coding Expert 2011, Compact Ingenix
HCPCS Level II Expert 2011 Ingenix
HCPCS Level II Expert 2011, Compact Edition Ingenix
2011 Educational ICD-9-CM Volumes 1, 2 & 3 and HCPCS Level II Ingenix
HCPCS Level II Professional 2011 Ingenix
CPC Certification Study Guide American Academy of Professional Coders | Deborah Grider | G. John Verhovshek
Ingenix Learning: Comprehensive Instruction for Hospital Based Physician Services 2011 Ingenix
Procedural Cross Coder 2011 Ingenix
Coder's Desk Reference for Procedures 2011 Ingenix
Ingenix Learning: Comprehensive Instruction in the Use of Procedure Codes 2011 Ingenix
Ingenix Learning: Understanding E/M Coding 2011 Ingenix
Ingenix Learning: Coding from the Operative Report 2011 Ingenix
Ingenix Learning: Medical Billing Basics 2011 Ingenix
After the Diagnosis: How Patients React and How to Help Them Cope Gary McClain | Michelle Buchman
Ingenix Learning: Coding Physicians Services 2011 Ingenix
E/M Fast Finder 2011 Ingenix
Coder's Desk Reference for Pediatric Diagnoses 2011 Ingenix
CPT Standard 2011 Ingenix
CPT Professional Edition 2011 American Medical Association
DRG Desk Reference 2011 Ingenix
Treatment Resource Manual for Speech Language Pathology Froma P. Roth, Ph.D. | Colleen K. Worthington, M.S.
DRG Documentation Deck 2011 Ingenix
Coder's Desk Reference for ICD-9-CM Procedures 2011 Ingenix
Flashcards for the Pharmacy Technician Jahangir Moini
ICD-10-CM Mapping Ingenix
Principles of Pharmacology for Medical Assisting Jane Rice
ICD-9-CM Expert for Hospitals, Volumes 1, 2, 3 - 2011 Ingenix
Medical Office Practice Phillip S. Atkinson | Diane R. Timme
Medication Administration Lena L. Deter
Delmar’s Math Review Series for Health Care Professionals: The Basics of Decimals Roger Ellsbury
Insurance Directory 2011 Ingenix
Ingenix Learning: Comprehensive Instruction in the Use of Diagnosis Codes 2011 Ingenix
ICD-9-CM Expert for Skilled Nursing Facilities: Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities and Hospices, Volumes 1, 2, 3 - 2011 Ingenix
ICD-9-CM Standard for Hospitals, Volumes 1, 2, 3 - 2011, Compact Ingenix
ICD-9-CM Standard for Physicians, Volumes 1 & 2 - 2011, Compact Ingenix
ICD-9-CM Expert for Physicians, Volumes 1 & 2 - 2011 Ingenix
ICD-9-CM Professional for Hospitals, Volumes 1, 2, 3 - 2011  Ingenix
ICD-9-CM Expert for Home Health Volumes 1, 2 & 3 2011 Ingenix
ICD-9-CM Professional for Physicians, Volumes 1 & 2 - 2011 Ingenix
Delmar’s Math Review Series for Health Care Professionals: The Basics of Percents Roger Ellsbury
Delmar’s Math Review Series for Health Care Professionals: The Basics of Ratio Rate and Proportion Roger Ellsbury
Getting Started in the Computerized Medical Office: Fundamentals and Practice Cindy Correa
A Guide to Health Insurance Billing Marie A. Moisio, MA, RHIA
Dental Assisting Coloring Book Donna J. Phinney | Judy H. Halstead
Ingenix Learning: Implementing ICD-10 2011 Ingenix
Concepts In Health and Wellness James Robinson III, Ed.D, FAAHE | Deborah J. McCormick, Ph.D.
Comprehensive Medical Terminology Betty Davis Jones
Essentials of Pharmacology for Health Occupations Ruth Woodrow | Bruce J. Colbert | David M. Smith
Hillcrest Medical Center: Beginning Medical Transcription Patricia A. Ireland | Carrie Stein
Understanding ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS: A Worktext Mary Jo Bowie | Regina M. Schaffer
Law, Liability, and Ethics for Medical Office Professionals Myrtle R. Flight | Michael R. Meacham
Upper Extremity Injury Evaluation CDROM and Lab Manual Dr. Douglas Mann | Colleen A. Grugan
Essentials of Clinical Laboratory Science John Ridley
Mini Guide To The Most Commonly Used Drugs George R. Spratto, PhD
2010 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office Alice Covell
Nursing Delegation, Setting Priorities, and Making Patient Care Assignments Patricia Kelly | Maureen T. Marthaler
ICD-10-CM: The Complete Official Draft Code Set, 2010 Draft Ingenix
ICD-10-PCS: The Complete Official Draft Code Set, 2010 Draft Ingenix
Medical Assisting Exam Review: Preparation for the CMA and RMA Exams J. P. Cody
Psychopharmacology Demystified Leonard Lichtblau
Understanding Procedural Coding: A Worktext Mary Jo Bowie | Regina M. Schaffer
Health Care Management and the Law: Principles and Applications Donna Hammaker
Simulation Scenarios for Nursing Education Tammy J. Hale | Patricia M. Ahlschlager
The Pharmacy Technician Jahangir Moini
Clinical Decision Making Jennifer L. Theis
Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices Michelle A. Green | Mary Jo Bowie
Mini Guide to Psychiatric Drugs George R. Spratto, PhD
Foundations of Nursing Lois Elain White | Gena Duncan | Wendy Baumle
Foundations of Adult Health Nursing Lois Elain White | Gena Duncan | Wendy Baumle
Coding Surgical Procedures: Beyond the Basics Gail I. Smith
Professional Review Guide for the CCA Examination, 2010 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the RHIA and RHIT Examinations, 2010 Edition Patricia Schnering
Fundamentals of Nursing Sue Carter DeLaune | Patricia Kelly Ladner
Professional Review Guide for the CCS Examination, 2010 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS-P Examination, 2010 Edition Patricia Schnering
Hearing Aid Handbook Jeffrey J. DiGiovanni, Ph.D., CCC-A
Foundations of Maternal & Pediatric Nursing Lois Elain White | Gena Duncan | Wendy Baumle
Foundations of Basic Nursing Lois Elain White | Gena Duncan | Wendy Baumle
NCLEX-PN Review Judith C. Miller, RN, MSN
Digital Radiography: An Introduction for Technologists Euclid Seeram
Nutrition & Diet Therapy Ruth A. Roth
Practice Questions for NCLEX-PN Judith C. Miller, RN, MSN
Transitioning From LPN/VN to RN: Moving Ahead in Your Career Gena Duncan | Rene DePew
Understanding Health Insurance: A Guide to Billing and Reimbursement Michelle A. Green | Jo Ann C. Rowell
Comprehensive Medical Assisting Exam Review: Preparation for the CMA, RMA and CMAS Exams J. P. Cody
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Noreen Cavan Frisch, PhD, RN | Lawrence E. Frisch, MD, MPH
Dosage Calculations: A Ratio-Proportion Approach Gloria D. Pickar, RN, EdD | Amy Pickar Abernethy, MD
Introduction to Sports Medicine and Athletic Training Robert C France, CSMT, RSMT
The U.S. Health System: Origins and Functions Camille K. Barsukiewicz, Ph.D. | Marshall W. Raffel, Ph.D. | Norma K. Raffel
Surgical Instrumentation Flashcards Set 1: General and Gynecological Instrumentation Nancymarie Phillips | Patricia Sedlak
Surgical Instrumentation Flashcards Set 2: Bone, Neurosurgery, and Head and Neck Instrumentation Nancymarie Phillips | Patricia Sedlak
Surgical Instrumentation Flashcards Set 3: Microsurgery, Plastic Surgery, Urology and Endoscopy Instrumentation Nancymarie Phillips | Patricia Sedlak
Coding and Payment Guide for Chiropractic Services 2010 Ingenix
Coder's Desk Reference for HCPCS 2010 Ingenix
Coder's Dictionary 2010 Ingenix
Current Procedural Coding Expert 2009  Ingenix
Current Procedural Coding Expert 2010, Compact Ingenix
E/M Fast Finder 2010 Ingenix
HCPCS Level II Expert 2010 Ingenix
HCPCS Level II Expert 2010, Compact Edition Ingenix
HCPCS Level II Professional 2010 Ingenix
Ingenix Learning: Coding For The Operative Report 2010 Ingenix
Ingenix Learning: Facilities and Ancillary Services 2010 Ingenix
Ingenix Learning: Medical Billing Basics, 2010 Ingenix
Ingenix Learning: Understanding E/M Coding, 2010 Ingenix
Ingenix Learning: Understanding Modifiers, 2010 Ingenix
2010 Educational ICD-9-CM Volumes 1, 2 & 3 & HCPCS Level II Ingenix
Procedural Cross Coder 2010 Ingenix
MDS Editor 2010 Ingenix
Ingenix Learning: Coding Physicians Services 2010 Ingenix
Coder's Desk Reference for Procedures 2010 Ingenix
Pharmacy Terminology Jahangir Moini
OASIS Editor 2010 Ingenix
Guide to Coding Compliance Joanne M. Becker
CPT Professional Edition 2010 American Medical Association
CPT Standard 2010 American Medical Association
Medical Terminology: A Programmed Systems Approach Jean Tannis Dennerll | Phyllis E. Davis
Coders’ Desk Reference for Pediatric Diagnoses 2010 Ingenix
Legal and Ethical Aspects of Health Information Management Dana C. McWay
Human Diseases Marianne Neighbors | Ruth Tannehill-Jones
Coder's Desk Reference for Diagnoses 2010 Ingenix
Coders’ Desk Reference for Cardiology Diagnoses 2010 Ingenix
DRG Desk Reference 2010 Ingenix
DRG Expert 2010, Compact Ingenix
ICD-9-CM Expert for Hospitals 2010, Volumes 1, 2, 3 Ingenix
Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology Dr. Donald C. Rizzo
Insurance Directory 2010 Ingenix
ICD-9-CM Expert for Home Health Volumes 1, 2 & 3 2010 Ingenix
ICD-9-CM Expert for Skilled Nursing Facilities, Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities and Hospices Volumes 1, 2 & 3 2010 Ingenix
ICD-9-CM Standard For Physicians 2010, Volumes 1 & 2, Compact Ingenix
Ingenix Learning: Implementing ICD-10, 2010 Ingenix
Surgical Instrumentation Nancymarie Phillips | Patricia Sedlak
The Total Practice Management Workbook: Using e-Medsys Educational Edition Gerry A. Brasin | Cecile Favreau
ICD-9-CM Expert For Physicians 2010, Volumes 1 & 2 Ingenix
ICD-9-CM Professional For Physicians2010 , Volumes 1 & 2 Ingenix
ICD-9-CM Standard for Hospitals 2010, Volumes 1, 2, 3 - Compact Ingenix
ICD-9-CM Professional For Hospitals 2010, Volumes 1, 2, 3 Ingenix
Laboratory Procedures for Pharmacy Technicians Jahangir Moini
Immunohematology for Medical Laboratory Technicians Sheryl Whitlock
Delmar's Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests Rick Daniels
The Practice Environment of Nursing Karin A. Polifko-Harris
Limited Radiography Frances Campeau | Jeana Fleitz, M.Ed., RT (R) (M)
Delmar's Guide to Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests Rick Daniels
DRG Documentation Deck 2010 (pack of 3 decks) Ingenix
Strategic Human Resources Management in Health Services Organizations S. Robert Hernandez
Dimensional Analysis for Meds Anna M. Curren
Delmar's Administrative Medical Assisting Wilburta Q. Lindh | Marilyn Pooler | Carol D. Tamparo | Barbara M. Dahl
Terminology for Health Professionals Carolee Sormunen, Ph.D
Nursing Assistant: A Nursing Process Approach - Basics Barbara Hegner | Barbara Acello | Esther Caldwell
Delmar Nurse's Drug Handbook 2010 Edition George R. Spratto | Adrienne L. Woods
Delmar's Clinical Medical Assisting Wilburta Q. Lindh | Marilyn Pooler | Carol D. Tamparo | Barbara M. Dahl
Essentials of Nursing Leadership & Management Patricia Kelly
Anatomy & Physiology for Speech, Language, and Hearing J. Anthony Seikel, Ph.D. | Douglas W. King, Ph.D. | David G. Drumright, B.S.
Athletic Training Clinical Education Guide Tim Laurent
Resistance Training For Special Populations Ann Marie Swank
Medical Speech-Language Pathology: A Desk Reference Lee Ann C. Golper, Ph.D.
Law and Ethics for Pharmacy Technicians Jahangir Moini
A Coursebook on Scientific and Professional Writing M.N. Hegde
Clinical Decision Making in Fluency Disorders Walter H. Manning, Ph.D.
Synapse EHR 1.1 An Electronic Charting Simulation Exercise Michelle Heller, CMA (AAMA), RMA
Outcomes in Coding Practice: A Roadmap from Provider to Payer Annette Butler
The Dictated Word Patricia A. Ireland | Carrie Stein
Medical Terminology for Insurance and Coding Marie A. Moisio, MA, RHIA
Health Assessment and Physical Examination Mary Ellen Zator Estes
NCLEX-RN® Review Rebecca Oglesby
2009 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office Alice Covell
Fundamental and Advanced Nursing Skills Gaylene Altman
Nurse's Mini Guide to Geriatric Drugs George R. Spratto, PhD
Nurse's Mini Guide to Pediatric Drugs George R. Spratto, PhD
Mathematics for Health Sciences: A Comprehensive Approach Joel R. Helms
Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Competencies Wilburta Q. Lindh | Marilyn Pooler | Carol D. Tamparo | Barbara M. Dahl
Therapeutic Measurement and Testing:The Basics of ROM, MMT, Posture and Gait Analysis Lisa J. Weaver | Mandy Ferg
Understanding ICD-9-CM Coding Mary Jo Bowie | Regina M. Schaffer
Coding Basics: Medical Billing and Reimbursement Fundamentals Cynthia Richards
Professional Review Guide for the CCA Examination: 2009 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS Examination: 2009 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS-P Examination: 2009 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the RHIA and RHIT Examinations: 2009 Edition Patricia Schnering
3-2-1 Code It! Michelle A. Green
Essentials of Healthcare Compliance Shelley C. Safian
Fluids and Electrolytes with Clinical Applications Joyce LeFever Kee, RN, MS | Betty J. Paulanka, EdD, RN | Carolee Polek
Clinical Audiology: An Introduction Brad A. Stach, Ph.D.
Coding Basics: Understanding Medical Collections  Michelle M. Rimmer, CHI
Principles of Public Health Practice F. Douglas Scutchfield | William Keck
Unique Considerations of the Female Athlete Michael Brunet
Physical Therapy Aide: A Worktext Roberta C. Weiss
Understanding Workers' Compensation Insurance Sandy D. Moore
The Medical Manager Student Edition, Version 10.31 David Fitzpatrick
Ethics Case Studies for Health Information Management Leah Grebner, MS, RHIA, CCS
Fundamental Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians Jahangir Moini
Clinical Medical Assisting: A Professional, Field Smart Approach to the Workplace Michelle Heller, CMA (AAMA), RMA | Lynette Veach, MLT (ASCP)
Assessment in Speech-Language Pathology: A Resource Manual Kenneth G. Shipley Ph.D. | Julie G. McAfee M.A.
