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With the name of Book and Author Name:
Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume II Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Volume 1 to 1715 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Volume 2 Since 1560 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Volume A: To 1500 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Volume B: 1300-1815 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Volume C: Since 1789 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
WORLD Craig A. Lockard |
WORLD, Volume 1 Craig A. Lockard |
WORLD, Volume 2 Craig A. Lockard |
Writing with a Thesis Sarah E. Skwire | David Skwire |
The Essential Theatre Oscar G. Brockett | Robert J. Ball |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume I Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
Pocket Keys for Writers, Documentation Update Ann Raimes |
The Composition of Everyday Life, Brief, 2009 MLA Update Edition John Mauk | John Metz |
Cengage Advantage Books: ¡Hola, amigos! Worktext Volume 1 Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo | Francisco Mena-Ayllón |
Pocket Guide to APA Style 2009, Update Edition Robert Perrin |
The Wadsworth Essential Reference Card to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association Robert Perrin |
Teacher's Handbook Judith L. Shrum | Eileen W. Glisan |
Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Policy Natasha Frost | Joshua Freilich | Todd Clear |
Cengage Advantage Books: A History in the United States, Volume I: To 1877 Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
Cengage Advantage Books: A History in the United States, Volume II: Since 1865 Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
Cengage Advantage Books: American Passages: A History of the United States Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
Physical Anthropology Lab Manual John Kappelman |
Major Problems in American Foreign Relations, Volume I: To 1920 Dennis Merrill | Thomas G. Paterson |
Major Problems in American Foreign Relations, Volume II: Since 1914 Dennis Merrill | Thomas G. Paterson |
Contemporary World History William J. Duiker |
Statistics Plain and Simple Sherri L. Jackson |
Family Assessment Handbook: An Introductory Practice Guide to Family Assessment Barbara Thomlison |
Policy in Criminal Justice: Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® Michael Fischer |
The American Spirit: U.S. History as Seen by Contemporaries, Volume II David M. Kennedy | Thomas A. Bailey |
The American Spirit: United States History as Seen by Contemporaries, Volume I David M. Kennedy | Thomas A. Bailey |
Thinking Through the Past, Volume II John Hollitz |
Terrorism and Homeland Security: Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® Michael Fischer |
Major Principles of Media Law, 2010 Edition Wayne Overbeck | Genelle Belmas |
Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare: Empowering People Charles Zastrow |
Understanding Art, Revised Printing Lois Fichner-Rathus |
Statistics Unplugged Sally Caldwell |
Choices in Relationships: An Introduction to Marriage and the Family David Knox, Ph.D. | Caroline Schacht, M.A. |
Cybercrime: Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® Michael Pittaro |
Media Now, 2010 Update: Understanding Media, Culture, and Technology, Enhanced Joseph Straubhaar | Robert LaRose | Lucinda Davenport |
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences James Jaccard | Michael A. Becker |
Writing, Reading, and Research Richard Veit | Christopher Gould |
Presidential Leadership: Politics and Policy Making George C. Edwards, III | Stephen J. Wayne |
The Skilled Helper: A Problem-Management and Opportunity-Development Approach to Helping Gerard Egan |
Human Behavior in the Social Environment: A Multidimensional Perspective José B. Ashford | Craig W. LeCroy |
CJUS Laura Myers | Larry Myers | Joel Samaha |
Juvenile Justice Kären M. Hess |
Trusted Criminals: White Collar Crime In Contemporary Society David O. Friedrichs |
Serial Murderers and their Victims Eric W. Hickey |
The Brief Wadsworth Handbook, 2009 MLA Update Edition Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell |
The Sundance Writer: A Rhetoric, Reader, Handbook, 2009 MLA Update Edition Mark Connelly |
Understanding Crime: Essentials of Criminological Theory L. Thomas Winfree, Jr. | Howard Abadinsky |
Writing in the Works, 2009 MLA Update Edition Susan Blau | Kathryn Burak |
The Writer's Harbrace Handbook, 2009 MLA Update Edition Cheryl Glenn | Loretta Gray |
Ideas & Details, 2009 MLA Update Edition M. Garrett Bauman |
Pocket Keys for Writers, 2009 MLA Update Edition Ann Raimes |
Contemporary Behavior Therapy Michael D. Spiegler | David C. Guevremont |
Sociology: Your Compass for a New World, Brief Edition: Enhanced Edition Robert J. Brym | John Lie |
Cengage Advantage Books: The Composition of Everyday Life, Concise Edition, 2009 MLA Update Edition John Mauk | John Metz |
Research Papers William Coyle | Joe Law |
The Composition of Everyday Life, 2009 MLA Update Edition John Mauk | John Metz |
Research Strategies for a Digital Age Bonnie Tensen |
A Guide to MLA Documentation Joseph F. Trimmer |
Thinking Through the Past, Volume I John Hollitz |
The Essentials of Academic Writing Derek Soles |
La France contemporaine William Edmiston | Annie Duménil |
Drugs Across the Spectrum Raymond Goldberg |
Readings for Writers Jo Ray McCuen-Metherell | Anthony C. Winkler |
Communicating in Groups and Teams: Sharing Leadership Gay Lumsden | Donald Lumsden | Carolyn Wiethoff |
Music in Childhood: Enhanced Edition Patricia Shehan Campbell | Carol Scott-Kassner |
Quick Coach Guide to Service Learning Ellen Hajek |
Perspectivas Brenda Wegmann | Sandra Schreffler | Mary Ellen Kiddle |
Social Welfare Policy and Social Programs: A Values Perspective Elizabeth A. Segal |
The Hodges Harbrace Handbook, 2009 MLA Update Edition Cheryl Glenn | Loretta Gray |
The Wadsworth Essential Reference Card to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers Karen Mauk |
Ethics in Counseling & Psychotherapy Elizabeth Reynolds Welfel |
International Relations: Perspectives and Controversies Keith L. Shimko |
An Introduction to Family Social Work Donald Collins | Catheleen Jordan | Heather Coleman |
Systems of Psychotherapy: A Transtheoretical Analysis James O. Prochaska | John C. Norcross |
Anthology for Music in Western Civilization, Volume II Timothy J. Roden | Craig Wright | Bryan R. Simms |
Public Administration: Concepts and Cases Richard J. Stillman II |
Cognition: Theories and Applications Stephen K. Reed |
Kaleidoscope: Contemporary and Classic Readings in Education Kevin Ryan | James M. Cooper |
Readings in Comparative Politics: Political Challenges and Changing Agendas Mark Kesselman |
Thinking for Yourself Marlys Mayfield |
Piano for the Developing Musician, Media Update Martha Hilley | Lynn Freeman Olson |
Intentional Interviewing and Counseling: Facilitating Client Development in a Multicultural Society Allen E. Ivey | Mary Bradford Ivey | Carlos P. Zalaquett |
Research Methods Donald H. McBurney | Theresa L. White |
American Foreign Relations: A History, Volume 1: To 1920 Thomas G. Paterson | J. Garry Clifford | Shane J. Maddock | Deborah Kisatsky | Kenneth J. Hagan |
Writing for Psychology Mark L. Mitchell | Janina M. Jolley | Robert P. O'Shea |
American Foreign Relations: A History, Volume 2: Since 1895 Thomas G. Paterson | J. Garry Clifford | Shane J. Maddock | Deborah Kisatsky | Kenneth J. Hagan |
Intentional Interviewing and Counseling: Facilitating Client Development in a Multicultural Society Allen E. Ivey | Mary Bradford Ivey | Carlos P. Zalaquett |
Major Problems in American Constitutional History: Documents and Essays Kermit L. Hall | Timothy S. Huebner |
Statistics for Evidence-Based Practice and Evaluation Allen Rubin |
Mastering Competencies in Family Therapy: A Practical Approach to Theory and Clinical Case Documentation Diane R. Gehart |
Group Dynamics Donelson R. Forsyth |
Health Psychology: An Introduction to Behavior and Health Linda Brannon | Jess Feist |
Western Music Listening Today Charles Hoffer |
Cengage Advantage Books: Building a Speech Sheldon Metcalfe |
Anthology for Music in Western Civilization, Volume I: Media Update Timothy J. Roden | Craig Wright | Bryan R. Simms |