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Applied Psychology In Health Care Donnie J. Wilbanks
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Math for Meds: Dosages and Solutions Anna M. Curren
Clinical Companion for Pediatric Nursing Bonita E. Broyles
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Body Structures and Functions Ann Scott | Elizabeth Fong
2009 Edition Delmar's Nurse's Drug Handbook George R. Spratto | Adrienne L. Woods
Medical Terminology for Health Professions  Ann Ehrlich | Carol L. Schroeder
Introduction to Medical Terminology Ann Ehrlich | Carol L. Schroeder
Foundations of Aural Rehabilitation: Children, Adults, and Their Family Members Nancy Tye-Murray
FASCIA: Clinical Applications for Health and Human Performance Dr. Mark Lindsay
Introduction to Health Science Technology Louise Simmers
Mathematics for Medical and Clinical Laboratory Professionals Joel R. Helms
Diversified Health Occupations Louise Simmers
Health Politics and Policy James A. Morone | Theodor J. Litman | Leonard S. Robins
2008 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office Alice Covell
Basic Allied Health Statistics and Analysis Gerda Koch
Hearing Aid Handbook: 2008-2009 Jeffrey J. DiGiovanni, Ph.D., CCC-A
Understanding Procedural Coding: A Worktext Mary Jo Bowie | Regina M. Schaffer
HIPAA for Health Care Professionals Carole Krager | Dan Krager
Coding for Medical Necessity in the Physician's Office Deborah Kelly-Farwell | Cecile Favreau
Surgical Technology for the Surgical Technologist: A Positive Care Approach Association of Surgical Technologists
Professional Review Guide for the CCS Examination, 2008 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS-P Examination, 2008 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCA Examination, 2008 Edition Patricia Schnering
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Psychiatric Nursing: Biological & Behavioral Concepts Deborah Antai-Otong
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Foundations of Communication Sciences and Disorders Paul T. Fogle
A Handbook on Stuttering Oliver Bloodstein | Nan Bernstein Ratner
Delmar's Case Study Series: Medical-Surgical Nursing Gina M. Ankner
Introduction to Health Services Stephen J. Williams | Paul R. Torrens
Case Studies for Health Information Management Charlotte McCuen | Nanette B. Sayles | Patricia Schnering
Applying Coding Concepts: Encoder Workbook Deborah Eid
Ethics and Issues in Contemporary Nursing Margaret A. Burkhardt | Alvita Nathaniel
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Health Unit Coordinator: A Guide for Certification Review and Job Readiness Donna J. Kuhns | Patricia Noonan Rice | Linda L. Winslow
Dental Assisting: A Comprehensive Approach Donna J. Phinney | Judy H. Halstead
Today's Health Information Management: An Integrated Approach  Dana C. McWay
Advanced Pharmacy Practice for Technicians Anita A. Lambert
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Cleft Palate & Craniofacial Anomalies: Effects on Speech and Resonance Ann W. Kummer
Medical Billing 101 Michelle M. Rimmer, CHI
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Nursing Assistant: A Nursing Process Approach Barbara Hegner | Barbara Acello | Esther Caldwell
Working Safely in Health Care: A Practical Guide Deborah Fell-Carlson
Health Promotion in Nursing Janice A. Maville | Carolina G. Huerta
Hegde's PocketGuide to Assessment in Speech-Language Pathology M.N. Hegde
Hegde's PocketGuide to Communication Disorders M.N. Hegde
Hegde's PocketGuide to Treatment in Speech-Language Pathology M.N. Hegde
Nursing Assistant: A Nursing Process Approach Barbara Hegner | Barbara Acello | Esther Caldwell
Medical Terminology: A Student-Centered Approach Marie A. Moisio, MA, RHIA | Elmer W. Moisio
On the Job: The Essentials of Nursing Assisting Barbara Hegner | Barbara Acello
Basic Clinical Laboratory Techniques Barbara H. Estridge | Anna P. Reynolds
Dosage Calculations Gloria D. Pickar, RN, EdD
Assessment & Intervention for Communication Disorders in Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Populations Henriette W. Langdon
Kinesiology Foundations for OTAs Daniel C. Snyder | LeAnne M. Conner | Gregory F. Lorenz
Essentials of Medical Terminology Juanita J. Davies
Sports Medicine Essentials: Core Concepts in Athletic Training & Fitness Instruction Jim Clover
Anatomy and Physiology of Hearing for Audiologists William W. Clark | Kevin K. Ohlemiller
Pocket Guide for Pharmacy Technicians Jahangir Moini
Home Care Nursing: Using an Accreditation Approach Patsy Anderson | Deolinda Mignor
Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Competencies Lucille Keir | Barbara A. Wise | Connie Krebs | Cathy Kelley-Arney
Delmar's Medical-Surgical Nursing Care Plans Shielda Rodgers
The International Guide to Speech Acquisition Sharynne McLeod
Eliciting Sounds: Techniques and Strategies for Clinicians Wayne A. Secord | Suzanne E. Boyce | JoAnn S. Donohue | Robert A. Fox | Richard E. Shine
Medical Practice Management System Linda Nadeau
Concepts of the Nursing Profession Karin A. Polifko-Harris
Clinical Decision Making: Case Studies in Medical-Surgical Nursing Gina M. Ankner
Correct Coding for Medicare, Compliance, and Reimbursement Belinda S. Frisch
Contemporary Medical-Surgical Nursing Rick Daniels | Laura Nosek | Leslie H. Nicoll
Dental Terminology Charline M. Dofka
Dental Assisting Instrument Guide Donna J. Phinney | Judy H. Halstead
3-2-1 Code It! Michelle A. Green
Professional Issues in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Rosemary Lubinski, Ed.D. | Lee Ann C. Golper, Ph.D. | Carol Frattali, Ph.D.
Phlebotomy Technician Specialist: Certification Exam Review Kathryn A. Kalanick
Practice Questions for NCLEX-RN® Donna F. Gauwitz
Clinical Decision Making: Case Studies in Psychiatric Nursing Betty Kehl Richardson
Dementia Care: InService Training Modules for Long-Term Care Jackie Nasso | Lisa Celia
Radiography in a Flash Sharon K. Coleman | Cynthia F. Griffith | Judy D. Wells | Angie L. Wilcox
Clinical Decision Making: Case Studies in Pharmacology Hyacinth C. Martin
Pharmacology and Ototoxicity for Audiologists Kathleen C. M. Campbell
Medical Terminology Made Easy Jean M. Dennerll
Dosage Calculations: A Ratio-Proportion Approach Gloria D. Pickar, RN, EdD
Occupational Therapy: What It Is and How It Works William Matthew Marcil
Client-Centered Care for Clinical Medical Assisting Victoria R. Koprucki
Competency Exam Prep and Review for Nursing Assistants Barbara Acello
Ethics for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists: An Illustrative Casebook David L. Irwin | Mary Pannbacker | Thomas W. Powell | Gay T. Vekovius
Basic Infection Control for Healthcare Providers Michael Kennamer
Introduction to Health Care Joyce Mitchell, RN, MSN, MBA | Lee Haroun
Assisting in Long-Term Care Barbara Hegner | Mary Jo Mirlenbrink Gerlach
Illustrated Guide to Medical Terminology Juanita J. Davies
Nutrition & Diet Therapy Ruth A. Roth
Pharmacological Aspects of Nursing Care Bonita E. Broyles | Barry S. Reiss | Mary E. Evans
Pediatric Nurse's Survival Guide Lisa M. Rebeschi | Mary L. Heiens Brown
Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children and Their Families Nicki L. Potts | Barbara L. Mandleco
Advanced Skills for Health Care Providers Barbara Acello
Language Disorders Across the Lifespan Betsy P. Vinson
Ethics, Legal Issues and Professionalism in Surgical Technology Julia A. Jackson
Understanding Hospital Coding and Billing: A Worktext Marsha S. Diamond, CPC, CPC-H
Pharmaceutical Calculations for Pharmacy Technicians: A Worktext Jahangir Moini
Understanding Medical Coding: A Comprehensive Guide Sandra L. Johnson
Nursing Leadership and Management: A Practical Guide Patricia Carroll
A Guide to Health Insurance Billing Marie A. Moisio, MA, RHIA
Medical Assisting: Administrative & Clinical Competencies 2006 Update Lucille Keir | Barbara A. Wise | Connie Krebs
Compression for Clinicians Theodore H. Venema
Introduction to Language Development Scott F. McLaughlin
Radiographic Positioning & Procedures: A Comprehensive Approach Joanne S. Greathouse
Understanding ICD-9-CM Coding Mary Jo Bowie | Regina M. Schaffer
Phlebotomy: Procedures and Practices Lynn B. Hoeltke
Fundamentals of Nursing: Standards and Practice Sue Carter DeLaune | Patricia Kelly Ladner
The Complete Textbook of Phlebotomy Lynn B. Hoeltke
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Delmar's Administrative Medical Assisting Wilburta Q. Lindh | Marilyn S. Pooler | Carol D. Tamparo | Barbara M. Dahl
Delmar's Clinical Medical Assisting Wilburta Q. Lindh | Marilyn S. Pooler | Carol D. Tamparo | Barbara M. Dahl
Principles of Radiographic Imaging: An Art and a Science Richard R. Carlton | Arlene McKenna Adler
A Coursebook on Aphasia and Other Neurogenic Language Disorders M.N. Hegde
Grammar and Writing Skills for the Health Professional Lorraine Villemaire | Doreen Villemaire
Intravenous Infusion Therapy for Medical Assistants American Association for Medical Assistants | Dianne L. Josephson, RN, MSN
Health Care Management: Organization Design and Behavior Stephen M. Shortell | Arnold D. Kaluzny
Surgical Anatomy and Physiology for the Surgical Technologist Kevin B. Frey | Paul Price
Exploring Health Careers Maureen McCutcheon | Mary Phillips
Medical Coding Specialist's Exam Review: Hospital Lynette Olsen, CPC, CCS-P, CPC-H
Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology Dr. Donald C. Rizzo
Avoiding Falls: A Guidebook for Certified Nursing Assistants Rein Tideiksaar
Clinical Application of Mechanical Ventilation David W. Chang
Pathology and Microbiology for Mortuary Science David F. Mullins
Pharmacology Handbook for Surgical Technologists Jeff Feix
Nursing Process: Concepts and Application Wanda Walker Seaback
Workplace Readiness for Health Occupations Bruce J. Colbert
Respiratory Care Sciences: An Integrated Approach William V. Wojciechowski
Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Competencies Wilburta Q. Lindh | Marilyn S. Pooler | Carol D. Tamparo | Barbara M. Dahl
Research and Statistical Methods in Communication Sciences and Disorders David L. Maxwell | Eiki Satake
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Delmar's Medical Assisting Exam Review: Preparation for the CMA, RMA, and CMAS Exams J. P. Cody | Cathy Kelley-Arney
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Principles of Radiographic Positioning and Procedures Pocketguide Richard Carlton
Materials and Procedures for Today’s Dental Assistant Ellen Dietz-Bourguignon
Dimensional Analysis for Meds Anna M. Curren
Ethics of Health Care: A Guide for Clinical Practice Raymond S. Edge | John Randall Groves
Clinical Calculations: A Unified Approach Joanne M. Daniels | Loretta M. Smith
Health Assessment & Physical Examination Mary Ellen Zator Estes
Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary, Revised Edition Merriam-Webster
Principles of Pharmacology for Medical Assisting Jane Rice
Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary, Revised Edition Merriam-Webster
Medical Terminology: A Programmed Systems Approach Revised Jean M. Dennerll
Treatment Resource Manual for Speech-Language Pathology Froma P. Roth, Ph.D. | Colleen K. Worthington, M.S.
Pediatric Nursing Skills and Procedures Barbara L. Mandleco
Anatomy and Physiology for Speech, Language, and Hearing  J. Anthony Seikel, Ph.D. | Douglas W. King, Ph.D. | David G. Drumright, B.S.
The Child and Adolescent Stuttering Treatment and Activity Resource Guide Peter R. Ramig | Darrell M. Dodge
Getting Started in the Computerized Medical Office: Fundamentals and Practice Cindy Correa
Health Unit Coordinator: 21st Century Professional Donna J. Kuhns | Patricia Noonan Rice | Linda L. Winslow
The Continuum of Long-Term Care Connie Evashwick, ScD
Comprehensive Exam Review for the Pharmacy Technician Jahangir Moini
NCLEX-RN Review Alice M. Stein. EdD, RN
The Pharmacy Technician: A Comprehensive Approach Jahangir Moini
Clinical Anatomy & Physiology of the Swallow Mechanism Kim Corbin-Lewis, Ph.D., CCC-SLP | Julie M. Liss, Ph.D., CCC-SLP | Kellie Sciortino, Ph.D.
Communication Sciences Student Survival Guide NSSLHA
Medical Coding Specialist's Exam Review Physician Lynette Olsen, CPC, CCS-P, CPC-H
Cerebral Palsy Resource Guide for Speech-Language Pathologists Marilyn Seif Workinger
Maternity Nursing Care Lynna Littleton-Gibbs | Joan Engebretson
Transitioning from LPN/VN to RN: Moving Ahead in Your Career Gena Duncan | Rene DePew
Sound Field Amplification: Applications to Speech Perception and Classroom Acoustics Carl C. Crandell, Ph.D. | Carol Flexer, Ph.D. | Joseph J. Smaldino, Ph.D.
Fundamentals of Sectional Anatomy: An Imaging Approach Denise L. Lazo
Comparative Records for Health Information Management Ann Peden
Equipment Theory for Respiratory Care Gary White, MEd, RRT, CPFT
Human Development and Performance Throughout the Lifespan Anne Cronin, PhD, OTR/L | Mary Beth Mandich, PT, PhD
Math for Health Care Professionals Trisha Kennamer
Math for Health Care Professionals Michael Kennamer
Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices Michelle A. Green | Mary Jo Bowie
Delmar's Pediatric Nursing Care Plans Karla Luxner, RNC, ND
Transcultural Communication In Nursing Cora Munoz | Joan Luckmann
Nursing Assisting: Essentials for Long Term Care Barbara Acello
Medical Terminology for Health Professions Ann Ehrlich | Carol L. Schroeder
Delegation of Nursing Care Patricia Kelly | Maureen T. Marthaler
HIPAA for Medical Office Personnel Dan Krager | Carole Krager
Math for Health Care Professionals Quick Review Michael Kennamer
Kinesiology Foundations for PTAs and OTAs  LeAnne M. Conner | Gregory F. Lorenz | Daniel C. Snyder
Psychosocial Occupational Therapy: A Clinical Practice Elizabeth Cara | Anne MacRae
Health Care Economics Paul J. Feldstein
Foundations of Nursing Lois Elain White
Foundations of Basic Nursing Lois Elain White
Practical Problems in Math for Health Occupations Louise Simmers
Foundations of Adult Health Nursing Lois Elain White
Foundations of Maternal & Pediatric Nursing Lois Elain White
Hillcrest Medical Center: Beginning Medical Transcription Course Patricia A. Ireland | Mary Ann Novak
Homemaker Home Health Aide Audree Spatz, MEd, BSN, RN | Suzann Balduzzi, RN, BSN, MSED
Writing for the Health Professions Karl Terryberry
My Pocket Mentor: A Health Care Professional's Guide to Success Sandra Gaviola
Essentials of Health and Wellness James Robinson III, Ed.D, FAAHE | Deborah J. McCormick, Ph.D.
Delmar's Maternal-Infant Nursing Care Plans Karla Luxner, RNC, ND
Understanding Human Behavior Mary Elizabeth Milliken
Case Applications in Nursing Leadership and Management Karin A. Polifko-Harris
Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology for Communication Disorders J. Anthony Seikel, Ph.D. | David G. Drumright, B.S.
Essentials of Nursing Leadership & Management Patricia Kelly
Health Science Career Exploration Louise Simmers
Introduction to Sports Medicine & Athletic Training Robert C France, CSMT, RSMT
Handbook of Fluid, Electrolyte & Acid-Base Imbalances 2e Joyce LeFever Kee, RN, MS | Betty J. Paulanka, EdD, RN | Larry Purnell, PhD, RN
Manual of Articulation and Phonological Disorders: Infancy through Adulthood Ken M. Bleile
Delmar's Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam Review Patricia K. Anthony
Fluid and Electrolytes with Clinical Applications: A Programmed Approach Joyce LeFever Kee, RN, MS | Betty J. Paulanka, EdD, RN | Larry Purnell, PhD, RN
Law, Liability & Ethics for the Medical Office Professional Myrtle R. Flight
Nursing Fundamentals: Caring and Clinical Decision Making Rick Daniels
Occupational Therapy Intervention Resource Manual Denise Chisholm, MS, OTR/L | Cathy Dolhi, MS OTR/L, FAOTA | Jodi Schreiber, MS, OTR/L
Sourcebook of Phonological Awareness Activities - Volume III Candace L. Goldsworthy, Ph.D. | Robert A. Pieretti, Ph.D.
Delmar's Practice Questions for NCLEX-PN Judith C. Miller, RN, MSN
Delmar Learning’s Clinical Handbook for the Medical Office Michelle Heller, CMA (AAMA), RMA | Connie Krebs
Growth & Development Handbook: Newborn Through Adolescent Barbara L. Mandleco
Nursing Assistant A Nursing Process Approach Barbara Hegner | Barbara Acello | Esther Caldwell
Basic Keyboarding for the Medical Office Assistant Edna Jean Moss
Nursing Assistant: A Nursing Process Approach Barbara Hegner | Barbara Acello | Esther Caldwell
Intravenous Infusion Therapy for Nurses Dianne L. Josephson, RN, MSN
Medical Manager Student Edition 10.0 Richard Gartee
Contemporary Medical Office Procedures Doris Humphrey, PhD
Dosage Calculations Gloria D. Pickar, EdD, RN
Phlebotomy Technician Specialist  Kathryn A. Kalanick
Forrest General Medical Center Advanced Medical Transcription Course Donna L. Conerly-Stewart | Wanda L. Lott
Delmar's Fundamental and Advanced Nursing Skills Gaylene Altman
Delmar's Teaching Ideas and Classroom Activities for Health Care Lee Haroun | Susan Royce
Understanding Health Insurance: A Guide to Professional Billing Jo Ann C. Rowell | Michelle A. Green
Counseling Skills for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Lydia V. Flasher | Paul T. Fogle
Community Health Nursing: A Practical Guide Patricia Carroll
Comprehensive Dictionary of Audiology: Illustrated Brad A. Stach, Ph.D.