The Principles of Learning and Behavior: Active Learning Edition Michael Domjan |
Positive Child Guidance Darla Ferris Miller |
Introduction to Physical Anthropology 2009-2010 Edition Robert Jurmain | Lynn Kilgore | Wenda Trevathan | Russell L. Ciochon |
Logic and Philosophy: A Modern Introduction Alan Hausman | Howard Kahane | Paul Tidman |
Modern Radio Production: Production Programming & Performance Carl Hausman | Frank (Fritz) Messere | Lewis O'Donnell | Philip Benoit |
Music Listening Today Charles Hoffer |
Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction Mark L. Knapp | Judith A. Hall |
Program Evaluation: An Introduction David Royse | Bruce A. Thyer | Deborah K. Padgett |
The Democratic Debate: American Politics in an Age of Change Bruce Miroff | Raymond Seidelman | Todd Swanstrom | Tom De Luca |
Visions across the Americas: Short Essays for Composition J. Sterling Warner | Judith Hilliard |
The Heath Anthology of American Literature: Contemporary Period (1945 To The Present), Volume E Paul Lauter | Richard Yarborough | John Alberti | Mary Pat Brady | Jackson Bryer | King-Kok Cheung | Kirk Curnutt | Anne Goodwyn Jones | James Kyung-Jin Lee | Wendy Martin | Quentin Miller | Mark A. Freitag | Ivy T. Schweitzer | Sandra A. Zagarell |
Cengage Advantage Books: This is PR: The Realities of Public Relations Doug Newsom | Judy Turk | Dean Kruckeberg |
Essential Research Methods for Social Work Allen Rubin | Earl R. Babbie |
Essentials of Testing and Assessment: A Practical Guide for Counselors, Social Workers, and Psychologists Edward S. Neukrug | R. Charles Fawcett |
Introduction to Social Work & Social Welfare: Critical Thinking Perspectives Karen K. Kirst-Ashman |
Crime Victims: An Introduction to Victimology Andrew Karmen |
Linguistics for Everyone: An Introduction Kristin Denham | Anne Lobeck |
Sociological Footprints: Introductory Readings in Sociology Leonard Cargan | Jeanne H. Ballantine |
California: The Politics of Diversity David G. Lawrence |
Direct Social Work Practice: Theory and Skills Dean H. Hepworth | Ronald Rooney | Glenda Dewberry Rooney | Kim Strom-Gottfried | Jo Ann Larsen |
Judicial Process and Judicial Policymaking G. Alan Tarr |
New Cures, Old Medicines: Women and the Commercialization of Traditional Medicine in Bolivia Lynn Sikkink |
The Essentials of Statistics: A Tool for Social Research Joseph F. Healey |
Methods and Strategies for Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities: A Case-Based Approach Joseph Boyle | David Scanlon |
Strengths-Based Generalist Practice: A Collaborative Approach John Poulin |
De paseo: Curso intermedio de español Donna Reseigh Long | Janice Lynn Macián |
Music in Western Civilization, Media Update Craig Wright | Bryan R. Simms |
Media/Impact: An Introduction to Mass Media Shirley Biagi |
Cultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective Gary Ferraro | Susan Andreatta |
Developmental Profiles: Pre-birth Through Twelve K. Eileen Allen | Lynn R. Marotz |
Initial Interviewing: What Students Want to Know Tricia McClam | Marianne R. Woodside |
Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility Charles U. Larson |
A Practical Study of Argument Trudy Govier |
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Teaching in Today's Inclusive Classrooms: A Universal Design for Learning Approach Richard M. Gargiulo | Debbie Metcalf |
Theories for Direct Social Work Practice Joseph Walsh |
Introduction to Politics of the Developing World: Political Challenges and Changing Agendas Mark Kesselman |
Science Stories: Science Methods for Elementary and Middle School Teachers Janice Koch |
Vice and Virtue in Everyday Life: Introductory Readings in Ethics Christina Hoff Sommers | Fred Sommers |
Applying Career Development Theory to Counseling Richard S. Sharf |
SOC Nijole V. Benokraitis |
Statistical Methods for Psychology David C. Howell |
The Sociology of Health, Illness, and Health Care: A Critical Approach Rose Weitz |
Deutsch heute: Introductory German Jack Moeller | Winnie Adolph | Gisela Hoecherl-Alden | Simone Berger |
Public Relations Cases Jerry A. Hendrix | Darrell C. Hayes |
Sensation and Perception E. Bruce Goldstein |
Communication Between Cultures Larry A. Samovar | Richard E. Porter | Edwin R. McDaniel |
Introduction to Research in Education Donald Ary | Lucy Cheser Jacobs | Asghar Razavieh | Christine K. Sorensen |
Research Design Explained Mark L. Mitchell | Janina M. Jolley |
The Politics of International Economic Relations Joan E. Spero | Jeffrey A. Hart |
The Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination Bernard E. Whitley | Mary E. Kite |
The Essay Connection Lynn Z. Bloom |
Cengage Advantage Books: Understanding Arguments: An Introduction to Informal Logic Walter Sinnott-Armstrong | Robert J. Fogelin |
Communication Research: Strategies and Sources Rebecca B. Rubin | Alan M. Rubin | Paul M. Haridakis |
Introduction to Comparative Politics Mark Kesselman | Joel Krieger | William A. Joseph |
Teaching Young Children in Multicultural Classrooms: Issues, Concepts, and Strategies Wilma Robles de Melendez | Vesna Ostertag Beck |
The Big Questions: A Short Introduction to Philosophy Robert C. Solomon | Kathleen M. Higgins |
Viewpoints W. Royce Adams |
Careers in Psychology: Opportunities in a Changing World Tara L. Kuther | Robert D. Morgan |
Casebook in Child Behavior Disorders Christopher Kearney |
Discovering Biological Psychology Laura A. Freberg |
Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric: The Use of Reason in Everyday Life Nancy M. Cavender | Howard Kahane |
Math & Science for Young Children Rosalind Charlesworth, Ph.D. | Karen K. Lind, Ph.D. |
Archetypes of Wisdom: An Introduction to Philosophy Douglas J. Soccio |
Comparative Politics: Structures and Choices Lowell Barrington |
A Community of Readers: A Thematic Approach to Reading Roberta Alexander | Jan Jarrell |
Grammar to Go: How It Works and How To Use It Barbara Goldstein | Jack Waugh | Karen Linsky |
Ten Questions: A Sociological Perspective Joel M. Charon |
The Global Future: A Brief Introduction to World Politics Charles W. Kegley Jr. | Gregory A. Raymond |
Voilà !: An Introduction to French L. Kathy Heilenman | Isabelle Kaplan | Claude Toussaint Tournier |
World Politics: Trends and Transformations, 2009-2010 Update Edition Charles W. Kegley Jr. | Shannon L. Blanton |
Health Psychology: A Cultural Approach Regan A.R. Gurung |
Industrial/Organizational Psychology Michael G. Aamodt |
Moral Issues in Business William H. Shaw | Vincent Barry |
Portable Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell |
The Heath Anthology of American Literature: Modern Period (1910–1945), Volume D Kirk Curnutt | Paul Lauter | John Alberti | Richard Yarborough | Jackson Bryer | Sandra A. Zagarell | Wendy Martin | King-Kok Cheung | Anne Goodwyn Jones | Ivy T. Schweitzer | Andrew O. Wiget | Mary Pat Brady |
Careers in Criminal Justice and Related Fields: From Internship to Promotion J. Scott Harr | Kären M. Hess |
Cengage Advantage Books: Public Speaking: Concepts and Skills for a Diverse Society Clella Jaffe |
Comparative Politics in Transition John McCormick |
The Practice of Social Research Earl R. Babbie |
Fetal/Fatal Knowledge: New Reproductive Technologies and Family-Building Strategies in India (CSCSI) Sunil K. Khanna |
Protecting Our Children: Understanding and Preventing Abuse and Neglect in Early Childhood Sharon Hirschy | Elaine Wilkinson |
Race, Class, & Gender: An Anthology Margaret L. Andersen | Patricia Hill Collins |
The Origins and Development of the English Language John Algeo |
The Write Start: Sentences to Paragraphs with Professional and Student Readings Gayle Feng-Checkett | Lawrence Checkett |
Criminal Evidence: Principles and Cases Thomas J. Gardner | Terry M. Anderson |
American Government and Politics Today - Texas Edition, 2009-2010 Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Barbara A. Bardes | William Earl Maxwell | Ernest Crain | Adolfo Santos |
An Introduction to Policing John S. Dempsey | Linda S. Forst |
Assessment: In Special and Inclusive Education John Salvia | James E. Ysseldyke | Sara Bolt |
Practicing College Learning Strategies Carolyn H. Hopper |
Practicing Texas Politics, 2009-2010 Update Lyle C. Brown | Joyce A. Langenegger | Sonia R. GarcÃa | Ted Lewis | Robert E. Biles |
Present Tense: Contemporary Themes for Writers Lee Bauknight | Brooke Rollins |
Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity Janell L. Carroll |
Organized Crime Howard Abadinsky |
State & Local Politics: Institutions & Reform: The Essentials Todd Donovan | Daniel A. Smith | Christopher Z. Mooney |
Technology Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use: A Standards-Based Approach Katherine Cennamo | John Ross | Peggy Ertmer |
The Practice of Social Work: A Comprehensive Worktext Charles Zastrow |
Understanding American Government Susan Welch | John Gruhl | John Comer | Susan M. Rigdon |
Understanding American Government, Alternate Edition Susan Welch | John Gruhl | John Comer | Susan M. Rigdon |
Business and Professional Communication in the Global Workplace H.L. Goodall, Jr. | Sandra Goodall | Jill Schiefelbein |
Child, Family, School, Community: Socialization and Support Roberta M. Berns |
Integrating Music into the Elementary Classroom William M. Anderson | Joy E. Lawrence |
Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounters Julia T. Wood |
In Mixed Company: Communicating in Small Groups and Teams J. Dan Rothwell |
Compact Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell |
Connect: College Reading Ivan Dole | Leslie Taggart |
Inclusive Early Childhood Education: Development, Resources, and Practice Penny Low Deiner |
Mathematics for Teachers: An Interactive Approach for Grades K-8 Thomas Sonnabend |
BAMS: The Essential Guide to Becoming a Master Student Dave Ellis |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: 4 Volume Backpack Edition Fred S. Kleiner |
Reading Our World Robert P. Yagelski |
Safety, Nutrition and Health in Early Education Cathie Robertson |
The American Past: A Survey of American History Joseph R. Conlin |
Video Basics Herbert Zettl |
Culture and Values, Volume I: A Survey of the Humanities with Readings Lawrence S. Cunningham | John J. Reich |
Culture and Values: A Survey of the Humanities, Comprehensive Edition Lawrence S. Cunningham | John J. Reich |
Culture and Values: A Survey of the Humanities, Volume I Lawrence S. Cunningham | John J. Reich |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book B, The Middle Ages Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book C, Renaissance and Baroque Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book D, Modern Europe and America Fred S. Kleiner |
Get Writing: Sentences and Paragraphs Mark Connelly |
Teaching Strategies: A Guide to Effective Instruction Donald C. Orlich | Robert J. Harder | Richard C. Callahan | Michael S. Trevisan | Abbie H. Brown |
The American Past: A Survey of American History, Volume I: To 1877 Joseph R. Conlin |
The American Past: A Survey of American History, Volume II: Since 1865 Joseph R. Conlin |
The Heath Anthology of American Literature: Late Nineteenth Century (1865–1910), Volume C Paul Lauter | Richard Yarborough | John Alberti | Mary Pat Brady | Jackson Bryer | King-Kok Cheung | Kirk Curnutt | Anne Goodwyn Jones | James Kyung-Jin Lee | Wendy Martin | Quentin Miller | Mark A. Freitag | Ivy T. Schweitzer | Sandra A. Zagarell |
Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment Charles Zastrow | Karen K. Kirst-Ashman |
Media Effects Research: A Basic Overview Glenn G. Sparks |
An Introduction to the Profession of Social Work: Becoming a Change Agent Elizabeth A. Segal | Karen E. Gerdes | Sue Steiner |
Archaeology Robert L. Kelly | David Hurst Thomas |
Culture and Values, Volume II: A Survey of the Humanities with Readings Lawrence S. Cunningham | John J. Reich |
Culture and Values: A Survey of the Humanities, Volume II Lawrence S. Cunningham | John J. Reich |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book A, Antiquity Fred S. Kleiner |
Politics in a Changing World Marcus E. Ethridge | Howard Handelman |
Successful Writing at Work Philip C. Kolin |
World Politics: The Menu for Choice Bruce Russett | Harvey Starr | David Kinsella |
American Foreign Policy and Process James M. McCormick |
Bridges to Better Writing Luis Nazario | Deborah Borchers | William Lewis |
Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell |
International Politics: Power and Purpose in Global Affairs Paul D'Anieri |
Judicial Process: Law, Courts, and Politics in the United States David W. Neubauer | Stephen S. Meinhold |
Texas Politics Today 2009-2010 William Earl Maxwell | Ernest Crain | Adolfo Santos |
A Creative Approach to Music Fundamentals William Duckworth |
FOCUS on Community College Success Constance Staley |
Cengage Advantage Books: Sociology Jon M. Shepard |
Early Childhood Experiences in Language Arts: Early Literacy Jeanne M. Machado |
Experiences in Music & Movement: Birth to Age 8 Rae Pica |
Home, School, and Community Relations Carol Gestwicki |
Nexos Sheri Spaine Long | MarÃa Carreira | Sylvia Madrigal Velasco | Kristin Swanson |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Volume 2: Since 1865, Brief Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Debra Michals |
American Media History Anthony Fellow |
Criminal Procedure: Law and Practice Rolando V. del Carmen |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: The Western Perspective, Volume I Fred S. Kleiner |
Management of Electronic Media Alan B. Albarran |
Writing and Reporting News: A Coaching Method Carole Rich |
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Families and Educators as Partners: Issues and Challenges Robert E. Rockwell | Lynda C. Andre | Mary K. Hawley |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: The Western Perspective, Volume II Fred S. Kleiner |
HIST Kevin M. Schultz |
HIST: Volume 2: Since 1865 Kevin M. Schultz |
HIST: Volume I: To 1877 Kevin M. Schultz |
Orientation to College Learning Dianna L. Van Blerkom |
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Gardner's Art through the Ages: Non-Western Perspectives Fred S. Kleiner |
Introduction to Criminal Justice Larry J. Siegel |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume 1: To 1877, Concise Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Sandra McNair Hawley | Joseph F. Kett | Andrew Rieser | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume 2: From 1865, Concise Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Sandra McNair Hawley | Joseph F. Kett | Andrew Rieser | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
Worlds of Music: An Introduction to the Music of the World's Peoples, Shorter Version Jeff Todd Titon (General Editor) | Timothy J. Cooley (co-author) | David Locke | David P. McAllester | Anne K. Rasmussen (co-author) | David B. Reck | John M. Schechter | Jonathan P.J. Stock (co-author) | R. Anderson Sutton |
Get Writing: Paragraphs and Essays Mark Connelly |
The American System of Criminal Justice George F. Cole | Christopher E. Smith |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Concise Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Sandra McNair Hawley | Joseph F. Kett | Andrew Rieser | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
Understanding Statistics in the Behavioral Sciences Robert R. Pagano |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Brief Edition Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Debra Michals |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Volume 1: To 1877, Brief Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Debra Michals |
Creative Nonfiction: A Guide to Form, Content, and Style, with Readings Eileen Pollack |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: The Western Perspective Fred S. Kleiner |
The American Pageant: Volume II: Since 1865 David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Thomas A. Bailey |
Voyages in World History Valerie Hansen | Kenneth Curtis |
Voyages in World History, Volume 1 Valerie Hansen | Kenneth Curtis |
World History, Volume I William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Your Guide to College Success: Strategies for Achieving Your Goals John W. Santrock | Jane S. Halonen |
Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior Dennis Coon | John O. Mitterer |
Quant à moi...: Témoignages des Français et des Francophones Jeannette D. Bragger | Donald B. Rice |
The Speaker's Handbook Jo Sprague | Douglas Stuart | David Bodary |