Occupational Therapy Manual for the Evaluation of Range of Motion and Muscle Strength Donna Latella, EdD, OTR/L | Catherine Meriano, JD, MHS, OTR/L
Pocketguide to Assessment in Occupational Therapy Stanley Paul, PhD, OTR/L | David Orchanian, MPA, OTR, BCG
Terminology for Allied Health Professionals Carolee Sormunen, Ph.D
Applied Phonetics Workbook Harold T. Edwards, Ph.D. | Alvin L. Gregg, Ph.D.
Microbiology for Surgical Technologists Kevin B. Frey | Paul Price
PRG Quick Notes: A Reference Set for Coding PRG Publishing
PRG Quick Notes: Inpatient ICD-9-CM PRG Publishing
PRG Quick Notes: Laboratory Tests PRG Publishing
PRG Quick Notes: Medical Billing PRG Publishing
PRG Quick Notes: Outpatient ICD-9-CM PRG Publishing
PRG Quick Notes: Pharmacology PRG Publishing
Applied Phonetics Harold T. Edwards, Ph.D.
Medical Assisting: Essentials of Administrative and Clinical Competencies Lucille Keir | Barbara A. Wise | Connie Krebs
Surgical Mayo Set-Ups Debbie Hinton | Tammy Allhoff
Healing Massage: A Simple Approach Marsha Jelonek Walker | Jonathan D. Walker
Financial Management in Health Care Organizations Robert McLean, PhD
Competencies and Strategies for Speech-Language Pathologist Assistants Susan Moore | Lynea Pearson
Basic Clinical Lab Competencies for Respiratory Care Gary C. White, M.Ed., RRT, CPFT
Assessment & Management of Central Auditory Processing Disorders in the Educational Setting: From Science to Practice Teri James Bellis
Speech Disorders Resource Guide for Preschool Children A. Lynn Williams
Childhood Apraxia of Speech Resource Guide Shelley Velleman, Ph.D.
Nurse Aide Exam Review Cards Barbara Acello
Nursing Process in Action Pearl Gardner, RN, MSN
Legal Aspects of Health Information Management Dana C McWay
Communication and Swallowing Management of Tracheostomized and Ventilator Dependent Adults Karen J. Dikeman, M.A. | Marta S. Kazandjian
Delmar's Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests Rick Daniels
Documentation & the Nursing Process: A Review Lois Elain White
Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: Proactive Intervention Jean L. Blosser, Ed.D. | Roberta DePompei, Ph.D.
Community Health Nursing: Caring in Action Janice Hitchcock, RN, DNSC | Phyllis E. Schubert | Sue A. Thomas
How To Get a Job in Health Care Robert H Zedlitz
Nutrition and Diet Therapy Ruth A. Roth | Carolyn E. Townsend, B.A.
Delmar's NCLEX-PN Review Judith C. Miller, RN, MSN
Head, Neck and Dental Anatomy Marjorie J. Short
Quick Reference For Medical Terminology  Juanita J. Davies
Essentials of Immunology and Serology Jacqueline Stanley, PhD
MASA: The Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability Giselle Mann, Ph.D.
Information Management For Health Care Professions Merida Johns, Ph.D
Acoustic Analysis of Speech Raymond D. Kent, Ph.D.
Mental Health Concepts  Claire Waughfield, MSN, APRN, CS
Phlebotomy: A Customer-Service Approach Bonnie Karen Davis, MA, CLP, RPT
Safety Standards and Infection Control for Dental Assistants  Ellen Dietz-Bourguignon
Career Success in Nursing Lois Elain White
Healing Nutrition  Lynn Keegan, PhD, RN
Essentials of Pharmacology for Health Occupations Ruth Woodrow
Foundations of Respiratory Care Kenneth A. Wyka | Paul J. Mathews | William W. Clark
Delmar's Integrative Herb Guide for Nurses Martha Libster, PhD-c, RN
Psychosocial Occupational Therapy: A Holistic Approach Susan K. Cutler
Spirituality: Living Our Connectedness Margaret A. Burkhardt | Mary Gail Nagai-Jacobson, MSN, RN
Emergency Guide for Dental Auxiliaries Janet Chernega, CDA, BS
Sports Medicine Essentials: Core Concepts in Athletic Training and Fitness Instruction Jim Clover
Pediatric Swallowing and Feeding: Assessment and Management Joan C. Arvedson Ph.D. | Linda Brodsky, M.D.
Healing Touch: A Guide Book for Practitioners Dorothea Hover-Kramer, Ed D, RN
Healing The Dying  Melody Olson, PhD, RN
Delmar's Handbook of Essential Skills and Procedures for Chairside Dental Assisting Donna J. Phinney | Judy H. Halstead
Delmar's Guide to Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests Rick Daniels
Assisting in Long Term Care Barbara Hegner | Joan Fritsch Needham
Essentials of Human Parasitology Judith S. Heelan, PhD | Frances W. Ingersoll, MS, CLS
Medications and Mathematics for the Nurse Jane Rice
Medical Surgical Nursing: An Integrated Approach Lois Elain White | Gena Duncan
Developmental Coordination Disorder Sharon A. Cermak, Ed.D., OTR/L, FAOTA | Dawn Larkin, Ed.D., DPE, Senior Lecturer
Occupational Therapy Administration Manual Wendy Prabst
Assisting in the Pharmacy Marilyn Smith-Stoner, RN, MSN | Gail Askew, PharmD, FCSHP
CNA Career Ladder Made Easy  Karl Pillemer, Ph.D. | Rhoda Meador | Richard Hoffman | Martin Schumacher
CNA Mentoring Made Easy  Karl Pillemer, Ph.D. | Rhoda Meador | Richard Hoffman | Martin Schumacher
The Written Registry Exam Review for Respiratory Care: Guidelines for Success William V. Wojciechowski
Leading the Way: Busy Nurses Guide to Supervision in Long-Term Care Karl Pillemer, Ph.D. | Rhoda Meador
Abuse Proofing Your Facility: Practical Guide for Preventing Abuse Karl Pillemer, Ph.D. | Diane A. Menio | Beth Hudson Keller
Voice Treatment for Children & Adolescents Moya L. Andrews
Pharmacy Simplified: A Glossary of Terms James Grogan, Pharm.D.
Comprehensive Perinatal & Pediatric Respiratory Care Kent Whitaker
Tele-Nurse: Telephone Triage Protocols Sandi Lafferty | Marijo Baird
Syndrome Identification for Audiology: An Illustrated PocketGuide Robert J. Shprintzen Ph.D.
Electrocardiography Essentials Cheryl Passanisi, RN, MS
Traumatic Brain Injury: Associated Speech, Language, and Swallowing Disorders Bruce Murdoch, Ph.D. | Deborah G. Theodoros, Ph.D.
Clinical Companion for Assessment of the Older Adult Cora Zembrzuski, RN, MSN, CS, PhDc.
Grammar and Writing Skills for the Health Professional  Doreen Villemaire | Lorraine Villemaire
Introduction to Legal Nurse Consulting Cynthia Weishapple
The Dental Assistant Alice E. Pendleton | Pauline C. Anderson
Healing with Complementary & Alternative Therapies Lynn Keegan, PhD, RN
Pediatric Dysphagia Resource Guide Kelly D. Hall, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Preschool Language Disorders Resource Guide: Specific Language Impairment Amy L. Weiss, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
How to Prepare for the Praxis Examination in Speech-Language Pathology Kay T. Payne, Ph.D.
Management of the Voice and Its Disorders Linda Rammage, Ph.D. | Murray Morrison, M.D. | Hamish Nichol
Entry Level Exam Review for Respiratory Care William V. Wojciechowski
Communication Intervention: Birth to Three Louis M. Rossetti, Ph.D.
Sourcebook of Phonological Awareness Activities Vol II: Children's Core Literature Candace L. Goldsworthy, Ph.D.
Criminal Evidence Judy Hails
An Introduction to Policing John S. Dempsey | Linda S. Forst
Police Crime Control Strategies Larry Hoover
Police Operations: Theory and Practice Kären M. Hess | Christine H. Orthmann | Henry Lim Cho
Emergency Medical Technician Exam Review Kirsten M. Elling
The Paramedic Exam Review Bob Elling | Kirsten M. Elling
Occupational Safety and Health in the Emergency Services James S. Angle
Sustainable Green Design and Firefighting: A Fire Chief's Perspective Ronald R. Spadafora
Criminal Investigation Christine Hess Orthmann | Kären M. Hess
A Street Officer's Guide to Report Writing Frank Scalise | Douglas Strosahl
POLICE John S. Dempsey | Linda S. Forst
Police Ethics Douglas W. Perez | J. Alan Moore
Firefighter Safety and Survival Don Zimmerman
Essentials for the Emergency Medical Responder Joseph A. Grafft | Katherine Kuzma Grafft
Criminal Evidence Judy Hails
EMS For Secure Facilities Joseph A. Grafft | Ric Sarff
Professional Paramedic, Volume III: Trauma Care & EMS Operations Richard Beebe | Myers
Command 1A: Command Operations for the Company Officer, California Edition James Angle | David Harlow | William Lombardo | Craig Maciuba | Michael Gala, Jr.
Highway Scene Safety Leslie J. Greenwood
Police Administration Larry K. Gaines | John L. Worrall
Fire Apparatus Operator: Pumper Thomas Sturtevant | Howard Sykes
An Introduction to Policing John S. Dempsey | Linda S. Forst
Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Kären Matison Hess | Christine Hess Orthmann
Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement Kären Matison Hess | Christine Hess Orthmann
Paradoxes of Leadership in Police Management Douglas Perez | Michael Barkhurst
Principles of Fire Prevention David Diamantes
Professional Paramedic, Volume II: Medical Emergencies, Maternal Health & Pediatrics Richard Beebe | Jeffrey C. Myers
Fire and Life Safety Educator Marsha P. Giesler
Policing and Society: A Global Approach Michael J. Palmiotto, PhD | N. Prabha Unnithan, PhD
POLICE John S. Dempsey | Linda S. Forst
Professionalism in Policing: An Introduction David J. Thomas
Police Operations: Theory and Practice Kären M. Hess | Christine H. Orthmann | Henry Lim Cho
Case Studies for the Emergency Responder: Psychosocial, Ethical and Leadership Dimensions S. Joseph Woodall | Jeff Thomas
Paradoxes of Police Work Douglas W. Perez
Professional Paramedic, Volume I: Foundations of Paramedic Care  Richard Beebe | Jeff Myers
Company Officer Clinton H. Smoke | Charles Keeton | Billy Jack Wenzel | Bradford Boyd
The Firefighter's Fitness Handbook Al Wasser | Andrea A. Walter
Emergency Medical Responder Exam Review  Kirsten M. Elling
Criminal Investigation Kären M. Hess | Christine Hess Orthmann
An Introduction to Policing John S. Dempsey | Linda S. Forst
Basic Fire Hydraulics Workbook Ron Richmond
Fire Behavior and Combustion Processes Ray Shackelford
Large Scale Incident Management Mark Haraway
Fire Protection Systems A. Maurice Jones
Fire Officer's Legal Handbook J. Curtis Varone
Firefighting Strategies and Tactics James Angle | David Harlow | William Lombardo | Craig Maciuba | Michael Gala, Jr.
The Paramedic Exam Review Bob Elling | Kirsten M. Elling
Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement Wayne W. Bennett | Kären M. Hess
Firefighters from the Heart: True Stories and Lessons Learned Steve Chikerotis
The EMT Basic Exam Review Kirsten M. Elling
Exam Preparation for Fire Officer I & II Douglas Cline
Company Officer Clinton Smoke
Introduction to Fire Pump Operations Thomas Sturtevant
PC 832 Concepts: Peace Officer Required Training Devallis Rutledge, Esq. | Derald D. Hunt
Chemical/Nuclear Terrorism: A Guide for First Responders Imaginatics
First Responder Handbook: Law Enforcement Edition Andrea A. Walter | Marty Rutledge | Chris Edgar | Robin Davis
The Police in America: Classic and Contemporary Readings Steven G. Brandl | David E. Barlow
Police Ethics: A Matter of Character Douglas W. Perez | J. Alan Moore
Drug Reference for EMS Providers Richard K. Beck, BBA, NREMT-P
Fingerprint Science Clarence Gerald Collins
Investigating a Homicide Workbook Timothy Sweetman | Adele Sweetman
Legal Aspects of Police Supervision Isaac T. Avery, III
Legal Aspects of Police Supervision: Case Resource Book Isaac T. Avery, III | Mary Easley
Wildland Firefighting Practices Joseph Lowe
Police Patrol Operations Mark R. Miller
A Practical Guide to Teaching in the Fire Service Henry Morse
Milady Standard Cosmetology 2016 Milady
Spanish Translated, Milady Standard Nail Technology Milady
Milady Standard Updos Timothy C. Johnson
Skin Care and Cosmetic Ingredients Dictionary M. Varinia Michalun | Joseph C. DiNardo
Milady Standard Natural Hair Care & Braiding Diane Carol Bailey | Diane Da Costa
Master Educator Letha Barnes
Clearing Concepts: A Guide to Acne Treatment Mark Lees
Beauty & Wellness Dictionary: for Cosmetologists, Barbers, Estheticians and Nail Technicians Milady
The Visual Guide to Swedish Massage Mark F. Beck
Retail Management for Salons and Spas Milady
Making It Count: Math for the Beauty and Wellness Industry Terry Clark
Skin Care Practices and Clinical Protocols: A Professional’s Guide to Success in Any Environment Sallie Deitz
Anatomy & Physiology Reference for Massage Therapists Milady
Spanish Translated Milady Standard Esthetics: Fundamentals Milady
Spanish Translated Milady Standard Makeup Milady
Step-by-Step Procedures for Milady Standard Esthetics: Fundamentals Milady
Milady Standard Makeup Michelle D'Allaird
Milady's Standard Esthetics: Advanced Milady
Milady Standard Esthetics: Fundamentals Milady
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Treating Diverse Pigmentation Aliesh Pierce
Touch & Movement: Palpation and Kinesiology for Massage Therapists Julie Goodwin
Esthetician's Guide to Client Safety and Wellness Judith Culp | Toni Campbell
Haircoloring and Chemical Texture Services for Milady Standard Cosmetology 2012 Milady
Haircutting for Milady Standard Cosmetology 2012 Milady
The Complete Guide to Lymph Drainage Massage Ramona Moody French
Milady's Standard Cosmetology Wall Charts Milady
Spanish Translated Anatomy & Physiology Reference for Beauty and Wellness Professionals Milady
Spanish Translated Milady Standard Cosmetology 2012 Milady
Skin Care: Beyond the Basics Mark Lees
Milady’s Aesthetician Series: Aging Skin Susanne Schmaling
Milady Standard Cosmetology 2012 Milady
Successful Salon and Spa Management Edward Tezak | Terry Folawn
Milady's MediSpa Dictionary Pamela Hill
Spanish Translated Milady's Standard Nail Technology Milady
Spanish Translated Theory & Practice of Therapeutic Massage Mark F. Beck
Milady's Standard Professional Barbering Milady
Milady's Standard Nail Technology Milady
Spanish Translated Milady's Standard Professional Barbering Milady
Theory and Practice of Therapeutic Massage Mark F. Beck
Milady’s Aesthetician Series: Botox, Dysport, Dermal Fillers and Sclerotherapy Pamela Hill
The Skin Care Answer Book Mark Lees
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Peels and Chemical Exfoliation Pamela Hill
The Complete Spa Book for Massage Therapists Steve Capellini
Massage Therapy: What It Is and How It Works Steven Schenkman
Spa Business Strategies: A Plan for Success Janet D'Angelo
Milady's Skin Care and Cosmetic Ingredients Dictionary Natalia Michalun | Varinia Michalun
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Microdermabrasion Pamela Hill
DVD and Technicals Binder for The Edge by Milady: Muse Edition  Milady
Milady's Standard Wall Charts Set Milady
Milady's Standard Esthetics: Advanced Milady
Massage Therapist's Guide to Client Safety & Wellness Deborah Ochsner
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Lasers and Light Therapy Pamela Hill
Hair Structure and Chemistry Simplified John Halal
Milady's Standard Esthetics: Fundamentals Joel Gerson
Milady's Master Educator: Student Course Book Letha Barnes
DVD and Technicals Binder Milady
Hydrotherapy for Health and Wellness: Theory, Programs and Treatments Richard Eidson
Milady's Aesthetician Series: A Comprehensive Guide to Equipment Susanne Schmaling
Spanish Translated Milady's Standard Professional Barbering Milady | Maura T. Scali-Sheahan