World History, Volume II William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
World History: To 1500 William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
The American Pageant David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Thomas A. Bailey |
The American Pageant: Volume I: To 1877 David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Thomas A. Bailey |
World History William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
¡DÃmelo tú!: A Complete Course Francisco RodrÃguez Nogales | Fabián A. Samaniego | Thomas J. Blommers |
World Religions Warren Matthews |
Elementary Mathematics Is Anything but Elementary: Content and Methods From A Developmental Perspective Damon L. Bahr | Lisa Ann DeGarcia |
The Art of Theatre: A Concise Introduction William Missouri Downs | Lou Anne Wright | Erik Ramsey |
The Art of Theatre: Then and Now William Missouri Downs | Lou Anne Wright | Erik Ramsey |
Criminology: Theories, Patterns, and Typologies Larry J. Siegel |
American Government and Politics Today: The Essentials 2009 - 2010 Edition Barbara A. Bardes | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Steffen W. Schmidt |
Voices of Wisdom: A Multicultural Philosophy Reader Gary E. Kessler |
Those Who Can, Teach Kevin Ryan | James M. Cooper |
What is Psychology? Essentials Ellen E. Pastorino | Susann M. Doyle-Portillo |
Cengage Advantage Books: Understanding Humans: An Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology Barry Lewis | Robert Jurmain | Lynn Kilgore |
FOCUS on College Success, Concise Edition Dr. Constance C. Staley |
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences Frederick J Gravetter | Larry B. Wallnau |
Criminal Justice in Action: The Core Larry K. Gaines | Roger LeRoy Miller |
I Never Knew I Had A Choice: Explorations in Personal Growth Gerald Corey | Marianne Schneider Corey |
Understanding Abnormal Behavior David Sue | Derald Wing Sue | Stanley Sue |
Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice Joycelyn M. Pollock |
Sociology in Our Times: The Essentials Diana Kendall |
Groups: Process and Practice Marianne Schneider Corey | Gerald Corey | Cindy Corey |
The Principalship: Vision to Action Fred C. Lunenburg | Beverly J. Irby |
The Obama Presidency - Year One Supplement Kenneth Janda | Jeffrey M. Berry | Jerry Goldman |
From Idea to Essay: A Rhetoric, Reader, & Handbook, 2009 MLA Update Edition Jo Ray McCuen-Metherell | Anthony Winkler |
Inventing Arguments, 2009 MLA Update John Mauk | John Metz |
COMM Rudolph F. Verderber | Kathleen S. Verderber | Deanna D. Sellnow |
AnÃmate Marcela DomÃnguez | Debbie Rusch | LucÃa Caycedo Garner |
Cognitive Psychology Jim Juola |
The College Writer: A Guide to Thinking, Writing, and Researching, 2009 MLA Update Edition Randall VanderMey | Verne Meyer | John Van Rys | Patrick Sebranek |
The College Writer: Brief 2009 MLA Update Edition Randall VanderMey | Verne Meyer | John Van Rys | Patrick Sebranek |
The Harbrace Guide to Writing, 2009 MLA Update Edition Cheryl Glenn |
The Harbrace Guide to Writing, Brief, 2009 MLA Update Edition Cheryl Glenn |
The College Writer: A Guide to Thinking, Writing, and Researching, 2009 MLA Update Edition Randall VanderMey | Verne Meyer | John Van Rys | Patrick Sebranek |
The Harbrace Guide to Writing, Concise, 2009 MLA Update Edition Cheryl Glenn |
The Pocket Wadsworth Handbook, 2009 MLA Update Edition Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell |
Inventing Arguments John Mauk | John Metz |
The Wadsworth Guide to Research, 2009 MLA Update Edition Susan K. Miller-Cochran | Rochelle L. Rodrigo |
Inventing Arguments, Brief, 2009 MLA Update Edition John Mauk | John Metz |
Frames of Mind: A Rhetorical Reader Robert DiYanni | Pat C. Hoy, II |
From Idea to Essay: A Rhetoric, Reader, and Handbook Jo Ray McCuen-Metherell | Anthony Winkler |
The Writer's Way Jack Rawlins | Stephen Metzger |
Contacts: Langue et culture françaises Jean-Paul Valette | Rebecca M. Valette |
The Sundance Reader Mark Connelly |
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The Challenge of Democracy: American Government in a Global World Kenneth Janda | Jeffrey M. Berry | Jerry Goldman |
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The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume I, Dolphin Edition Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
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The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1492-1820 Theme 4: Contested Nations in the Early Americas Jay Parini | Ralph Bauer |
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The Literary Experience, Essential Edition Bruce Beiderwell | Jeffrey M. Wheeler |
American Government and Politics Today: The Essentials 2008 Barbara A. Bardes | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Steffen W. Schmidt |
Cengage Advantage Books: Music Listening Today Charles Hoffer |
Constructions of Deviance: Social Power, Context, and Interaction Patricia A. Adler | Peter Adler |
Criminology Larry J. Siegel |
Liberty, Equality, Power: Enhanced Concise Edition John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg |
Mais Oui! Chantal P. Thompson | Elaine M. Phillips |
Texts and Contexts: A Contemporary Approach to College Writing William S. Robinson | Stephanie Tucker |
The Essential World History, Enhanced Edition William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Understanding Society: An Introductory Reader Margaret L. Andersen | Kim A. Logio | Howard F. Taylor |
Writing Analytically David Rosenwasser | Jill Stephen |
Cómo se dice...? Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo | Francisco Mena-Ayllón |
Educational Foundations: Diverse Histories, Diverse Perspectives Grace C. Huerta |
Making Europe: People, Politics, and Culture Frank L. Kidner | Maria Bucur | Ralph Mathisen | Sally McKee | Theodore R. Weeks |
Making Europe: People, Politics, and Culture, Volume I: To 1790 Frank L. Kidner | Maria Bucur | Ralph Mathisen | Sally McKee | Theodore R. Weeks |
Making Europe: People, Politics, and Culture, Volume II: Since 1550 Frank L. Kidner | Maria Bucur | Ralph Mathisen | Sally McKee | Theodore R. Weeks |
Making Europe: Since 1300 Frank L. Kidner | Maria Bucur | Ralph Mathisen | Sally McKee | Theodore R. Weeks |
So You Want to Be a Teacher? Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century Janice Koch |
Becoming a Master Student Dave Ellis |
Thinking Critically John Chaffee |
Essentials of Psychology: Concepts and Applications Jeffrey S. Nevid |
Patterns Across Cultures Stuart Hirschberg | Terry Hirschberg |
Writing the Research Paper: A Handbook, 2009 MLA Update Edition Anthony C. Winkler | Jo Ray McCuen-Metherell |
Keys for Writers, 2009 MLA Update Edition Ann Raimes |
Writing: A Manual for the DigitalAge, 2009 MLA Update Brief Edition David Blakesley | Jeffrey L. Hoogeveen |
Writing: A Manual for the DigitalAge, Brief, 2009 MLA Update Edition David Blakesley | Jeffrey L. Hoogeveen |
The Writer's Harbrace Handbook, Brief, 2009 MLA Update Edition Cheryl Glenn | Loretta Gray |
Writing: A Manual for Digital Age, Comprehensive, 2009 MLA Update Edition David Blakesley | Jeffrey L. Hoogeveen |
Writing: A Manual for the Digital Age, Comprehensive, 2009 MLA Update Edtion David Blakesley | Jeffrey L. Hoogeveen |
The Concise Wadsworth Handbook, 2009 MLA Update Edition Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell |
The Wadsworth Handbook, 2009 MLA Update Edition Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell |
Critical Thinking, Thoughtful Writing John Chaffee | Christine McMahon | Barbara Stout |
The Call to Write John Trimbur |
The Practical Writer with Readings Edward P. Bailey | Philip A. Powell |
Universal Keys for Writers Ann Raimes | Maria Jerskey |
The Call to Write: Brief Edition John Trimbur |
Occasions for Writing Robert DiYanni | Pat C. Hoy, II |
The Practical Writer Edward P. Bailey | Philip A. Powell |
The Well-Crafted Argument Fred D. White | Simone J. Billings |
Steps to Writing Well Jean Wyrick |
Steps to Writing Well with Additional Readings Jean Wyrick |
Writing with a Thesis Sarah E. Skwire | David Skwire |
Week by Week: Plans for Documenting Children's Development, Reprint Barbara Ann Nilsen |
A Concise Introduction to Logic Patrick J. Hurley |
The Road to the White House 2008 with Appendix Stephen J. Wayne |
JIA YOU!: Chinese for the Global Community Volume 2 (Simplified & Traditional Character Edition) Jialu Xu | Fu Chen | Ruojiang Wang | Ruiping Zhu |
Color Choreography: Foundational Studies, Investigations, and Discourses in Color Theory Alan Burner |
JIA YOU! Chinese for the Global Community, Volume 1 (Simplified & Traditional Character Edition) Jialu Xu | Fu Chen | Ruojiang Wang | Ruiping Zhu |
Sharing the World Stage: Biography and Gender in World History, Volume 2 Jane Slaughter | Melissa K. Bokovoy | Patricia Risso | Ping Yao | Patricia W. Romero |
Groups: Planning and Leadership Skills Betsy J. Page | Martin J. Jencius |
A Sinhalese Village in Sri Lanka: Coping with Uncertainty Victoria J. Baker |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions: A Global History, Volume A: To 600, Updated with Geography Overview Craig A. Lockard |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions: A Global History, Volume B: From 600 to 1750, Updated with Geography Overview Craig A. Lockard |
Racial Profiling: Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® Wadsworth | Rod Brunson (Editor) |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions: A Global History, Updated with Geography Overview Craig A. Lockard |
Sociology in Our Times Diana Kendall |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions: A Global History, Volume C, Updated with Geography Overview Craig A. Lockard |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions: A Global History, Volume I: To 1500, Updated with Geography Overview Craig A. Lockard |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions: A Global History, Volume II: Since 1450, Updated with Geography Overview Craig A. Lockard |
American Government: Institutions and Policies James Q. Wilson | John J. DiIulio, Jr. |
American Government: The Essentials James Q. Wilson | John J. DiIulio, Jr. |
The Challenge of Democracy: 2008 Updated Texas Edition Kenneth Janda | Jeffrey M. Berry | Jerry Goldman |
White Collar Crime: Current Perspectives: Readings from InfoTrac® Wadsworth | Nicole Leeper Piquero (Editor) |
New Technologies and Criminal Justice: Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® Wadsworth | Joanne M. Ziembo-Vogl (Editor) |
The Challenge of Democracy: Brief Edition, 2008 Update Edition Kenneth Janda | Jeffrey M. Berry | Jerry Goldman | Kevin W. Hula |
The Challenge of Democracy: Government in America, 2008 Update Edition Kenneth Janda | Jeffrey M. Berry | Jerry Goldman |
World Civilizations Philip J. Adler | Randall L. Pouwels |
Ebola, Culture and Politics: The Anthropology of an Emerging Disease Barry S. Hewlett | Bonnie L. Hewlett |
World Civilizations: Volume I: To 1700 Philip J. Adler | Randall L. Pouwels |
World Civilizations: Volume II: Since 1500 Philip J. Adler | Randall L. Pouwels |
Drama Essentials: An Anthology of Plays Matthew Roudané |
On Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Gerald F. Gaus |
Panoramas literarios: América Hispana Teresa Méndez-Faith |
Design Basics David A. Lauer | Stephen Pentak |
Major Problems in Atlantic History: Documents and Essays Alison Games | Adam Rothman |
Grassroots with Readings: The Writer's Workbook Susan Fawcett |
Sharing the World Stage: Biography and Gender in World History, Volume 1 Jane Slaughter | Melissa K. Bokovoy | Patricia Risso | Ping Yao | Patricia W. Romero |
AAUSC 2007: From Thought to Action: Exploring Beliefs and Outcomes in the Foreign Language Program H. Jay Siskin, Volume Editor | Carl Blyth, Series Editor |
Latinoamérica: su civilización y su cultura Eugenio Chang-RodrÃguez |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey |
Psychology Douglas A. Bernstein | Louis A. Penner | Alison Clarke-Stewart | Edward J. Roy |
Sociology: A Global Perspective Joan Ferrante |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Volume I: To 1877 Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Volume II: Since 1865 Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey |
Making America: A History of the United States Carol Berkin | Christopher L. Miller | Robert W. Cherny | James L. Gormly |
Making America: A History of the United States, Volume I: To 1877 Carol Berkin | Christopher L. Miller | Robert W. Cherny | James L. Gormly |
Making America: A History of the United States, Volume II: From 1865 Carol Berkin | Christopher L. Miller | Robert W. Cherny | James L. Gormly |
Politics in Latin America Charles H. Blake |
Sources of the Western Tradition, Volume 1: From Ancient Times to Enlightenment Marvin Perry | Joseph R. Peden | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Sources of the Western Tradition, Volume 2 Marvin Perry | Joseph R. Peden | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Careers in Criminal Justice Web Site Wadsworth |
The Challenge of Effective Speaking Rudolph F. Verderber | Kathleen S. Verderber | Deanna D. Sellnow |
¡Sà se puede!: Un curso transicional para hispanohablantes MarÃa Carreira | Michelle C. Geoffrion-Vinci |
Foundations of Education Allan C. Ornstein | Daniel U. Levine |
Major Problems in the Early Republic, 1787-1848 Sean Wilentz | Jonathan Earle |
The Way We Lived: Essays and Documents in American Social History, Volume I: 1492-1877 Frederick M. Binder | David M. Reimers |
35 Ways to Discover a Major Kathleen Hartman |
Plazas: Lugar de encuentros Robert Hershberger | Susan Navey-Davis | Guiomar Borrás A. |
The Way We Lived: Essays and Documents in American Social History, Volume II: 1865 - Present Frederick M. Binder | David M. Reimers |
Developing as a Professional: A Guide for Contemporary Paraprofessionals Mary D. Burbank |
A Concise Introduction to Logic Patrick J. Hurley |
Major Problems in the History of the Vietnam War: Documents and Essays Robert J. McMahon |
Contemporary Issues in Bioethics Tom L. Beauchamp | LeRoy Walters | Jeffrey P. Kahn | Anna C. Mastroianni |
The Dolphin Writer Book 2: Composing Paragraphs and Crafting Essays Houghton Mifflin Company |
The Dolphin Writer Book 3: Crafting Essays Houghton Mifflin Company |
The Dolphin Writer Book 1: Building Sentences and Composing Paragraphs Houghton Mifflin Company |
Anthology of World Scriptures Robert E. Van Voorst |
Light on the Path: A Christian Perspective on College Success John A. Beck | Marmy A. Clason |
Research and Evaluation in Counseling Bradley T. Erford |
Texas Politics: Individuals Making a Difference Nasser Momayezi | W. B. Stouffer, Jr. | David M. Billeaux | Josè Angel Gutièrrez | Eric Miller | Jeff Millstone | Barry Price | Carol Waters |
Public Relations Writing: Form & Style Doug Newsom | Jim Haynes |
Global Politics James Lee Ray | Juliet Kaarbo |
In The Field: Guided Field Assignments and Readings in Early Childhood Education Kent Chrisman | Donna Couchenour |
Reflections: Preparing for Your Practicum and Internship Mary Bold | Lillian Chenoweth |
Grammaire Française Jacqueline Ollivier | Martin Beaudoin |
Public Policy: An Evolutionary Approach Joseph Stewart, Jr. | David M. Hedge | James P. Lester |
Week by Week: Plans for Documenting Children's Development Barbara Ann Nilsen |
The Reader's Corner: Expanding Perspectives Through Reading Carol C. Kanar |
Séquences: Intermediate French through Film Michèle Bissière |
Caminos Joy Renjilian-Burgy | Ana Beatriz Chiquito | Susan M. Mraz |
On the Philosophy of Logic Jennifer Fisher |
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Introduction to Law and the Legal System Frank August Schubert |
Population: An Introduction to Concepts and Issues John R. Weeks |
Ethics: A Pluralistic Approach to Moral Theory Lawrence M. Hinman |
From Timbuktu to Katrina: Sources in African-American History Volume 2 Quintard Taylor |
Crisis Intervention Strategies Richard K. James |
International Relations: Perspectives and Controversies Keith L. Shimko |
Audio in Media Stanley R. Alten |
Criminal Justice Organizations: Administration and Management Stan Stojkovic | David Kalinich | John Klofas |
The Social Organization of Work Randy Hodson | Teresa A. Sullivan |
Discovering the Western Past: A Look at the Evidence, Volume II: Since 1500 Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks | Julius R. Ruff | William Bruce Wheeler |
Criminal Procedure Joel Samaha |
Introduction to Private Security John Dempsey |
Service-Learning Companion Dawn Duncan | Joan Kopperud |