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Building Your MediSpa Business Pamela Hill
Spanish Translated, The Art of African American Hair Design Pamela Berry
Spanish Translated Milady's Standard Cosmetology 2008 Milady
Aromatherapy: Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils for Esthetics and Spa Therapy Jimm Harrison
The Art of African American Hair Design Pamela Bannister Berry
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Advanced Face and Body Treatments for the Spa Pamela Hill
Milady's Standard Cosmetology 2008 Milady
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Common Drugs and Side Effects: A Handbook for the Aesthetician Pamela Hill
Spanish Translated Milady's Standard Nail Technology Milady
Milady's Standard: Nail Technology, Revised Milady
Milady's Aethetician Series: Advanced Hair Removal Pamela Hill | Helen Bickmore
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Common Skin Diseases: A Handbook for the Aesthetician Pamela Hill
Marketing Massage: From First Job to Dream Practice Monica Roseberry
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 10 Customer Service in the Classroom Amy Solomon, MS, OTR | Quantum Integrations
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 12 Creating an Innovative Learning Environment Amy Solomon, MS, OTR | Quantum Integrations
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 9 Teaching Online Amy Solomon, MS, OTR | Quantum Integrations
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Teacher Training Bootcamp Amy Solomon, MS, OTR | Quantum Integrations
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 6 Classroom Management for the Adult Amy Solomon, MS, OTR | Quantum Integrations
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 4: Strategies for Active Learning Amy Solomon, MS, OTR | Quantum Integrations
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 3 Techniques for Classroom Presentation Amy Solomon, MS, OTR | Quantum Integrations
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 1 Understanding the Adult Learner Amy Solomon, MS, OTR | Quantum Integrations
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 2 Teacher Preparation Amy Solomon, MS, OTR | Quantum Integrations
Skin Care: Beyond The Basics Mark Lees
Managing Physical Stress with Therapeutic Massage Jeffrey Forman
Professional Services for Men: Hair Coloring and Restoration Milady
Professional Services for Men:Facial Massage, Shaving and Hair Design Milady
Professional Services for Men: Career Management for Barbers Milady
Professional Services for Men: Haircutting and Styling Milady
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Permanent Makeup, Tips and Techniques Pamela Hill
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Botox, Dermal Fillers and Sclerotherapy Pamela Hill
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Medical Terminology: A Handbook for the Skin Care Specialist Pamela Hill
Massage Therapy Career Guide for Hands-On Success Steve Capellini
TouchAbilities®: Essential Connections Iris Burman | Sandy Friedland
Theory and Practice of Therapeutic Massage Mark F. Beck
Student Workbook for Beck's Theory and Practice of Therapeutic Massage Mark F. Beck
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Peels and Peeling Agents Pamela Hill
Milady's Aestheticican Series: Ensuring an Optimal Outcome in Skin Care Pamela Hill
Milady's Standard Professional Barbering Maura T. Scali-Sheahan
Nail Structure and Product Chemistry  Douglas Schoon
Passion: A Salon Professionals Handbook for Building a Successful Business Susie Field Carder
Milady’s Student Reference for Anatomy & Physiology Milady
Kinesiology Foundations for PTAs and OTAs  LeAnne M. Conner | Gregory F. Lorenz | Daniel C. Snyder
Milady's Hair Removal Techniques: A Comprehensive Manual Helen Bickmore
How to Create the Perfect Eyebrow Victoria Bush
Hair Care Product and Ingredients Dictionary John Halal
Milady's Guide to Lymph Drainage Massage  Ramona Moody French
Getting it Right!: Milady's Survival Guide for Cosmetology Students Karen Levine | Alan Gelb
Milady's Standard Cosmetology 2004 Milady
Healing Massage: A Simple Approach Marsha Jelonek Walker | Jonathan D. Walker
Workbook for Milady's Successful Salon Mangement for Cosmetology Students Edward Tezak
Exam Review for Successful Salon Management  Edward Tezak
Successful Salon Management Edward Tezak
Milady's Illustrated Cosmetology Dictionary Milady
Theory & Practice of Therapeutic Massage Mark F. Beck
Milady's Standard Textbook of Professional Barber-Styling Milady
The Salon Professional's Guide to Foot Care Godfrey F. Mix
SalonOvations' Professional's Reflexology Handbook Shelley Hess
SalonOvations Nail Q & A Book Vicki Peters
SalonOvations' Shiatsu Massage Erica Miller
Milady's Guide to Owning and Operating a Nail Salon Joanne L. Wiggins
Building Accounting Systems Using Microsoft® Access® 2013 James Perry | Richard Newmark
Using QuickBooks® Accountant 2015 for Accounting (with CD-ROM and Data File CD-ROM) Glenn Owen
Human Resource Selection Robert Gatewood | Hubert S. Feild | Murray Barrick
Using Integrated Accounting Online Glenn Owen
Economic Issues and Policy Jacqueline Murray Brux
Organization Theory and Design Richard L. Daft
South-Western Federal Taxation 2016: Essentials of Taxation: Individuals and Business Entities William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney | James C. Young | James E. Smith | Annette Nellen
South-Western Federal Taxation 2016: Comprehensive William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe | James C. Young
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2016 Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins
South-Western Federal Taxation 2016: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts  William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney | James C. Young
South-Western Federal Taxation 2016: Individual Income Taxes William H. Hoffman, Jr. | James C. Young | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney | Annette Nellen
Economics: Principles and Policy William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
Macroeconomics: Principles and Policy William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
Microeconomics: Principles and Policy William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
Problem Solving Cases In Microsoft® Access and Excel Ellen Monk | Joseph Brady | Gerard S. Cook | Emilio Mendelsohn
Essentials of Marketing Research Barry J. Babin | William G. Zikmund
Exploring Marketing Research Barry J. Babin | William G. Zikmund
Transportation: A Global Supply Chain Perspective John J. Coyle | Robert A. Novack | Brian Gibson | Edward J. Bardi
Contemporary Business Mathematics for Colleges James E. Deitz | James L. Southam
Contemporary Business Mathematics for Colleges, Brief Course James E. Deitz | James L. Southam
A Guide to SQL Philip J. Pratt | Mary Z. Last
Intermediate Accounting: Reporting and Analysis James M. Wahlen | Jefferson P. Jones | Donald P. Pagach
Quantitative Methods for Business David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams | Jeffrey D. Camm | James J. Cochran | Michael J. Fry | Jeffrey W. Ohlmann
Business Writing: One Hour Workshop Carol Silvis
Team Building: One Hour Workshop Carol Silvis
Basic Finance: An Introduction to Financial Institutions, Investments, and Management Herbert B. Mayo
Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World John W. Satzinger | Robert B. Jackson | Stephen D. Burd
BCOM 7 Carol M. Lehman | Debbie D. DuFrene
BUSN 8 Marcella Kelly | Chuck Williams
CB 7 Barry J. Babin | Eric Harris
HR 3 Angelo DeNisi | Ricky Griffin
MGMT 8 Chuck Williams
MKTG 9 Charles W. Lamb | Joe F. Hair | Carl McDaniel
PFIN 4 Lawrence J. Gitman | Michael D. Joehnk | Randall Billingsley
Launching New Ventures: An Entrepreneurial Approach Kathleen R. Allen
Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Business Law Jeffrey F. Beatty | Susan S. Samuelson
Effective Management Chuck Williams
Corporate Financial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Jonathan Duchac
Financial & Managerial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Jonathan Duchac
Managerial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Jonathan Duchac
Sports and Entertainment Marketing Ken Kaser | Dotty B. Oelkers
NoSQL Web Development with Apache Cassandra Deepak Vohra
Auditing: A Risk Based-Approach to Conducting a Quality Audit (with ACL CD) Karla Johnstone | Audrey Gramling | Larry E. Rittenberg
Contemporary Marketing Louise E. Boone | David L. Kurtz
Marketing 2016 William M. Pride | O. C. Ferrell
Human Resource Management: Essential Perspectives Robert L. Mathis | John H. Jackson | Sean Valentine
Business Law and the Legal Environment, Standard Edition Jeffrey F. Beatty | Susan S. Samuelson
Intermediate Financial Management Eugene F. Brigham | Phillip R. Daves
Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Jonathan Duchac
Accounting Information Systems James A. Hall
An Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams | Jeffrey D. Camm | James J. Cochran | Michael J. Fry | Jeffrey W. Ohlmann
Cengage Advantage Books: Essentials of the Legal Environment Today Roger LeRoy Miller
Cengage Advantage Books: Foundations of the Legal Environment of Business Marianne M. Jennings
Cengage Advantage Books: Fundamentals of Business Law Today: Summarized Cases Roger LeRoy Miller
Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting Maryanne M. Mowen | Don R. Hansen | Dan L. Heitger
Economics William Boyes | Michael Melvin
Economics Roger A. Arnold
Employment Law for Human Resource Practice David J. Walsh
Essentials of Business Communication Mary Ellen Guffey | Dana Loewy
Essentials of Business Law and the Legal Environment Richard A. Mann | Barry S. Roberts
Essentials of Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft® Excel® David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams
Exploring Economics Robert Sexton
Exploring Macroeconomics Robert Sexton
Exploring Microeconomics Robert Sexton
Financial Accounting Carl S. Warren | Jim Reeve | Jonathan Duchac
Financial Markets and Institutions, Abridged Edition Jeff Madura
Fraud Examination W. Steve Albrecht | Chad O. Albrecht | Conan C. Albrecht | Mark F. Zimbleman
Fundamentals of Financial Management Eugene F. Brigham | Joel F. Houston
Fundamentals of Management Ricky Griffin
Healthcare Human Resource Management Walter J. Flynn | Robert L. Mathis | John H. Jackson | Sean Valentine
International Financial Management, Abridged Jeff Madura
Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management Don M. Chance | Robert Brooks
Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills Andrew J. DuBrin
Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development Robert N. Lussier | Christopher F. Achua
Macroeconomics Roger A. Arnold
Macroeconomics William Boyes | Michael Melvin
Management Richard L. Daft
Managerial Economics Luke M. Froeb | Brian T. McCann | Michael R. Ward | Mike Shor
Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for the 21st Century Constance E. Bagley
Managing Human Resources Scott A. Snell | Shad S. Morris | George W. Bohlander
Microeconomics William Boyes | Michael Melvin
Microeconomics Roger A. Arnold
Practical Management Science Wayne L. Winston | S. Christian Albright
Principles of Cost Accounting Edward J. Vanderbeck | Maria R. Mitchell
Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Joel D. Wisner | Keah-Choon Tan | G. Keong Leong
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Robert M. Monczka | Robert B. Handfield | Larry C. Giunipero | James L. Patterson
Records Management Judy Read | Mary Lea Ginn
Small Business Management: Entrepreneurship and Beyond Timothy S. Hatten
Statistics for Management and Economics, Abbreviated Gerald Keller
Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management Edwin C. Leonard | Kelly A. Trusty
Survey of Economics Irvin B. Tucker
The Commissioner: A Guide to Surviving and Thriving on Commission Income Peter Dunn
The Legal Environment Today Roger LeRoy Miller | Frank B. Cross
The Legal Environment Today - Summarized Case Edition: Business in its Ethical, Regulatory, E-Commerce, and Global Setting Roger LeRoy Miller
Income Tax Fundamentals 2015 Gerald E. Whittenburg | Martha Altus-Buller | Steven Gill
OM 5 David Alan Collier | James R. Evans
Payroll Accounting 2015  Bernard J. Bieg | Judith A. Toland
MIS 5 Hossein Bidgoli
Principles of Finance Scott Besley | Eugene F. Brigham
Personal Finance E. Thomas Garman | Raymond E. Forgue
Bank Management Timothy W. Koch | S. Scott MacDonald
Financial Analysis with Microsoft® Excel® Timothy R. Mayes
Concepts of Database Management Philip J. Pratt | Mary Z. Last
International Economics Robert Carbaugh
Data Divination: Big Data Strategies Pam Baker | Bob Gourley
Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application Walter Nicholson | Christopher Snyder
Advertising Campaign Strategy: A Guide to Marketing Communication Plans Donald Parente | Kirsten Strausbaugh-Hutchinson
Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation James M. Wahlen | Stephen P. Baginski | Mark Bradshaw
Contemporary Auditing Michael C. Knapp
The Ultimate Job Hunter's Guidebook Susan D. Greene | Melanie C.L. Martel
Using Quickbooks Accountant 2014 Glenn Owen
Business & Professional Ethics Leonard J. Brooks | Paul Dunn
South-Western Federal Taxation Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Treasury Regulations: Annotated and Selected 2015  James E. Smith
Accounting Information Systems Ulric J. Gelinas | Richard B. Dull | Patrick Wheeler
Health Economics and Policy James W. Henderson
An Introduction to Six Sigma and Process Improvement James R. Evans | William M. Lindsay
Electronic Commerce Gary Schneider
South-Western Federal Taxation 2015: Essentials of Taxation: Individuals and Business Entities James E. Smith | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney | James C. Young
South-Western Federal Taxation 2015: Comprehensive William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe | James C. Young
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2015 Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins
South-Western Federal Taxation 2015: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney | James C. Young | James E. Smith
South-Western Federal Taxation 2015: Individual Income Taxes William H. Hoffman, Jr. | James E. Smith
Statistics for Business & Economics, Revised David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams | Jeffrey D. Camm | James J. Cochran
ORGB 4 Debra Nelson | James Campbell Quick
Federal Tax Research Roby B. Sawyers | William A. Raabe | Gerald E. Whittenburg | Steven L. Gill (Contributing Author)
Century 21â„¢ Computer Skills and Applications, Lessons 1-90 Jack P. Hoggatt, Ed. D. | Jon A. Shank, Ed. D. | James R. Smith, Jr., Ed. D.