Behavior Modification: Principles and Procedures Raymond G. Miltenberger |
Social Work and Social Welfare: An Introduction Rosalie Ambrosino | Joseph Heffernan | Guy Shuttlesworth | Robert Ambrosino |
Educational Administration: Concepts and Practices Fred C. Lunenburg | Allan C. Ornstein |
Stationen: Ein Kursbuch für die Mittelstufe Prisca Augustyn | Nikolaus Euba |
Writing for Television, Radio, and New Media Robert L. Hilliard |
American Courts: Process and Policy Lawrence Baum |
Global Society: The World Since 1900 Pamela Kyle Crossley | Lynn Hollen Lees | John W. Servos |
Peer Mentor Companion Marni Sanft | Michael Jensen | Eldon McMurray |
Criminal Law and Procedure Judge John M. Scheb | John M. Scheb, II, Ph.D. |
Patterns Plus: A Short Prose Reader with Argumentation Mary Lou Conlin |
Discovering the Western Past: A Look at the Evidence, Volume I: To 1789 Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks | Julius R. Ruff | William Bruce Wheeler |
The Road to the White House 2008 Stephen J. Wayne |
We Are America: A Thematic Reader and Guide To Writing Anna Joy |
Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume II: From 1400's Marvin Perry |
Western Civilization: A Brief History Marvin Perry |
Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume I: To 1789 Marvin Perry |
From Timbuktu to Katrina: Sources in African-American History, Volume 1 Quintard Taylor |
Student Teaching: Early Childhood Practicum Guide Jeanne M. Machado | Helen Meyer Botnarescue, Emerita |
Manual de gramática: Grammar Reference for Students of Spanish Zulma Iguina | Eleanor Dozier |
Voices of the American Past: Documents in U.S. History, Volume II Raymond M. Hyser | J. Chris Arndt |
Addiction Treatment: A Strengths Perspective Katherine van Wormer | Diane Rae Davis |
Cengage Advantage Books: Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People, Compact John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg |
Cengage Advantage Books: Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People, Volume I: To 1877, Compact John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg |
Cengage Advantage Books: Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People, Volume II: Since 1863, Compact John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg |
Creative Resources for the Early Childhood Classroom Judy Herr | Yvonne R. Libby-Larson |
Doing History: Research and Writing in the Digital Age Michael J. Galgano | J. Chris Arndt | Raymond M. Hyser |
Mitlesen Mitteilen: Literarische Texte zum Lesen, Sprechen, Schreiben und Hören Larry D. Wells | Rosmarie T. Morewedge |
Drug Use and Abuse: A Comprehensive Introduction Howard Abadinsky |
Community Policing: Partnerships for Problem Solving Linda S. Miller | Kären M. Hess |
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Three Step Tray Tasking: Logic and Critical Thinking Activities for Young Children Victoria Folds, Ed.D. |
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What To Do When: Practical Guidance Strategies for Challenging Behaviors in the Preschool Eva Essa, Ph.D. |
Anthology for Musical Analysis, Postmodern Update Charles Burkhart | William Rothstein |
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Basics of Singing Jan Schmidt | Heidi Counsell Schmidt |
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Voices of the American Past: Documents in U.S. History, Volume I Raymond M. Hyser | J. Chris Arndt |
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Integrating Technology into Teaching: The Technology and Learning Continuum Arthur Recesso | Chandra Orrill |
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Language: Its Structure and Use Edward Finegan |
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America's Courts and the Criminal Justice System David W. Neubauer |
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Introduction to Psychology James W. Kalat |
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Understanding Child Development Rosalind Charlesworth, Ph.D. |
An Overview of the Human Services Kristi Kanel |
Human Exceptionality; School, Community, and Family Michael L. Hardman | Clifford J. Drew | M. Winston Egan |
Teaching for Student Learning: Becoming a Master Teacher Kevin Ryan | James M. Cooper | Susan Tauer |
Cultural Anthropology: The Human Challenge William A. Haviland | Harald E.L. Prins | Dana Walrath | Bunny McBride |
Invitation to Critical Thinking Joel Rudinow | Vincent E. Barry |
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State and Local Government Ann O'M. Bowman | Richard C. Kearney |
CogLab on a CD, Version 2.0 Greg Francis | Ian Neath |
Texas Politics Today William Earl Maxwell | Ernest Crain |
Writing with Style: APA Style for Social Work Lenore T. Szuchman | Barbara Thomlison |
Business Ethics William H. Shaw |
Evolution and Prehistory: The Human Challenge William A. Haviland | Dana Walrath | Harald E.L. Prins | Bunny McBride |
Integrative Multitheoretical Psychotherapy Jeff E. Brooks-Harris |
Intervention and Reflection: Basic Issues in Medical Ethics Ronald Munson |
Reading Activities A to Z Joanne Matricardi | Jeanne McLarty |
Social Studies Activities A to Z Joanne Matricardi | Jeanne McLarty |
Introduction to Counseling: Voices from the Field Jeffrey A. Kottler | David S. Shepard |
Psychology of Language David W. Carroll |
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¡De una vez!: A College Course for Spanish Speakers Fabián Samaniego | Francisco Rodríguez | Nelson Rojas |
Case Studies in Psychotherapy Danny Wedding | Raymond J. Corsini |
Environmental Ethics: Readings in Theory and Application Louis P. Pojman | Paul Pojman |
Reason and Responsibility: Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philosophy Joel Feinberg | Russ Shafer-Landau |
The Experience of Buddhism: Sources and Interpretations John S. Strong |
Writing with Style: APA Style Made Easy Lenore T. Szuchman |
Modern East Asia Conrad Schirokauer | Donald Clark |
Our Sexuality Robert L. Crooks | Karla Baur |
Reading for Results Laraine E. Flemming |
Teaching Elementary Social Studies: Strategies, Standards, and Internet Resources James A. Duplass |
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Our Sexuality Robert L. Crooks | Karla Baur |
Philosophy of Religion: An Anthology Louis P. Pojman | Michael Rea |
Psychology: A Journey Dennis Coon | John O. Mitterer |
Beginnings & Beyond: Foundations in Early Childhood Education Ann Miles Gordon | Kathryn Williams Browne, MA, BA |
Theories of Personality Richard M. Ryckman |
Anthology of the American Short Story James Nagel |
Contemporary Psychotherapies for a Diverse World Jon Frew | Michael D. Spiegler |
Infants and Toddlers: Curriculum and Teaching Linda D Watson | Terri Swim |
Applying Ethics: A Text with Readings Jeffrey Olen | Julie C. Van Camp | Vincent Barry |
Applied Sociology: Terms, Topics, Tools, and Tasks Stephen F. Steele | Jammie Price |
Great Traditions in Ethics Theodore C. Denise | Nicholas White | Sheldon P. Peterfreund |
Psychopathology: A Competency-Based Assessment Model for Social Workers Susan W. Gray | Marilyn R. Zide |
An Introduction to Policing John S. Dempsey | Linda S. Forst |
Essentials of Sociology David B. Brinkerhoff | Lynn K. White | Suzanne T. Ortega | Rose Weitz |
Guiding Children's Learning of Mathematics Leonard M. Kennedy | Steve Tipps | Art Johnson |
Introduction to Physical Anthropology Robert Jurmain | Lynn Kilgore | Wenda Trevathan |
Research Methods in Social Work David Royse |
The Psychology of Women Margaret W. Matlin |
Administration of Programs for Young Children Phyllis M. Click | Kim Karkos |
Liberty, Equality, and Power: A History of the American People, Volume I: To 1877 John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg |
Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology Michael G. Maxfield | Earl R. Babbie |
Applied Social Research: A Tool for the Human Services Duane R. Monette | Thomas J. Sullivan | Cornell R. DeJong |
Conversación y repaso: Intermediate Spanish Lynn A. Sandstedt | Ralph Kite | John G. Copeland |
Elder Advocacy: Essential Knowledge and Skills Across Settings Ruth Huber | H. Wayne Nelson | F. Ellen Netting | Kevin W. Borders |
Managing the Public Sector Grover Starling |
Sight, Sound, Motion: Applied Media Aesthetics Herbert Zettl |