ECON Macroeconomics 4 William A. McEachern
Managing in a Global Economy: Demystifying International Macroeconomics John E. Marthinsen
ECON Microeconomics 4 William A. McEachern
Entrepreneurial Finance J. Chris Leach | Ronald W. Melicher
Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion Thomas O'Guinn | Chris Allen | Richard J. Semenik | Angeline Close Scheinbaum
M&B 3 Dean Croushore
Carper's Understanding the Law John A. McKinsey | Debra Burke
Smith and Roberson's Business Law Richard A. Mann | Barry S. Roberts
MKTG 8 Charles W. Lamb | Joe F. Hair | Carl McDaniel
Macroeconomics: Private and Public Choice James D. Gwartney | Richard L. Stroup | Russell S. Sobel | David A. Macpherson
Successful Project Management Jack Gido | James P. Clements
Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management Carlos Coronel | Steven Morris
MGMT 7 Chuck Williams
Economics: Private and Public Choice James D. Gwartney | Richard L. Stroup | Russell S. Sobel | David A. Macpherson
Microeconomics: Private and Public Choice James D. Gwartney | Richard L. Stroup | Russell S. Sobel | David A. Macpherson
BCOM 6 Carol M. Lehman | Debbie D. DuFrene
CB 6 Barry J. Babin | Eric Harris
Integrated Accounting Dale A. Klooster | Warren Allen | Glenn Owen
BUSN 7 Marcella Kelly | Chuck Williams
CFIN 4 Scott Besley | Eugene F. Brigham
Business Ethics: Case Studies and Selected Readings Marianne M. Jennings
Law and Ethics in the Business Environment  Terry Halbert | Elaine Ingulli
Foundations of Marketing William M. Pride | O. C. Ferrell
College Accounting: A Career Approach Cathy J. Scott
Marketing Management Dawn Iacobucci
Using Microsoft® Excel® and Access 2013 for Accounting  Glenn Owen
Administrative Management: Setting People Up for Success Carlene Cassidy | Robert Kreitner, Ph.D. | Susie VanHuss
Brief Principles of Macroeconomics N. Gregory Mankiw
Business Analytics: Data Analysis & Decision Making S. Christian Albright | Wayne L. Winston
Business and Society: Ethics, Sustainability, and Stakeholder Management Archie B. Carroll | Ann K. Buchholtz
Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online Amy Newman
Business Communication: Process and Product Mary Ellen Guffey | Dana Loewy
Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making & Cases O. C. Ferrell | John Fraedrich | Linda Ferrell
Business Law Today, Comprehensive: Text and Cases: Diverse, Ethical, Online, and Global Environment Roger LeRoy Miller
Business Law: Texts and Cases Kenneth W. Clarkson | Roger Miller | Frank B. Cross
Business: Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment Marianne M. Jennings
Cengage Advantage Books: Business Law: Text & Cases - An Accelerated Course Roger Miller
Cengage Advantage Books: Business Law: Text & Cases - Commercial Law for Accountants Roger LeRoy Miller
Cengage Advantage Books: Business Law: Text and Cases - The First Course Roger LeRoy Miller
Cengage Advantage Books: Business Law: The First Course - Summarized Case Edition Roger LeRoy Miller
Cengage Advantage Books: Essentials of Business Law Jeffrey F. Beatty | Susan S. Samuelson
Consumer Behavior Frank Kardes | Maria Cronley | Thomas Cline
Contemporary Financial Management R. Charles Moyer | James R. McGuigan | Ramesh P. Rao
Contemporary Marketing, Update 2015 Louis E. Boone | David L. Kurtz
Contemporary Mathematics for Business and Consumers Robert Brechner | George Bergeman
Contemporary Mathematics for Business and Consumers, Brief Edition Robert Brechner | George Bergeman
Contemporary Project Management  Timothy Kloppenborg
Cornerstones of Cost Management Don R. Hansen | Maryanne M. Mowen
Essentials of Business Analytics Jeffrey D. Camm | James J. Cochran | Michael J. Fry | Jeffrey W. Ohlmann | David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams
Essentials of Economics N. Gregory Mankiw
Essentials of Statistics for Business and Economics David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams | Jeffrey D. Camm | James J. Cochran
Financial Accounting: The Impact on Decision Makers Gary A. Porter | Curtis L. Norton
Financial Markets and Institutions Jeff Madura
Foundations of Business William M. Pride | Robert J. Hughes | Jack R. Kapoor
Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition Eugene F. Brigham | Joel F. Houston
International Business Law and Its Environment Richard Schaffer | Filiberto Agusti | Lucien J. Dhooge
International Financial Management Jeff Madura
Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft® Excel® David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams
Organization Development and Change Thomas G. Cummings | Christopher G. Worley
Principles of Economics N. Gregory Mankiw
Principles of Macroeconomics N. Gregory Mankiw
Principles of Microeconomics N. Gregory Mankiw
Principles of Responsible Management: Glocal Sustainability, Responsibility, and Ethics Oliver Laasch | Roger N. Conaway
Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft® Access™ and Excel® Ellen Monk | Joseph Brady | Gerard S. Cook
Real Estate Law Robert J. Aalberts
SELL 4 Thomas N. Ingram | Raymond W. (Buddy) LaForge | Ramon A. Avila | Charles H. Schwepker | Michael R. Williams
Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis: A Practical Introduction to Business Analytics Cliff Ragsdale
Statistics for Management and Economics Gerald Keller
Strategic Human Resource Management Jeffrey A. Mello
Strategic Management Communication for Leaders Robyn Walker
Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson
Strategic Management: Concepts: Competitiveness and Globalization Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson
Strategic Management: Theory & Cases: An Integrated Approach Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones | Melissa A. Schilling
Strategic Management: Theory: An Integrated Approach Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones | Melissa A. Schilling
Supervisory Management Donald C. Mosley | Don C. Mosley, Jr. | Paul H. Pietri
Survey of Accounting Carl S. Warren
The Leadership Experience Richard L. Daft
The Legal Environment of Business Roger E. Meiners | Al H. Ringleb | Frances L. Edwards
The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases Frank B. Cross | Roger LeRoy Miller
Understanding Management Richard L. Daft | Dorothy Marcic
Using Financial Accounting Information: The Alternative to Debits and Credits Gary A. Porter | Curtis L. Norton
Fundamentals of Management Ricky W. Griffin
Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations Ricky W. Griffin | Gregory Moorhead
Human Resource Management Robert L. Mathis | John H. Jackson | Sean Valentine
Organizational Behavior: Tools for Success Jean M. Phillips | Stanley M. Gully
Income Tax Fundamentals 2014 (with H&R Block at Home CD-ROM) Gerald E. Whittenburg | Martha Altus-Buller | Steven Gill
Basic Marketing Research Tom J. Brown | Tracy A. Suter | Gilbert A. Churchill
Payroll Accounting 2014 Bernard J. Bieg | Judith A. Toland
Microsoft Excel 2013 for the Business Analyst Larry Rockoff
BSTAT 2 Gerald Keller
Small Business Management Justin G. Longenecker | J. William Petty | Leslie E. Palich | Frank Hoy
Information Technology Project Management, Revised Kathy Schwalbe
Price Theory and Applications Steven Landsburg
MIS 4 Hossein Bidgoli
Human Resource Management Robert L. Mathis | John H. Jackson | Sean Valentine
Using Quickbooks Accountant 2013 (with CD-ROM and Data File CD-ROM)  Glenn Owen
Public Finance: A Contemporary Application of Theory to Policy David N. Hyman
South-Western Federal Taxation: Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Treasury Regulations: Annotated and Selected 2014 James E. Smith
Keyboarding and Word Processing, Complete Course, Lessons 1-110: Microsoft Word 2013: College Keyboarding Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo | Vicki Robertson
Advanced Word Processing, Lessons 56-110: Microsoft® Word Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo | Vicki Robertson
Business Law: Principles for Today's Commercial Environment David P. Twomey | Marianne M. Jennings
Managerial Economics: Applications, Strategies and Tactics James R. McGuigan | R. Charles Moyer | Frederick H.deB. Harris
Keyboarding and Word Processing Essentials, Lessons 1-55 Susie H. Vanhuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo | Vicki Robertson
Keyboarding Course, Lessons 1-25: College Keyboarding Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo | Vicki Robertson
Management Ranjay Gulati | Anthony J. Mayo | Nitin Nohria
Student Guide to Sustainabillity, Law, and Ethics Don Mayer
Making Hard Decisions with DecisionTools Robert T. Clemen | Terence Reilly
Supply Chain Focused Manufacturing Planning and Control W.C. Benton
Mastering the Job Interview: And Winning the Money Game Kate Wendleton
South-Western Federal Taxation 2014: Taxation of Business Entities James E. Smith | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney
South-Western Federal Taxation 2014: Comprehensive William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe | James C. Young
Multinational Management John B. Cullen | K. Praveen Parboteeah
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2014 Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins
South-Western Federal Taxation 2014: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | James E. Smith | David M. Maloney | James C. Young
South-Western Federal Taxation 2014: Individual Income Taxes William Hoffman | James E. Smith
History of the American Economy Gary M. Walton | Hugh Rockoff
Auditing: A Risk-Based Approach to Conducting a Quality Audit Karla Johnstone | Audrey Gramling | Larry E. Rittenberg
Managerial Economics Luke M. Froeb | Brian T. McCann | Michael R. Ward | Mike Shor
Quality & Performance Excellence James R. Evans
Intermediate Accounting Earl K. Stice | James D. Stice
Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume David P. Twomey | Marianne M. Jennings
Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Standard Volume David P. Twomey | Marianne M. Jennings
The Global Economy and Its Economic Systems Paul R. Gregory | Robert C. Stuart
Personal Financial Planning Lawrence J. Gitman | Michael D. Joehnk | Randy Billingsley
Small Business: An Entrepreneur's Business Plan Gail Hiduke | J.D. Ryan
PFIN 3 Lawrence J. Gitman | Michael D. Joehnk | Randall Billingsley
Management Richard L. Daft
CB 5 Barry J. Babin | Eric Harris
Employment and Labor Law Patrick J. Cihon | James Ottavio Castagnera
Strategize!: Experiential Exercises in Strategic Management C. Gopinath | Julie I. Siciliano
MR 2 Tom J. Brown | Tracy A. Suter
Services Marketing Interactive Approach Raymond P. Fisk | Stephen J. Grove | Joby John
MKTG 7 Charles W. Lamb | Joe F. Hair | Carl McDaniel
BCOM 5 Carol M. Lehman | Debbie D. DuFrene
Investments: An Introduction Herbert B. Mayo
HOW 13: A Handbook for Office Professionals James L. Clark | Lyn R. Clark
Managerial Accounting Susan V. Crosson | Belverd E. Needles
Cengage Advantage Books: Business Law: Principles and Practices Arnold J. Goldman | William D. Sigismond
Corporate Finance: A Focused Approach Michael C. Ehrhardt | Eugene F. Brigham
Fundamentals of Management Ricky W. Griffin
Organizational Behavior: Tools for Success Jean M. Phillips | Stanley M. Gully
Practical Financial Management William R. Lasher
Effective Management Chuck Williams
MGMT 6 Chuck Williams
Family Business Ernesto J. Poza
Financial Management: Theory & Practice Eugene F. Brigham | Michael C. Ehrhardt
Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations Ricky W. Griffin | Gregory Moorhead
HR 2 Angelo DeNisi | Ricky Griffin
Financial and Managerial Accounting Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers | Susan V. Crosson
BUSN 6 Marcella Kelly | Jim McGowen | Chuck Williams
Survey of ECON 2 Robert L. Sexton
Retailing Patrick M. Dunne | Robert F. Lusch | James R. Carver
Business Law and the Regulation of Business Richard A. Mann | Barry S. Roberts
Century 21 Accounting: General Journal Claudia Bienias Gilbertson | Mark W. Lehman | Debra Harmon-Gentene
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Cengage Advantage Books: Law for Business The Honorable John D. Ashcroft, J.D. | Janet Ashcroft, J.D.
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Microeconomics Roger A. Arnold
Cengage Advantage Books: Essentials of the Legal Environment Roger LeRoy Miller | Frank B. Cross
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Cengage Advantage Books: Business Law: Text and Exercises Roger LeRoy Miller | William E. Hollowell
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College Accounting, Chapters 1-27 James A. Heintz | Robert W. Parry
College Accounting, Chapters 1-9 James A. Heintz | Robert W. Parry
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Cornerstones of Financial Accounting Jay Rich | Jeff Jones | Maryanne Mowen | Don Hansen
Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting Maryanne M. Mowen | Don R. Hansen | Dan L. Heitger
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Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, and Practice Donald F. Kuratko
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Financial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Jonathan Duchac
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Global Strategy Mike W. Peng
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MM 4 Dawn Iacobucci
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Principles of Financial Accounting Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers
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Principles of Macroeconomics Fred M. Gottheil
Principles of Microeconomics Fred M. Gottheil
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Fundamentals of Economics William Boyes | Michael Melvin
Legal Environment Jeffrey F. Beatty | Susan S. Samuelson
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Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft® Access™ and Excel® Ellen Monk | Joseph Brady | Gerard S. Cook
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Economics for Today Irvin B. Tucker
Economics: A Contemporary Introduction William A. McEachern
Cengage Advantage Books: Business Law Today, The Essentials: Text and Summarized Cases Roger LeRoy Miller
Macroeconomics for Today Irvin B. Tucker
Microeconomics for Today Irvin B. Tucker
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Principles of Accounting Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers | Susan V. Crosson
Management Ricky W. Griffin
Managing Human Resources Scott A. Snell | George W. Bohlander
Essentials of Marketing Research William G. Zikmund | Barry J. Babin
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Business Analysis Valuation: Using Financial Statements Paul M. Healy | Krishna G. Palepu
Business Analysis and Valuation: Using Financial Statements, Text and Cases Krishna G. Palepu | Paul M. Healy
Financial Accounting: An Introduction to Concepts, Methods and Uses Roman L. Weil | Katherine Schipper | Jennifer Francis
Payroll Accounting 2013 Bernard J. Bieg | Judith A. Toland
International Financial Management, Abridged Edition Jeff Madura
Environmental Economics and Management: Theory, Policy, and Applications Scott J. Callan | Janet M. Thomas
Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
Financial Markets and Institutions, Abridged Edition Jeff Madura
OM 4 David Alan Collier | James R. Evans
Basic Economics Frank V. Mastrianna
Marketing Models Dawn Iacobucci
MIS 3 Hossein Bidgoli
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Competing for Advantage Robert E. Hoskisson | Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Jeffrey S. Harrison
Economics and Contemporary Issues William McLean | Michael Applegate
Using Quickbooks Accountant 2012 for Accounting Glenn Owen
Principles of Business Forecasting Keith Ord | Robert Fildes
Health Economics Dr. Rexford E. Santerre | Dr. Stephen P. Neun
South-Western Federal Taxation: Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Treasury Regulations, Annotated and Selected 2013 James E. Smith
Cornerstones of Cost Management Don R. Hansen | Maryanne M. Mowen
Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for the 21st Century Constance E. Bagley
Cost Accounting: Foundations and Evolutions Michael R. Kinney | Cecily A. Raiborn
The Evolution of Economic Thought Stanley Brue | Randy Grant
Electronic Commerce Gary Schneider
Financial Reporting and Analysis Charles H. Gibson
South-Western Federal Taxation 2013: Taxation of Business Entities James E. Smith | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney
Labor and Employment Law: Text & Cases David Twomey
South-Western Federal Taxation 2013: Comprehensive William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe | James C. Young
SELL Thomas N. Ingram | Raymond W. LaForge | Ramon A. Avila | Charles H. Schwepker | Michael R. Williams
South-Western Federal Taxation 2013: Individual Income Taxes William Hoffman | James E. Smith
South-Western Federal Taxation 2013: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | James E. Smith | David M. Maloney
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2013 Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins
Internet Marketing: Integrating Online and Offline Strategies Mary-Lou Roberts | Debra Zahay
Organization Theory and Design Richard L. Daft
Business Research Methods William G. Zikmund | Barry J. Babin | Jon C. Carr | Mitch Griffin
International Financial Reporting Standards: An Introduction Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers
Social Media Marketing: A Strategic Approach Melissa S. Barker | Donald I. Barker | Nicholas F. Bormann | Krista E. Neher
Working Larry Bailey
Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management  Don M. Chance | Robert Brooks
MKTG 6 Charles W. Lamb | Joe F. Hair | Carl McDaniel
Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective John J. Coyle | C. John Langley, Jr. | Robert A. Novack | Brian J. Gibson
Intermediate Accounting: Reporting and Analysis James M. Wahlen | Jefferson P. Jones | Donald P. Pagach
Modern Marketing Research: Concepts, Methods, and Cases Fred M. Feinberg | Thomas Kinnear | James R. Taylor
Employment Law for Human Resource Practice David J. Walsh
Intermediate Financial Management Eugene F. Brigham | Phillip R. Daves
Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management Edwin C. Leonard
BCOM Carol M. Lehman | Debbie D. DuFrene
Strategic Management Cases: An Integrated Approach Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones
Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones
Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones
Macroeconomics: Principles and Applications Robert E. Hall | Marc Lieberman
MM 3 Dawn Iacobucci
Economics: Principles and Applications Robert E. Hall | Marc Lieberman
MGMT5 Chuck Williams
Microeconomics: Principles and Applications Robert E. Hall | Marc Lieberman
Business Skills Exercises Loretta Barker
ORGB 3, Student Edition Debra L. Nelson | James Campbell Quick
Quantitative Methods for Business  David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams | Jeffrey D. Camm | James J. Cochran | Michael J. Fry | Jeffrey W. Ohlmann
Organizational Behavior: Science, The Real World, and You Debra L. Nelson, Ph.D | James Campbell Quick
Principles of Cost Accounting Edward J. Vanderbeck
GLOBAL Mike Peng
PROMO2 Thomas O'Guinn | Chris Allen | Richard J. Semenik
CB4 Barry J. Babin | Eric Harris
Essentials of Business Communication Mary Ellen Guffey | Dana Loewy
Managerial ACCT2 Roby B. Sawyers | Steve Jackson | Greg Jenkins
Contemporary Business Reports Shirley Kuiper | Dorinda Clippinger
Financial ACCT2 Norman H. Godwin | C. Wayne Alderman
Management Chuck Williams
Resumes, Cover Letters, Networking, and Interviewing Clifford W. Eischen | Lynn A. Eischen
Survey of Accounting Carl S. Warren
Essentials of Business Law and the Legal Environment Richard A. Mann | Barry S. Roberts
CFIN 3 Scott Besley | Eugene F. Brigham
Resume Writer’s Workbook: Marketing yourself Throughout the Job Search Process Stanley Krantman
BUSN 5 Marcella Kelly | Jim McGowen
Management Ricky W. Griffin
Using Financial Accounting Information: The Alternative to Debits and Credits Gary A. Porter | Curtis L. Norton
Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online Amy Newman | Scot Ober
Cengage Advantage Books: Foundations of the Legal Environment of Business Marianne M. Jennings
Macroeconomics William Boyes | Michael Melvin
Microeconomics William Boyes | Michael Melvin
Contemporary Business Mathematics for Colleges James E. Deitz | James L. Southam
Contemporary Business Mathematics for Colleges, Brief James E. Deitz | James L. Southam
Management, Preliminary Edition Ranjay Gulati | Anthony J. Mayo | Nitin Nohria
Marketing Charles W. Lamb | Joe F. Hair | Carl McDaniel
Business Law and the Legal Environment, Standard Edition Jeffrey F. Beatty | Susan S. Samuelson
Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Business Law Jeffrey F. Beatty | Susan S. Samuelson
Survey of Economics Irvin B. Tucker
College Accounting, Chapters 1-24 Tracie L. Nobles | Cathy J. Scott | Douglas J. McQuaig | Patricia A. Bille
Business Marketing Management: B2B Michael D. Hutt | Thomas W. Speh
College Accounting, Chapters 1-12 Tracie L. Nobles | Cathy J. Scott | Douglas J. McQuaig | Patricia A. Bille
Accounting Information Systems James A. Hall
Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making & Cases O. C. Ferrell | John Fraedrich | Linda Ferrell
Business Law, Alternate Edition: Text and Summarized Cases Roger LeRoy Miller | Frank B. Cross
Cengage Advantage Books: Fundamentals of Business Law: Excerpted Cases Roger LeRoy Miller
Cengage Advantage Books: Fundamentals of Business Law: Summarized Cases Roger LeRoy Miller
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Exploring Macroeconomics Robert L. Sexton
Exploring Microeconomics Robert L. Sexton
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Foundations of Business William M. Pride | Robert J. Hughes | Jack R. Kapoor
Foundations of Marketing William M. Pride | O. C. Ferrell
Fundamentals of Financial Management Eugene F. Brigham | Joel F. Houston
Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills Andrew J. DuBrin
Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development Robert N. Lussier | Christopher F. Achua
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Management Robert Kreitner | Carlene Cassidy
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Sports Law Adam Epstein
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Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson
Strategic Management: Concepts: Competitiveness and Globalization Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson
The Legal Environment Today: Business In Its Ethical, Regulatory, E-Commerce, and Global Setting Roger LeRoy Miller | Frank B. Cross
Understanding Management Richard L. Daft | Dorothy Marcic
Your Career: How To Make It Happen Lauri Harwood
The Experiential Student Team Consulting Process: A Problem-Based Model for Consulting and Service-Learning Dr. Ronald G. Cook | Paul Belliveau | Diane K. Campbell
Payroll Accounting 2012 Bernard J. Bieg | Judith A. Toland
Income Tax Fundamentals 2012 Gerald E. Whittenburg | Martha Altus-Buller
Essentials of Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft® Excel® David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Frank K. Reilly | Keith C. Brown
Introduction to Corporate Finance: What Companies Do John Graham | Scott B. Smart
Introduction to Corporate Finance: What Companies Do, Abridged Edition John Graham | Scott B. Smart
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Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World John W. Satzinger | Robert B. Jackson | Stephen D. Burd
ECON Macro 3 William A. McEachern
Marketing Channels Bert Rosenbloom
Ethics in Information Technology George Reynolds
ECON Micro 3  William A. McEachern
M&B 2 Dean Croushore
International Financial Management Jeff Madura
Financial Markets and Institutions Jeff Madura
Principles of Finance Scott Besley | Eugene F. Brigham
Financial Analysis with Microsoft® Excel® Timothy R. Mayes | Todd M. Shank
BSTAT Gerald Keller
Small Business Management: Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures Justin G. Longenecker | J. William Petty | Leslie E. Palich | Frank Hoy
Human Resource Development Jon M. Werner | Randy L. DeSimone
Personal Finance E. Thomas Garman | Raymond E. Forgue
PFIN 2 Lawrence J. Gitman | Michael D. Joehnk | Randall Billingsley
VBA for Modelers: Developing Decision Support Systems S. Christian Albright
MR Tom J. Brown | Tracy A. Suter
Public Finance John E. Anderson
Advertising Age: The Principles of Advertising and Marketing Communication at Work Esther Thorson | Margaret Duffy
Active Interviewing: Branding, Selling, and Presenting Yourself to Win Your Next Job Eric P. Kramer
Business & Professional Ethics Leonard J. Brooks | Paul Dunn
Using Quickbooks Pro 2011 for Accounting Glenn Owen
Integrated Computer Applications Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo
Building Accounting Systems Using Access 2010 James Perry | Richard Newmark
Advanced Accounting Paul M. Fischer | William J. Taylor | Rita H. Cheng
The Ultimate Job Hunter's Guidebook Susan D. Greene | Melanie C.L. Martel
South-Western Federal Taxation: Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Treasury Regulations, Annotated and Selected 2012 James E. Smith
Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extensions Walter Nicholson | Christopher Snyder
The World of Customer Service Pattie Gibson
Human Resource Management: Essential Perspectives Robert L. Mathis | John H. Jackson
Managing Human Resources Susan E. Jackson | Randall S. Schuler | Steve Werner
Microeconomics: Principles and Policy William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
Concepts of Database Management Philip J. Pratt | Joseph J. Adamski
Macroeconomics: Principles and Policy William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
Economics: Principles and Policy William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
Ethics in the Workplace Dean Bredeson | Keith Goree
Machine Transcription & Dictation Mitsy Ballentine, M. Ed.