Sociology in a Changing World William Kornblum |
How to Study in College Walter Pauk | Ross J.Q. Owens |
Liberty, Equality, and Power: A History of the American People John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg |
Liberty, Equality, and Power: A History of the American People, Volume II: Since 1863 John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg |
Families, Schools and Communities: Together for Young Children Donna Couchenour | Kent Chrisman |
Family Therapy: An Overview Herbert Goldenberg | Irene Goldenberg |
Constitutional Law and the Criminal Justice System J. Scott Harr | Kären M. Hess |
Criminal Law Joel Samaha |
E-Learning Companion: A Student's Guide to Online Success Ryan Watkins | Michael Corry |
Doing Philosophy Joel Feinberg | Russ Shafer-Landau |
Doing Psychology Experiments David W. Martin |
On Ancient Philosophy John Peterman |
Philosophy: A Text with Readings Manuel Velasquez |
Promoting Community Change: Making it Happen in the Real World Mark S. Homan |
Civilización y cultura: Intermediate Spanish Lynn A. Sandstedt | Ralph Kite | John G. Copeland |
Literatura y arte: Intermediate Spanish Lynn A. Sandstedt | Ralph Kite | John G. Copeland |
American Constitutional Law, Volume II: Civil Rights and Liberties Otis H. Stephens, Jr. | John M. Scheb, II, Ph.D. |
Interviewing for Solutions Peter De Jong | Insoo Kim Berg |
Philosophy: A Text with Readings Manuel Velasquez |
The Language of Argument Larry W. Burton | Daniel McDonald |
American Constitutional Law, Volume I: Sources of Power and Restraint Otis H. Stephens, Jr. | John M. Scheb, II, Ph.D. |
Current Psychotherapies Raymond J. Corsini | Danny Wedding |
Drug Use and Abuse Stephen A. Maisto | Mark Galizio | Gerard J. Connors |
Essentials of Intentional Interviewing: Counseling in a Multicultural World Allen E. Ivey | Mary Bradford Ivey |
Human Behavior, Communities, Organizations, and Groups in the Macro Social Environment: An Empowerment Approach Karen K. Kirst-Ashman |
Rock and Roll: An Introduction Michael Campbell | James Brody |
The Global Future: A Brief Introduction to World Politics Charles W. Kegley Jr. | Gregory A. Raymond |
Transitions: A Guide for the Transfer Student Susan B. Weir |
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Cultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective Gary Ferraro |
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French Grammar Chart PERMACHARTS |
Student Achievement Series: The Challenge of Democracy: Government in America Kenneth Janda | Jeffrey M. Berry | Jerry Goldman | Kevin W. Hula |
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The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume II Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
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Research Methods: A Modular Approach Sherri L. Jackson |
Sociology: Understanding a Diverse Society, Updated Margaret L. Andersen | Howard F. Taylor |
World Politics: Trend and Transformation, 2007-2008 Update Charles W. Kegley Jr. |
Community-Based Corrections Leanne Fiftal Alarid | Paul F. Cromwell | Rolando V. del Carmen |
On Course Skip Downing |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume A: To 1200 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume B: From 1200 to 1870 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume C: Since 1750 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume I Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Speaker's Handbook Jo Sprague | Douglas Stuart |
Cengage Advantage Books: Understanding Art: A Concise History Lois Fichner-Rathus |
Democracy for the Few Michael Parenti |
School: An Introduction to Education Edward S. Ebert, II | Richard C. Culyer, III |
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The Human Services Internship: Getting the Most from Your Experience Pamela Myers Kiser |
The Modern Presidency James P. Pfiffner |
When Words Collide: A Media Writer's Guide to Grammar and Style Lauren Kessler | Duncan McDonald |
Communicating for Results: A Guide for Business and the Professions Cheryl Hamilton |
Corwin and Peltason's Understanding the Constitution Sue Davis |
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Sentences, Paragraphs, and Beyond: With Integrated Readings Lee Brandon | Kelly Brandon |
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Media Now: Understanding Media, Culture, and Technology, 2008 Update Joseph Straubhaar | Robert LaRose |
Theories of Psychotherapy & Counseling: Concepts and Cases Richard S. Sharf |
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Writing Voyage: A Process Approach to Writing Thomas E. Tyner |
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Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences David C. Howell |
Politics, Parties, and Elections in America John F. Bibby | Brian F. Schaffner |
Taking Charge of Your Learning: A Guide to College Success Dianna L. Van Blerkom |
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The Writer's Workplace: Building College Writing Skills Sandra Scarry | John Scarry |
American Government and Politics Today - Texas Edition, 2007-2008 Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Barbara A. Bardes | William Earl Maxwell | Ernest Crain |
Choices in Relationships: Introduction to Marriage and the Family David Knox, Ph.D. | Caroline Schacht, M.A. |
Understanding American Government Susan Welch | John Gruhl | John Comer | Susan M. Rigdon |
American Foreign Policy: Pattern and Process Eugene R. Wittkopf | Christopher M. Jones | Charles W. Kegley, Jr. (Contributing Author) |
Human Services in Contemporary America William R. Burger |
India: Government and Politics in a Developing Nation Stanley A. Kochanek | Robert L. Hardgrave |
Techniques and Materials of Music: From the Common Practice Period Through the Twentieth Century Thomas Benjamin | Michael Horvit | Robert Nelson |
Theories of Public Organization Robert B. Denhardt |
Early Childhood Special Education: Birth to Eight Frank G. Bowe |
Literacy for Children in an Information Age: Teaching Reading, Writing, and Thinking Vicki L. Cohen | John E. Cowen |
Theory, Practice, and Trends in Human Services: An Introduction Edward S. Neukrug |
Listening to Music Craig Wright |
The Writer's Response: A Reading-Based Approach To Writing Stephen McDonald | William Salomone |
Understanding American Government, Alternate Edition Susan Welch | John Gruhl | John Comer | Susan M. Rigdon |
Becoming an Effective Policy Advocate: From Policy Practice to Social Justice Bruce S. Jansson |
Racism in the United States: Implications for the Helping Professions Joshua Miller | Ann Marie Garran |
The Literary Experience, Compact Edition Bruce Beiderwell | Jeffrey M. Wheeler |
Essential Interviewing: A Programmed Approach to Effective Communication David R. Evans | Margaret T. Hearn | Max R. Uhlemann | Allen E. Ivey |
Listening to Western Music Craig Wright |
Why Nations Go to War John G. Stoessinger |
Theory and Design in Counseling and Psychotherapy Susan X Day |
Drawing: A Contemporary Approach Teel Sale | Claudia Betti |
American Government and Politics Today: The Essentials, 2007 Barbara A. Bardes | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Steffen W. Schmidt |
California: The Politics of Diversity David G. Lawrence |
Essentials of Texas Politics Richard H. Kraemer | Charldean Newell | David F. Prindle |
Ideas in Conflict: Writing about the Great Issues of Civilization Mark Royden Winchell | Donna Haisty Winchell |
Politics in a Changing World Marcus E. Ethridge | Howard Handelman |
Psychology: Themes and Variations, Briefer Edition Wayne Weiten |
Social Psychology Saul Kassin | Steven Fein | Hazel Rose Markus |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions: Volume II: A Global History Craig A. Lockard |
Theory and Practice of Group Counseling Gerald Corey |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Volume I: To 1715 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Volume II: Since 1560 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
¡Hola, amigos! Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo | Francisco Mena-Ayllón |
Research Methods for Social Work Allen Rubin | Earl R. Babbie |