Launching New Ventures: An Entrepreneurial Approach Kathleen R. Allen
Health Economics and Policy (with Economic Applications) James W. Henderson
Human Relations: Principles and Practices Barry L. Reece
South-Western Federal Taxation 2012: Taxation of Business Entities James E. Smith | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney
Diversity in Organizations Myrtle P. Bell
South-Western Federal Taxation 2012: Comprehensive William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe | James C. Young
South-Western Federal Taxation 2012: Comprehensive, Professional Edition William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe | James C. Young
Auditing: A Business Risk Approach Larry E. Rittenberg | Karla Johnstone | Audrey Gramling
South-Western Federal Taxation 2012 William Hoffman | James R. Smith
South-Western Federal Taxation 2012: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts, Professional Version William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | James E. Smith | David M. Maloney
South-Western Federal Taxation 2012: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | James E. Smith | David M. Maloney
South-Western Federal Taxation 2012: Individual Income Taxes William Hoffman | James E. Smith
Practical Management Science Wayne L. Winston | S. Christian Albright
Financial and Managerial Accounting Using Excel® for Success James Reeve | Carl Warren | Jonathan Duchac
Understanding Business Strategy Concepts Plus R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson | Michael A. Hitt
The Social Media Business Equation Eve Mayer Orsburn
Essentials of Strategic Management Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones
Business Math Using Excel®  Sharon Burton | Nelda Shelton
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2012 Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2012, Professional Edition Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins
Statistics for Business and Economics, Revised David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams
DigiTools: Communication, Information, and Technology Skills Karl Barksdale
Essentials of Statistics for Business and Economics, Revised David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams
Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft® Excel® David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams
Basic Finance: An Introduction to Financial Institutions, Investments and Management Herbert B. Mayo
Accounting Using Excel® for Success James Reeve | Carl S. Warren | Jonathan Duchac
Calculators: Printing and Display William R. Pasewark
Managerial Accounting: An Introduction to Concepts, Methods and Uses Michael W. Maher | Clyde P. Stickney | Roman L. Weil
101 Successful Interviewing Strategies Eric P. Kramer
101 Successful Networking Strategies Eric P. Kramer
90 Days to Success as a Small Business Owner Barry Thomsen
Using Peachtree Complete 2011 for Accounting Glenn Owen
Cornerstones of Financial Accounting Jay Rich | Jeff Jones | Maryanne Mowen | Don Hansen
Cornerstones of Financial and Managerial Accounting Jay Rich | Jeff Jones | Dan L. Heitger | Maryanne Mowen | Don Hansen
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Robert M. Monczka | Robert B. Handfield | Larry C. Giunipero | James L. Patterson
CFIN 2 Scott Besley | Eugene F. Brigham
An Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making, Revised David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams | Jeffrey D. Camm | R. Kipp Martin
100% Job Search Success Amy Solomon, M.S., O.T.R | Gwenn Wilson, MA | Lori Tyler, MS | Terry Taylor, PhD
Contemporary Mathematics for Business and Consumers Robert Brechner
Contemporary Mathematics for Business and Consumers, Brief Edition Robert Brechner
Financial & Managerial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Jonathan Duchac
Corporate Financial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Jonathan Duchac
Managerial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Jonathan Duchac
MKTG 5 Charles W. Lamb | Joe F. Hair | Carl McDaniel
Contemporary Project Management Timothy Kloppenborg
Excel Applications for Accounting Principles Gaylord N. Smith
Excel Quick Gaylord N. Smith
CB 3 Barry J. Babin | Eric Harris
Successful Project Management Jack Gido | James P. Clements
OM 3 David Alan Collier | James R. Evans
Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion Thomas O'Guinn | Chris Allen | Richard J. Semenik
Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Joel D. Wisner | Keah-Choon Tan | G. Keong Leong
100% Student Success Amy Solomon, M.S., O.T.R | Gwenn Wilson, MA | Lori Tyler, MS | Terry Taylor, PhD
MGMT 4 Chuck Williams
Applied Business Ethics: A Skills-Based Approach Dean Bredeson
Modern Human Relations at Work Kathryn W. Hegar
Principles of Economics N. Gregory Mankiw
Small Business Management: Entrepreneurship and Beyond Timothy S. Hatten
BCOM 3 Carol M. Lehman | Debbie D. DuFrene
Essentials of Economics N. Gregory Mankiw
Brief Principles of Macroeconomics N. Gregory Mankiw
Federal Tax Research William A. Raabe | Gerald E. Whittenburg | Debra L. Sanders | Roby B. Sawyers | Steven L. Gill (Contributing Author)
Job Hunting After 50 Carol Silvis
Principles of Microeconomics N. Gregory Mankiw
BUSN 4 Marcella Kelly | Jim McGowen
Principles of Macroeconomics N. Gregory Mankiw
Using Excel & Access for Accounting 2010 Glenn Owen
Fraud Examination W. Steve Albrecht | Chad O. Albrecht | Conan C. Albrecht | Mark F. Zimbelman
SELL 2 Thomas N. Ingram | Raymond W. LaForge | Ramon A. Avila | Charles H. Schwepker | Michael R. Williams
Smith and Roberson's Business Law Richard A. Mann | Barry S. Roberts
MM Dawn Iacobucci
Intermediate Accounting Earl K. Stice | James D. Stice
Management Richard L. Daft
Entrepreneurial Finance J. Chris Leach | Ronald W. Melicher
Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition Eugene F. Brigham | Joel F. Houston
International Business Law and Its Environment Richard Schaffer | Filiberto Agusti | Lucien J. Dhooge | Beverley Earle
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Business and Society: Ethics, Sustainability, and Stakeholder Management Archie B. Carroll | Ann K. Buchholtz
Cengage Advantage Books: Essentials of Business Law Jeffrey F. Beatty | Susan S. Samuelson
The Entrepreneur's Guide to Business Law Constance E. Bagley | Craig E. Dauchy
The Legal Environment of Business Roger E. Meiners | Al H. Ringleb | Frances L. Edwards
Principles of Business Les Dlabay, Ed.D. | James L. Burrow | Brad Kleindl
Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting Maryanne M. Mowen | Don R. Hansen | Dan L. Heitger
Law and Ethics in the Business Environment Terry Halbert | Elaine Ingulli
Effective Management Chuck Williams
Pricing Strategy: Setting Price Levels, Managing Price Discounts and Establishing Price Structures Tim Smith
Understanding the Law Donald L. Carper | John A. McKinsey
100% Information Literacy Success Amy Solomon, M.S., O.T.R | Gwenn Wilson, MA | Terry Taylor, PhD
Cengage Advantage Books: Modern Principles of Business Law: Contracts, the UCC, and Business Organizations Roger LeRoy Miller
Marketing 2012 William M. Pride | O.C. Ferrell
Cases in Financial Reporting Michael J. Sandretto
Organizational Behavior: Tools for Success Jean M. Phillips | Stanley M. Gully
Statistics for Management and Economics, Abbreviated Edition Gerald Keller
Accounting Information Systems Ulric J. Gelinas | Richard B. Dull | Patrick Wheeler
Essentials of Management Andrew J. DuBrin
Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Jonathan Duchac
Business William M. Pride | Robert J. Hughes | Jack R. Kapoor
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Contemporary Marketing Louis E. Boone | David L. Kurtz
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Doing Data Analysis with SPSS®: Version 18.0 Robert H. Carver | Jane Gradwohl Nash
Economics: A Contemporary Introduction William A. McEachern
Essentials of Marketing Charles W. Lamb | Joe F. Hair | Carl McDaniel
Financial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Jonathan Duchac
Fundamentals of Economics William Boyes | Michael Melvin
Fundamentals of Management Ricky W. Griffin
HR Angelo S. DeNisi | Ricky W. Griffin
Macroeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction William A. McEachern
Managerial Economics: Markets and the Firm William Boyes
Organizational Behavior Ricky W. Griffin | Gregory Moorhead
Real Estate Law Robert J. Aalberts
Statistics for Management and Economics Gerald Keller
The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases: Ethical, Regulatory, Global, and Corporate Issues Frank B. Cross | Roger LeRoy Miller
Financial Accounting Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers
Business: Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment Marianne M. Jennings
Business Law: Text and Cases: Legal, Ethical, Global, and Corporate Environment Kenneth W. Clarkson | Roger LeRoy Miller | Frank B. Cross
Microeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction William A. McEachern
PROMO Thomas O'Guinn | Chris Allen | Richard J. Semenik
Keyboarding Course, Lesson 1-25 with Keyboarding Pro 6: College Keyboarding Susie H. Vanhuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo
Macroeconomics Roger A. Arnold
Microeconomics Roger A. Arnold
Economics Roger A. Arnold
Spreadsheet Modeling & Decision Analysis: A Practical Introduction to Management Science Cliff Ragsdale
Income Tax Fundamentals 2011 Gerald E. Whittenburg | Martha Altus-Buller
Corporate Entrepreneurship & Innovation Michael H. Morris | Donald F. Kuratko | Jeffrey G. Covin
Keyboarding and Word Processing, Complete Course, Lessons 1-120: Microsoft Word 2010: College Keyboarding Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo
Keyboarding Course, Lessons 1-25 Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo
Advanced Word Processing, Lessons 56-110: Microsoft® Word 2010 Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo
Payroll Accounting 2011 Bernard J. Bieg | Judith A. Toland
Data Analysis and Decision Making S. Christian Albright | Wayne Winston | Christopher Zappe
Human Resource Selection Robert Gatewood | Hubert S. Feild | Murray Barrick
Keyboarding and Word Processing Essentials, Lessons 1-55: Microsoft® Word 2010 Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo
Survey of ECON Robert L. Sexton
Human Resource Management Applications: Cases, Exercises, Incidents, and Skill Builders Stella M. Nkomo | Myron D. Fottler | R. Bruce McAfee
Essentials of Statistics for Business and Economics David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams
Investigating Your Career  Ann Jordan | Lynne Whaley
Financial Markets and Institutions, Abridged Edition Jeff Madura
International Financial Management, Abridged Edition Jeff Madura
Economics for Today Irvin B. Tucker
Macroeconomics for Today Irvin B. Tucker
Microeconomics for Today Irvin B. Tucker
International Economics Robert Carbaugh
Practical Math Applications Sharon Burton | Nelda Shelton
Business Communication: Process and Product Mary Ellen Guffey | Dana Loewy
Information Technology Auditing James A. Hall
Human Resource Management Robert L. Mathis | John H. Jackson
Price Theory and Applications Steven Landsburg
Services Marketing: Concepts, Strategies, & Cases K. Douglas Hoffman | John E.G. Bateson
Systems Architecture Stephen D. Burd
Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation: A Strategic Perspective James M. Wahlen | Stephen P. Baginski | Mark Bradshaw
Managerial Economics: Applications, Strategy and Tactics James R. McGuigan | R. Charles Moyer | Frederick H.deB. Harris
The Management of Technology and Innovation: A Strategic Approach Margaret A. White | Garry D. Bruton
Green Marketing Management Robert Dahlstrom
The Administrative Professional: Technology & Procedures Patsy Fulton-Calkins | Dianne Rankin | Kellie A. Shumack, Ph.D.
Using Quickbooks Pro 2010 for Accounting Glenn Owen
Global Business Mike Peng
Public Finance David N. Hyman
Simulation Judy Read | Mary Lea Ginn
South-Western Federal Taxation: Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Treasury Regulations, Annotated and Selected 2011 James E. Smith
Economics: Principles and Policy, Update 2010 Edition William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
Macroeconomics: Principles and Policy, Update 2010 Edition William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
Microeconomics: Principles and Policy, Update 2010 Edition William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
Records Management Judy Read | Mary Lea Ginn
Accounting Using Excel® for Success James Reeve | Carl S. Warren | Jonathan Duchac
South-Western Federal Taxation 2011: Taxation of Business Entities James E. Smith | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney
The Sports Connection: Integrated Simulation Susie VanHuss | Connie M. Forde
CFIN 2010 Scott Besley | Eugene F. Brigham
South-Western Federal Taxation 2011: Comprehensive Eugene Willis | William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe | James C. Young
Investments: An Introduction Herbert B. Mayo
South-Western Federal Taxation 2011: Individual Income Taxes William Hoffman | James E. Smith | Eugene Willis
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2011 Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins
Financial Reporting and Analysis: Using Financial Accounting Information Charles H. Gibson
Business Law: Principles for Today's Commercial Environment David P. Twomey | Marianne M. Jennings
Marketing Strategy O. C. Ferrell | Michael Hartline
College Accounting, Chapters 1-24 Douglas J. McQuaig | Patricia A. Bille | Tracie L. Nobles
Integrated Business Projects Anthony A. Olinzock | Janna Arney | Wylma Skean
South-Western Federal Taxation 2011: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | James E. Smith | David M. Maloney
PFIN Lawrence J. Gitman | Michael D. Joehnk | Randall Billingsley
Economic Issues and Policy Jacqueline Murray Brux
International Financial Reporting Standards: An Introduction Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers
An Introduction to Management Science David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams | Jeffrey D. Camm | R. Kipp Martin
Management Chuck Williams
Introduction to Business Statistics Ronald M. Weiers
College Accounting, Chapters 1-12 Douglas J. McQuaig | Patricia A. Bille | Tracie L. Nobles
The Relational Leader: A Revolutionary Framework to Engage Your Team Frank McIntosh
Using Peachtree Complete 2010 for Accounting Glenn Owen
Using Financial Accounting Information: The Alternative to Debits and Credits Gary A. Porter | Curtis L. Norton
Financial ACCT: 2010 Student Edition Norman H. Godwin | C. Wayne Alderman
MGMT 3 Chuck Williams
Quality & Performance Excellence James R. Evans
Transportation: A Supply Chain Perspective John J. Coyle | Robert A. Novack | Brian Gibson | Edward J. Bardi
Financial Management: Theory & Practice Eugene F. Brigham | Michael C. Ehrhardt
Strategic Management Communication for Leaders Robyn Walker
The Leadership Experience Richard L. Daft
Financial and Managerial Accounting Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers | Susan V. Crosson
Managerial Accounting Susan V. Crosson | Belverd E. Needles
Building High-Performance Teams Carol M. Lehman | Debbie D. DuFrene
Business Communication Carol M. Lehman | Debbie D. DuFrene
21st Century Business: Intro to Business Robert A Ristau
Getting a Job Process Kit Robert H. Zedlitz
SELL Thomas N. Ingram | Raymond W. LaForge | Ramon A. Avila | Charles H. Schwepker | Michael R. Williams
College Accounting, Chapters 1-27 James A. Heintz | Robert W. Parry
Organizational Behavior: Science, The Real World, and You Debra L. Nelson, Ph.D | James Campbell Quick
Technical Writing for Success Darlene Smith-Worthington | Sue Jefferson
BUSN 3 Marcella Kelly | Jim McGowen
CB 2 Barry J. Babin | Eric Harris
MKTG 4 Charles W. Lamb | Joe F. Hair | Carl McDaniel
Personal Development for Life and Work Ann Masters | Harold R. Wallace
Transactions and Strategies: Economics for Management (with InfoApps) Robert J. Michaels
Business Communication A.C. "Buddy" Krizan | Patricia Merrier | Joyce P. Logan | Karen Schneiter Williams
Business English Mary Ellen Guffey | Carolyn M. Seefer
Corporate Finance Michael C. Ehrhardt | Eugene F. Brigham
Microeconomics: An Intuitive Approach Thomas Nechyba
Strategic Human Resource Management Jeffrey A. Mello
How to Study in College Walter Pauk | Ross J.Q. Owens
Cengage Advantage Books: Business Law Arnold J. Goldman | William D. Sigismond
BCOM 2 Carol M. Lehman | Debbie D. DuFrene
ORGB 2 Debra L. Nelson | James Campbell Quick
Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Standard Volume David P. Twomey | Marianne M. Jennings
Supervisory Management Donald C. Mosley | Don C. Mosley, Jr. | Paul H. Pietri
Practical Financial Management William R. Lasher
Understanding Management Richard L. Daft | Dorothy Marcic
Legal Aspects of Managing Technology Lee B. Burgunder
The Law of Marketing Lynda J. Oswald
21st Century Business: Business Law John E. Adamson
Human Relations Marie Dalton | Dawn G. Hoyle | Marie W. Watts
International Business Les Dlabay, Ed.D. | James Calvert Scott, Ph.D.
Legal Environment Jeffrey F. Beatty | Susan S. Samuelson
Marketing Yourself Dorene Ciletti
Multinational Management John B. Cullen
Survey of Accounting Carl S. Warren
Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume David P. Twomey | Marianne M. Jennings
College Accounting, Chapters 1-15 James A. Heintz | Robert W. Parry
College Accounting, Chapters 1-9 James A. Heintz | Robert W. Parry
Contemporary Auditing: Real Issues and Cases Michael C. Knapp
Cost Accounting: Foundations and Evolutions Michael R. Kinney | Cecily A. Raiborn
Personal Financial Planning Lawrence J. Gitman | Michael D. Joehnk | Randy Billingsley
Exploring Economics Robert L. Sexton
Exploring Macroeconomics Robert L. Sexton
Exploring Microeconomics Robert L. Sexton
Managerial ACCT Roby B. Sawyers | Steve Jackson | Greg Jenkins
Management Ricky W. Griffin
21st Century Business: Customer Service, Student Edition Career Solutions Training Group
Microeconomics: An Intuitive Approach with Calculus Thomas Nechyba
Macroeconomics: Private and Public Choice James D. Gwartney | Richard L. Stroup | Russell S. Sobel | David A. Macpherson
Principles of Accounting Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers | Susan V. Crosson
Microeconomics: Private and Public Choice James D. Gwartney | Richard L. Stroup | Russell S. Sobel | David A. Macpherson
Principles of Financial Accounting Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers
Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making & Cases O. C. Ferrell | John Fraedrich | Linda Ferrell
Accounting Information Systems James A. Hall
Building Accounting Systems Using Access 2007 James T. Perry | Richard Newmark
Business and Society: A Strategic Approach to Social Responsibility Debbie M. Thorne | O. C. Ferrell | Linda Ferrell
Business Law and the Regulation of Business Richard A. Mann | Barry S. Roberts
Business Law Today, Standard Edition Roger LeRoy Miller | Gaylord A. Jentz
Cengage Advantage Books: Business Law Today: The Essentials Roger LeRoy Miller | Gaylord A. Jentz
Cengage Advantage Books: Business Law: Text and Exercises Roger LeRoy Miller | William E. Hollowell
Cengage Advantage Books: Essentials of the Legal Environment Roger LeRoy Miller | Frank B. Cross | Gaylord A. Jentz
Cengage Advantage Books: Law for Business The Honorable John D. Ashcroft, J.D. | Janet Ashcroft, J.D.
Consumer Behavior Frank Kardes | Maria Cronley | Thomas Cline
Contemporary Marketing 2011 Louis E. Boone | David L. Kurtz
Cornerstones of Cost Accounting Don Hansen | Maryanne M. Mowen
E-Learning Companion: A Student's Guide to Online Success Ryan Watkins | Michael Corry
Economics William Boyes | Michael Melvin
Economics: Private and Public Choice James D. Gwartney | Richard L. Stroup | Russell S. Sobel | David A. Macpherson
Effective Human Relations: Interpersonal and Organizational Applications Barry L. Reece | Rhonda Brandt | Karen T. Howie
Employment and Labor Law Patrick J. Cihon | James Ottavio Castagnera
Financial Accounting: The Impact on Decision Makers Gary A. Porter | Curtis L. Norton
FOCUS on College Success Dr. Constance C. Staley
Foundations of Business William M. Pride | Robert J. Hughes | Jack R. Kapoor
Foundations of Marketing William M. Pride | O. C. Ferrell
Integrated Accounting for Windows® Dale A. Klooster | Warren Allen
Macroeconomics William Boyes | Michael Melvin
Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence James R. Evans | William M. Lindsay
Marketing Charles W. Lamb | Joe F. Hair | Carl McDaniel
Marketing Express William M. Pride | O. C. Ferrell
Microeconomics William Boyes | Michael Melvin
On Course, Study Skills Plus Edition Skip Downing
Organizational Behavior Don Hellriegel | John W. Slocum Jr.
Proofreading and Editing Precision Larry G. Pagel
Reaching Your Potential: Personal and Professional Development Robert K. Throop | Marion B. Castellucci
Real Estate Law Marianne M. Jennings
Retailing Patrick M. Dunne | Robert F. Lusch | James R. Carver
Statistics for Business and Economics David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams
Strategic Management: Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson
Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson
Strategic Management: Concepts: Competitiveness and Globalization Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson
Survey of Economics Irvin B. Tucker
The Confident Student Carol C. Kanar
Financial Accounting: A Focus on Interpretation and Analysis Richard F. Kochanek | Douglas Hillman
Income Tax Fundamentals 2010 Gerald E. Whittenburg | Martha Altus-Buller
Economics: Principles and Applications Robert E. Hall | Marc Lieberman
Macroeconomics: Principles and Applications Robert E. Hall | Marc Lieberman
Microeconomics: Principles and Applications Robert E. Hall | Marc Lieberman
M & B Dean Croushore
Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management Carlos Coronel | Steven Morris | Peter Rob
101 Ways to Successfully Market Yourself Jason Miletsky
Principles of Cost Accounting Edward J. Vanderbeck
Environmental Economics and Management : Theory, Policy and Applications Scott J. Callan | Janet M. Thomas
GLOBAL Mike Peng
Payroll Accounting 2010 Bernard J. Bieg | Judith A. Toland
Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations Dawn Iacobucci | Gilbert A. Churchill
OM 2 David Alan Collier | James R. Evans
Cases in Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones
Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones
Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones
Intermediate Accounting Update Loren A. Nikolai | John D. Bazley | Jefferson P. Jones
Corporate Finance: Linking Theory to What Companies Do John Graham | Scott B. Smart | William L. Megginson
Financial Markets and Institutions Jeff Madura
International Financial Management Jeff Madura
Small Business Management: Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures Justin G. Longenecker | J. William Petty | Leslie E. Palich | Carlos W. Moore
Behavioral Finance: Psychology, Decision-Making, and Markets Lucy Ackert | Richard Deaves
Foundations in Strategic Management Jeffrey S. Harrison | Caron H. St. John
90 Days to Success in Consulting William McKnight
ECON Micro 2 William A. McEachern
ECON Macro 2 William A. McEachern
Intermediate MACRO Robert J. Barro
Managerial Economics: A Problem-Solving Approach Luke M. Froeb | Brian T. McCann
Business Research Methods William G. Zikmund | Barry J. Babin | Jon C. Carr | Mitch Griffin
Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application Walter Nicholson | Christopher Snyder
Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management Don M. Chance | Robert Brooks
VBA for Modelers: Developing Decision Support Systems with Microsoft® Office® Excel S. Christian Albright
Business Protocol: Contemporary American Practice David Robinson
Bank Management Timothy W. Koch | S. Scott MacDonald
Human Resources Management: A Strategic Approach William P. Anthony | K. Michelle Kacmar | Pamela L. Perrewé
Introduction to Business Architecture Chris Reynolds
International Marketing Michael R. Czinkota | Ilkka A. Ronkainen
Oracle 11G: SQL Joan Casteel
South-Western Federal Taxation: Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Treasury Regulations, Annotated and Selected 2010, Professional Version James E. Smith
Using Quickbooks Pro 2009 for Accounting Glenn Owen
Auditing: A Business Risk Approach Larry E. Rittenberg | Karla Johnstone | Audrey Gramling
Cornerstones of Financial Accounting, Current Trends Update Jay Rich | Jeff Jones | Maryanne Mowen | Don Hansen
Cornerstones of Financial and Managerial Accounting, Current Trends Update Jay Rich | Jeff Jones | Maryanne Mowen | Don Hansen | Dan L. Heitger
History of the American Economy Gary M. Walton | Hugh Rockoff
Economics and Contemporary Issues Ronald Moomaw | Kent W. Olson | William McLean | Michael Applegate
Health Economics: Theory, Insights, and Industry Studies Dr. Rexford E. Santerre | Dr. Stephen P. Neun
Organization Theory and Design Richard L. Daft
International Financial Reporting Standards Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers
South-Western Federal Taxation 2010: Taxation of Business Entities James E. Smith | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney
Principles of Microeconomics Fred M. Gottheil
Principles of Economics  Fred M. Gottheil
Principles of Macroeconomics Fred M. Gottheil
Global Business 2009 Update Mike Peng
South-Western Federal Taxation 2010: Comprehensive Eugene Willis | William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe
Business Ethics 2009 Update: Ethical Decision Making and Cases O. C. Ferrell | John Fraedrich | Linda Ferrell
Basic Marketing Research Gilbert A. Churchill | Tom J. Brown | Tracy A. Suter
Employment Law for Human Resource Practice David J. Walsh
Essentials of Marketing Research William G. Zikmund | Barry J. Babin
South-Western Federal Taxation 2010: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | James E. Smith | David M. Maloney
South-Western Federal Taxation 2010: Individual Income Taxes William Hoffman | James E. Smith | Eugene Willis
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2010 Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins
Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Business Law Jeffrey F. Beatty | Susan S. Samuelson
MM (Marketing Management) Dawn Iacobucci
Business & Professional Ethics for Directors, Executives & Accountants Leonard J. Brooks | Paul Dunn
Financial Analysis with Microsoft® Excel® 2007 Timothy R. Mayes | Todd M. Shank
Intermediate Accounting James D. Stice | Earl K. Stice | Fred Skousen
Business Math Mary Hansen
Perspectives on Managing Employees Michael A. Fina
Contemporary Auditing: Real Issues & Cases, Update Michael C. Knapp
Contemporary Business Report Writing Shirley Kuiper
Exploring Marketing Research William G. Zikmund | Barry J. Babin
Global Economic Watch: Impact on Finance Global Economics Crisis Resource Center
Global Economic Watch: Impact on International Business Global Economics Crisis Resource Center
International Management: Strategy and Culture in the Emerging World David Ahlstrom | Garry D. Bruton
Marketing: Planning and Strategy Subash C. Jain
Accounting Information Systems Ulric J. Gelinas | Richard B. Dull
Financial Accounting: An Introduction to Concepts, Methods and Uses Clyde P. Stickney | Roman L. Weil | Katherine Schipper | Jennifer Francis
Labor and Employment Law: Text & Cases David Twomey
90 Days to Success as a Manager Tony Meola
HOW 12: A Handbook for Office Professionals James L. Clark | Lyn R. Clark
Management Richard L. Daft
Basic Economics Frank V. Mastrianna
Essentials of Business Law and the Legal Environment Richard A. Mann | Barry S. Roberts
Basic English Review Karen Schneiter Williams
Business Marketing Management: B2B Michael D. Hutt | Thomas W. Speh
Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management Edwin C. Leonard
101 Great Resumes Ron Fry
Business William M. Pride | Robert J. Hughes | Jack R. Kapoor
Business William M. Pride | Robert J. Hughes | Jack R. Kapoor
Quantitative Methods for Business David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams | Jeffrey D. Camm | R. Kipp Martin
101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions Ron Fry
Intermediate Financial Management Eugene F. Brigham | Phillip R. Daves
Strategize!: Experiential Exercises in Strategic Management C. Gopinath | Julie I. Siciliano
Contemporary Marketing Louis E. Boone | David L. Kurtz
Business Communication Thomas Means
101 Smart Questions to Ask on Your Interview Ron Fry
Fundamentals of Financial Management Eugene F. Brigham | Joel F. Houston
Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for the 21st Century Constance E. Bagley | Diane Savage
Using Financial Accounting Information: The Alternative to Debits & Credits Gary A. Porter | Curtis L. Norton
Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills Andrew J. DuBrin
Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development Robert N. Lussier | Christopher F. Achua
Family Business Ernesto J. Poza
Operations and Supply Chain Management for the 21st Century Ken Boyer | Rohit Verma
Practicing College Learning Strategies Carolyn H. Hopper
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Resumes, Cover Letters, Networking, and Interviewing Clifford W. Eischen | Lynn A. Eischen
BAMS: The Essential Guide to Becoming a Master Student Dave Ellis
Cengage Advantage Books: Fundamentals of Business Law: Excerpted Cases Roger LeRoy Miller | Gaylord A. Jentz
Your Career: How to Make it Happen Julie Griffin Levitt | Lauri Harwood
Essentials of Business Communication Mary Ellen Guffey
FOCUS on Community College Success Constance Staley
Student Guide to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Robert A. Prentice | Dean Bredeson
Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations Ricky W. Griffin | Gregory Moorhead
Enterprise! William B. Gartner | Marlene G. Bellamy
Supervision: Setting People Up for Success Carlene Cassidy | Robert Kreitner, Ph.D.
Intermediate Accounting (Book Only) Loren A. Nikolai | John D. Bazley | Jefferson P. Jones
Orientation to College Learning Dianna L. Van Blerkom
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Microeconomics for Today Irvin B. Tucker
Your Guide to College Success: Strategies for Achieving Your Goals John W. Santrock | Jane S. Halonen
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Economics for Today Irvin B. Tucker
Macroeconomics for Today Irvin B. Tucker
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Cengage Advantage Books: Foundations of the Legal Environment of Business Marianne M. Jennings
Consumer Behavior Wayne D. Hoyer | Deborah J. MacInnis
Effective Management: A Multimedia Approach Chuck Williams
Economics Roger A. Arnold
Financial Accounting Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers
Microeconomics Roger A. Arnold
Using Peachtree Complete 2009 for Accounting Glenn Owen
Business Law and the Legal Environment, Standard Edition Jeffrey F. Beatty | Susan S. Samuelson
Macroeconomics Roger A. Arnold
FOCUS on College Success, Concise Edition Dr. Constance C. Staley
Cengage Advantage Books: Fundamentals of Business Law: Summarized Cases Roger LeRoy Miller | Gaylord A. Jentz
The Legal Environment Today: Business In Its Ethical, Regulatory, E-Commerce, and Global Setting Roger LeRoy Miller | Frank B. Cross
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Management: Current Practices and New Directions Bruno Dyck | Mitchell J. Neubert
Small Business Management, Reprint Timothy S. Hatten
Financial Accounting: The Impact on Decision Makers Gary A. Porter | Curtis L. Norton
Income Tax Fundamentals 2009 Gerald E. Whittenburg | Martha Altus-Buller
Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, and Practice Donald F. Kuratko
Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting Maryanne M. Mowen | Don R. Hansen | Dan L. Heitger
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Contemporary Business Mathematics for Colleges James E. Deitz | James L. Southam
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management  Frank K. Reilly | Keith C. Brown
Corporate Financial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Jonathan Duchac
Financial & Managerial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Jonathan Duchac
Global Strategy Mike W. Peng
Managerial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Jonathan Duchac
Principles of Management Robert Kreitner
Essentials of Strategic Management Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones
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Marketing Charles W. Lamb | Joe F. Hair | Carl McDaniel
Small Business: An Entrepreneur's Business Plan J.D. Ryan | Gail Hiduke
Understanding Business Strategy: Concepts and Cases R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson | Michael A. Hitt
A Guide to SQL Philip J. Pratt | Mary Z. Last
Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition Eugene F. Brigham | Joel F. Houston
Managerial Accounting: A Focus on Ethical Decision Making Steve Jackson | Roby B. Sawyers | Greg Jenkins
Principles of Economics N. Gregory Mankiw
Brief Principles of Macroeconomics N. Gregory Mankiw
Essentials of Economics N. Gregory Mankiw
Principles of Finance Scott Besley | Eugene F. Brigham
Principles of Macroeconomics N. Gregory Mankiw
Principles of Microeconomics N. Gregory Mankiw
Financial Markets and Institutions, Abridged Edition Jeff Madura
International Financial Management, Abridged Edition Jeff Madura
International Economics Robert Carbaugh
Human Resource Management: Essential Perspectives Robert L. Mathis | John H. Jackson
Health Economics and Policy James W. Henderson
Using Excel® and Access® for Accounting Glenn Owen
Contemporary Auditing: Real Issues & Cases Michael C. Knapp
Integrated Computer Applications Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo
Practical Management Science, Revised Wayne L. Winston | S. Christian Albright
Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Jonathan Duchac
Statistics for Management and Economics, Abbreviated Edition Gerald Keller
Successful Project Management Jack Gido | James P. Clements
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Integrated Accounting for Windows Dale A. Klooster | Warren Allen
Organization Development and Change Thomas G. Cummings | Christopher G. Worley
Using Quickbooks Pro® 2008 for Accounting Glenn Owen
Module 6: Writing and Presenting a Business Plan James S. O'Rourke | Carolyn Boulger Karlson
Economics: Principles and Policy William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
Microeconomics: Principles and Policy William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
Financial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Jonathan Duchac
Macroeconomics: Principles and Policy William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
South-Western Federal Taxation: Internal Revenue Code 1986 & Treasury Regulations: Annotated and Selected 2009 James E. Smith
Data Analysis and Decision Making with Microsoft® Excel, Revised S. Christian Albright | Wayne Winston | Christopher Zappe
Becoming a Master Student: Concise Dave Ellis
Small Business Management: A Planning Approach Joel Corman | Robert Lussier | Lori Pennel
Modern Business Statistics David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams
The 16 Career Clusters: A Project-Based Orientation South-Western Educational Publishing
100% Online Student Success Roxanne L. DuVivier, Ph.D.
Advanced Accounting Paul M. Fischer | Rita H. Cheng | William J. Taylor
The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases -- Ethical, Regulatory, Global, and E-Commerce Issues Frank B. Cross | Roger LeRoy Miller
Principles of Supply Chain Management Joel D. Wisner | Keah-Choon Tan | G. Keong Leong
ECON for Macroeconomics William A. McEachern
South-Western Federal Taxation: Taxation of Business Entities James E. Smith | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney
Module 1: Leading Groups and Teams James S. O'Rourke | Bonnie T. Yarbrough
Module 3: Managing Conflict and Workplace Relationships James S. O'Rourke | Sandra D. Collins
Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion Thomas O'Guinn | Chris Allen | Richard J. Semenik
South-Western Federal Taxation: Comprehensive 2009 Eugene Willis | William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe
Real Estate Law Robert J. Aalberts | George Siedel
The Labor Relations Process William H. Holley | Kenneth M. Jennings | Roger S. Wolters
Financial Reporting and Analysis: Using Financial Accounting Information Charles H. Gibson
South-Western Federal Taxation 2009: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | James E. Smith | David M. Maloney
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2009 Edition Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins
South-Western Federal Taxation 2009: Individual Income Taxes William H. Hoffman, Jr. | James E. Smith | Eugene Willis
Transfer Student Companion Thomas J. Grites | Susan Rondeau
Doing Data Analysis with SPSS®: Version 16.0 Robert H. Carver | Jane Gradwohl Nash
Entrepreneurial Finance J. Chris Leach | Ronald W. Melicher
Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
ECON Microeconomics William A. McEachern
Module 4: Intercultural Communication for Business James S. O'Rourke | Elizabeth A. Tuleja
Module 7: Persuasion James S. O'Rourke | Sandra D. Collins
Business and Society: Ethics and Stakeholder Management Archie B. Carroll | Ann K. Buchholtz
Business Law: Text and Cases Kenneth W. Clarkson | Roger LeRoy Miller | Gaylord A. Jentz | Frank B. Cross
Contemporary Mathematics for Business and Consumers Robert Brechner
Contemporary Mathematics for Business and Consumers, Brief Edition Robert Brechner
Understanding Management Richard L. Daft | Dorothy Marcic
Smith and Roberson's Business Law Richard A. Mann | Barry S. Roberts
Fraud Examination W. Steve Albrecht | Conan C. Albrecht | Chad O. Albrecht | Mark F. Zimbelman
Introduction to Corporate Finance William L. Megginson | Scott B. Smart
Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective John J. Coyle | C. John Langley, Jr. | Brian J. Gibson | Robert A. Novack | Edward J. Bardi
Organizational Behavior Don Hellriegel | John W. Slocum Jr.
Introduction to Corporate Finance, Abridged Edition William L. Megginson | Scott B. Smart
Organizational Behavior: Science, The Real World, and You Debra L. Nelson, Ph.D | James Campbell Quick
Corporate Finance: A Focused Approach Michael C. Ehrhardt | Eugene F. Brigham
Procedures & Theory for Administrative Professionals Patsy Fulton-Calkins | Karin Stulz
Using Peachtree Complete Accounting 2008 Glenn Owen
Federal Tax Research William A. Raabe | Gerald E. Whittenburg | Debra L. Sanders
Human Resource Development Jon M. Werner | Randy L. DeSimone
Business Ethics: Case Studies and Selected Readings Marianne M. Jennings
Global Business Mike Peng
Survey of Economics Irvin B. Tucker
Fundamentals of Managerial Economics Mark Hirschey
Managerial Economics Mark Hirschey
Law and Ethics in the Business Environment Terry Halbert | Elaine Ingulli
Managing Human Resources Susan E. Jackson | Randall S. Schuler | Steve Werner
The Legal Environment of Business Roger E. Meiners | Al H. Ringleb | Frances L. Edwards
Marketing Express William M. Pride | O. C. Ferrell
Sales Management: Building Customer Relationships and Partnerships Joe F. Hair | Rolph E. Anderson | Rajiv Mehta | Barry J. Babin
Student Achievement Series: Foundations of Business William M. Pride | Robert J. Hughes | Jack R. Kapoor
Contemporary Financial Management R. Charles Moyer | James R. McGuigan | William J. Kretlow
Essential Study Skills Linda Wong
From Master Student to Master Employee Dave Ellis
Contemporary Project Management Timothy Kloppenborg
Enterprise Resource Planning Bret Wagner | Ellen Monk
International Marketing Dana-Nicoleta Lascu
Intro to Business Les Dlabay, Ed.D. | James L. Burrow | Brad Kleindl
The 16 Career Clusters: A Project-Based Orientation South-Western Educational Publishing
Keyboarding & Word Processing, Complete Course, Lessons 1-120 Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo | Linda Hefferin
Launching New Ventures: An Entrepreneurial Approach Kathleen R. Allen
Microeconomics: A Modern Approach Andrew Schotter
Survey of Accounting Carl S. Warren
Essentials of Management Andrew J. DuBrin
Problem Solving Cases with Microsoft Access and Excel Joseph Brady | Ellen Monk
Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization, Cases Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson
Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization, Concepts Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson
Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization, Concepts and Cases Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson
Microeconomics: Public and Private Choice James D. Gwartney | Richard L. Stroup | Russell S. Sobel | David A. Macpherson
Fundamentals of Economics William Boyes | Michael Melvin
Microeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction William A. McEachern
Cost Accounting: Foundations and Evolutions Michael R. Kinney | Cecily A. Raiborn
Economics: Private and Public Choice James D. Gwartney | Richard L. Stroup | Russell S. Sobel | David A. Macpherson
Essentials of Marketing Charles W. Lamb | Joe F. Hair | Carl McDaniel
100% Externship Success Carol Silvis | Roxanne L. DuVivier, Ph.D.
Creating the Enterprise William B. Gartner | Marlene G. Bellamy
Business: Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment Marianne M. Jennings
Economics: A Contemporary Introduction William A. McEachern
Macroeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction William A. McEachern
Management Chuck Williams
Statistics for Management and Economics Gerald Keller
Introductory Course, Chapters 1-16 Claudia Bienias Gilbertson | Mark W. Lehman
Introductory Course, Chapters 1-16 Claudia Bienias Gilbertson | Mark W. Lehman
Module 2: Graphics and Visual Communication for Managers James S. O'Rourke | Robert P. Sedlack, Jr. | Barbara L. Shwom | Karl P. Keller
Small Business Management: Entrepreneurship and Beyond Timothy S. Hatten
Contemporary Marketing 2009 Update Louis E. Boone | David L. Kurtz
Macroeconomics: Public and Private Choice James D. Gwartney | Richard L. Stroup | Russell S. Sobel | David A. Macpherson
College Study Skills: Becoming a Strategic Learner Dianna L. Van Blerkom
Essentials of Statistics for Business and Economics David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams
Foundations of Marketing William M. Pride | O. C. Ferrell
Navigating the Research University: A Guide for First-Year Students Britt Andreatta
Statistics for Business and Economics, Revised David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams
Contemporary Business Communication Scot Ober
Financial Accounting: Media Enhanced Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers
Becoming a Master Student Dave Ellis
Cost Management: Accounting and Control Don R. Hansen | Maryanne M. Mowen | Liming Guan
Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management Peter Rob | Carlos Coronel
Macroeconomics: Principles and Applications, Reprint Robert E. Hall | Marc Lieberman
Keyboarding Course, Lessons 1-25 Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo
Information Technology Project Management, Reprint Kathy Schwalbe
Module 5: Interpersonal Communication Listening and Responding James S. O'Rourke | Sandra D. Collins
Advanced Word Processsing, Lessons 61-120 Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo | Linda Hefferin
Accounting Information Systems James A. Hall
International Human Resource Management: Managing People in a Multinational Context Peter J. Dowling | Marion Festing PhD | Allen D. Engle, Sr. D.B.A
Keyboarding & Formatting Essentials, Complete Course, Lessons 1-120 Susie VanHuss | Connie Forde | Donna Woo | Laura Hefferin
Business Communication: Process and Product Mary Ellen Guffey
Formatting & Document Processing Essentials, Lessons 61-120 Susie VanHuss | Connie Forde | Donna Woo | Linda Hefferin
Franchising Richard J. Judd | Robert T. Justis
Excelâ„¢ Quick Gaylord N. Smith
Income Tax Fundamentals Gerald E. Whittenburg | Martha Altus-Buller
Excelâ„¢ Applications for Accounting Principles Gaylord N. Smith
Small Business Management: Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures Justin G. Longenecker | Carlos W. Moore | J. William Petty | Leslie E. Palich
Payroll Accounting 2008 Bernard J. Bieg | Judith A. Toland
Fundamental Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting Dan L. Heitger | Maryanne M. Mowen | Don R. Hansen
Skill Building Pro Ronald D. Johnson | Walter M. Sharp
Cases in Strategic Management Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones
Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones
Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones
Investments: An Introduction Herbert B. Mayo
Personal Finance E. Thomas Garman | Raymond E. Forgue
Spreadsheet Modeling & Decision Analysis: A Practical Introduction to Management Science, Revised Cliff Ragsdale
Fundamentals of Management Ricky W. Griffin
35 Ways to Discover a Major Kathleen Hartman
Financial Markets and Institutions Jeff Madura
Cengage Advantage Books: Business Law Today: The Essentials Roger LeRoy Miller | Gaylord A. Jentz
International Financial Management Jeff Madura
Modern Marketing Research: Concepts, Methods, and Cases Fred M. Feinberg | Thomas Kinnear | James R. Taylor
Economics for Life: 101 Lessons You Can Use Every Day! Bruce Madariaga
Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extensions Walter Nicholson | Christopher Snyder
Human Resource Management Robert L. Mathis | John H. Jackson
Keyboarding Course, Lessons 1-25 Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo
Student Achievement Series: Foundations of Management: Basics and Best Practices Robert Kreitner
The Entrepreneur's Guide to Business Law Constance E. Bagley | Craig E. Dauchy
Concepts of Database Management Philip J. Pratt | Joseph J. Adamski
Competing for Advantage Robert E. Hoskisson | Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Jeffrey S. Harrison
The Ultimate Job Hunter's Guidebook Susan D. Greene | Melanie C.L. Martel
Interactive Services Marketing Raymond P. Fisk | Stephen J. Grove | Joby John
The Resume Writers Workbook: Marketing Yourself Throughout the Job Search Process Stanley Krantman
Keyboarding & Word Processing, Lessons 1-60 Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo | Linda Hefferin
Business Analysis and Valuation: Using Financial Statements, Text and Cases Krishna G. Palepu | Paul M. Healy
Price Theory and Applications Steven Landsburg
Business Law Today, Standard Edition Roger LeRoy Miller | Gaylord A. Jentz
Business Analysis and Valuation: Using Financial Statements Krishna G. Palepu | Paul M. Healy
The Leadership Experience Richard L. Daft
Using Quickbooks Pro 2007 for Accounting Glenn Owen
Process Management: Creating Value Along the Supply Chain Joel D. Wisner | Linda L. Stanley
Cengage Advantage Books: Law for Business The Honorable John D. Ashcroft, J.D. | Janet Ashcroft, J.D.
Public Finance David N. Hyman
International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior Nancy J. Adler | Allison Gundersen
Keyboarding & Formatting Essentials, Lessons 1-60 Susie VanHuss | Connie Forde | Donna Woo
Economics: Principles and Policy, 2007 Update William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
Macroeconomics: Principles and Policy, 2007 Update William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
Microeconomics: Principles and Policy, 2007 Update William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
Human Resource Management Angelo S. DeNisi | Ricky W. Griffin
Understanding the Law Donald L. Carper | John A. McKinsey | Bill W. West
Modern Human Relations at Work Richard M. Hodgetts | Kathryn W. Hegar
Economic Issues and Policy Jacqueline Murray Brux
College Accounting, Chapters 1-26 Douglas J. McQuaig | Patricia A. Bille
West Federal Taxation: Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Treasury Regulations: Annotated and Select, 2008 edition James E. Smith
Business and Society: A Strategic Approach to Social Responsibility Debbie M. Thorne | O. C. Ferrell | Linda Ferrell
Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft Access and Excel, Annual Edition Joseph Brady | Ellen Monk
Internet Marketing: Integrating Online and Offline Strategies Mary-Lou Roberts
Management: Meeting and Exceeding Customer Expectations Warren R. Plunkett | Raymond F. Attner | Gemmy S. Allen
Auditing: A Business Risk Approach Larry E. Rittenberg | Bradley J. Schwieger | Karla Johnstone
Managerial Economics: Applications, Strategies, and Tactics James R. McGuigan | R. Charles Moyer | Frederick H.deB. Harris
Business Law and the Regulation of Business Richard A. Mann | Barry S. Roberts
An Introduction to Management Science: A Quantitative Approach to Decision Making David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams | R. Kipp Martin
West Federal Taxation 2008: Comprehensive Volume, Professional Version Eugene Willis | William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe
West Federal Taxation 2008: Individual Income Taxes, Professional Version William H. Hoffman, Jr. | James E. Smith | Eugene Willis
West Federal Taxation 2008: Taxation of Business Entities James E. Smith | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney
100% Information Literacy Success Quantum Integrations
Human Resource Management Applications: Cases, Exercises, Incidents, and Skill Builders Stella M. Nkomo | Myron D. Fottler | R. Bruce McAfee
West Federal Taxation 2008: Comprehensive Volume  Eugene Willis | William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2008 Edition Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins
West Federal Taxation 2008: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates, and Trusts William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | James E. Smith | David M. Maloney
West Federal Taxation 2008: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates, and Trusts, Professional Edition William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | James E. Smith | David M. Maloney
Student Achievement Series: Fundamentals of Contemporary Business Communication Scot Ober
West Federal Taxation 2008: Individual Income Taxes William H. Hoffman, Jr. | James E. Smith | Eugene Willis
Investigating Your Career Ann Jordan | Lynne Whaley
Business Finance Les Dlabay, Ed.D. | James L. Burrow
Supervisory Management: The Art of Inspiring, Empowering, and Developing Donald C. Mosley | Don C. Mosley, Jr. | Paul H. Pietri

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