Septième Art David Aldstadt | Jean-Louis Hippolyte |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions: Volume I: A Global History Craig A. Lockard |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume I: To 1877 Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume II Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The New World Reader: Thinking and Writing about the Global Community Gilbert H. Muller |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Volume B: 1300-1815 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Volume C: Since 1789 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
The Web of Democracy: An Introduction to American Politics Michael C. Gizzi | Tracey Gladstone-Sovell | William R. Wilkerson |
Ciao! Video Update Carla Larese Riga | Chiara Maria Dal Martello |
Psychology: Concepts and Connections, Media & Research Update Spencer A. Rathus |
Social Psychology and Human Nature Roy F. Baumeister | Brad Bushman |
Communication Mosaics: An Introduction to the Field of Communication Julia T. Wood |
Criminal Justice in Action: The Core Larry K. Gaines | Roger LeRoy Miller |
PianoLab: An Introduction to Class Piano Carolynn A. Lindeman |
Criminal Justice in America George F. Cole | Christopher E. Smith |
Developing Reading Versatility W. Royce Adams | Becky Patterson |
Exploring Art: A Global, Thematic Approach Margaret Lazzari | Dona Schlesier |
Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume I: To 1715 Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume II: Since 1500 Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Classic Readings in Organizational Behavior J. Steven Ott | Sandra J. Parkes | Richard B. Simpson |
Criminology: The Core Larry J. Siegel |
Diversity Matters: Understanding Diversity in Schools Lynn Kell Spradlin | Richard D. Parsons |
Effective Helping: Interviewing and Counseling Techniques Barbara F. Okun | Ricki E. Kantrowitz |
Foundations: A Reader for New College Students Virginia N. Gordon | Thomas L. Minnick |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: A Concise History of Western Art Fred S. Kleiner | Christin J. Mamiya |
How It's Done: An Invitation to Social Research Emily Stier Adler | Roger Clark |
Introduction to Criminal Justice Larry J. Siegel | Joseph J. Senna |
Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare: Empowering People Charles Zastrow |
Plays for the Theatre Oscar G. Brockett | Robert J. Ball |
Social Psychology and Human Nature, Brief Version Roy F. Baumeister | Brad Bushman |
The Basics of Social Research Earl R. Babbie |
The Elements of Counseling Scott T. Meier | Susan R. Davis |
The Essential Theatre Oscar G. Brockett | Robert J. Ball |
Western Civilization: A Brief History Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Writing Analytically with Readings David Rosenwasser | Jill Stephen |
Child and Adolescent Development: A Chronological Approach Danuta Bukatko |
Get Connected: Study Skills Ann Dillon |
Student Achievement Series: The Confident Student Carol C. Kanar |
The Brief American Pageant: A History of the Republic David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Mel Piehl |
The Brief American Pageant: A History of the Republic, Volume 1: To 1877 David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Mel Piehl |
The Brief American Pageant: A History of the Republic, Volume 2: Since 1865 David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Mel Piehl |
Your Guide to College Success: Strategies for Achieving Your Goals John W. Santrock | Jane S. Halonen |
¡Claro que sÃ!: An Integrated Skills Approach LucÃa Caycedo Garner | Debbie Rusch | Marcela DomÃnguez |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions: A Global History Craig A. Lockard |
The Challenge of Democracy: Government in America Kenneth Janda | Jeffrey M. Berry | Jerry Goldman |
American Government: Brief Version James Q. Wilson |
Practicing Texas Politics Lyle C. Brown | Joyce A. Langenegger | Sonia R. GarcÃa | Ted Lewis | Robert E. Biles |
Essentials of Psychology Douglas A. Bernstein | Peggy W. Nash |
¡Tú dirás! Ana MartÃnez-Lage | John R.Gutiérrez | Harry L. Rosser |
The College Writer's Handbook Randall VanderMey | Verne Meyer | John Van Rys | Patrick Sebranek |
The Open Handbook: Keys for Writers Ann Raimes | Maria Jerskey |
Forensic Psychology/ The Use of Behavioral Science in Civil and Criminal Justice Henry F. Fradella |
Natural Science in Western History Frederick Gregory |
Natural Science in Western History: Volume I: From Ancient Times to Newton Frederick Gregory |
Natural Science in Western History: Volume II: Newton to Present Frederick Gregory |
Becoming Multiculturally Responsible on Campus: From Awareness to Action Max Parker | Jennifer Sager |
California Politics and Government: A Practical Approach, Revised Larry N. Gerston | Terry Christensen |
Graded French Reader: Première Étape Marianne Seidler Golding | Camille Bauer |
Congress: Games and Strategies Stephen Frantzich, Ph.D. | Steven Schier, Ph.D. |
The Essential World History William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
The Essential World History, Volume I William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
The Essential World History, Volume II William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
The Essential World History: To 1500 William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
California Politics and Government: A Practical Approach Larry N. Gerston | Terry Christensen |
Election 2006: An American Government Supplement John A. Clark | Brian F. Schaffner |
Sociology: Your Compass for a New World, Brief Edition Robert J. Brym | John Lie |
American Passages: A History in the United States, Volume I: To 1877 Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
American Passages: A History in the United States, Volume II: Since 1865 Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
American Passages: A History of the United States Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
American Passages: A History of the United States, Compact Edition Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
American Passages: A History of the United States, Compact Edition, Volume I Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
American Passages: A History of the United States, Volume I Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
American Passages: Compact, Volume II Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
Latin America: The People and Their History William H. Beezley | Colin MacLachlan |
Sociology in Our Times: The Essentials Diana Kendall |
The Research Methods Knowledge Base William Trochim, Ph.D. | James P. Donnelly |
Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks |
Pocket Guide to the Chicago Manual of Style Robert Perrin |
From Crayons to Cyberspace: Creating A Professional Teaching Portfolio Jo Kinnard |
Conflict and Consensus in American Politics, Election Update Stephen J. Wayne | G. Calvin Mackenzie | Richard Cole |
Democracy Under Pressure: An Introduction to the American Political System, 2006 Election Update Milton C. Cummings, Jr. | David Wise |
Motifs: An Introduction to French Kimberly Jansma | Margaret Ann Kassen |
¡Tú dirás! Ana MartÃnez-Lage | John R.Gutiérrez | Harry L. Rosser |
Democracy Under Pressure: An Introduction to the American Political System, Election Update 2006, Alternate Edition Milton C. Cummings, Jr. | David Wise |
Looking Out, Looking In Ronald B. Adler | Russell F. Proctor II |
Twentieth-Century World History William J. Duiker |
American Government and Politics Today, 2007-2008, Alternate Edition Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Barbara A. Bardes |
American Government and Politics Today, 2007-2008 Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Barbara A. Bardes |
Evergreen: A Guide to Writing with Readings Susan Fawcett |
Palabra abierta María Cecilia Colombi | Jill Pellettieri | María Isabel Rodríguez |
Vorsprung: A Communicative Introduction to German Language and Culture Thomas A. Lovik | J. Douglas Guy | Monika Chavez |
Investigación de gramática Patricia V. Lunn | Janet DeCesaris |
AAUSC 2006: Insights for Study Abroad Language Programs Sharon Wilkinson, Editor | Sally Sieloff Magnan |
Hacia niveles avanzados: Composición por proceso y en contexto Brian N. Stiegler | Carmen J. Jiménez |
Choices in Sexuality Susan McCammon | David Knox | Caroline Schacht |
Hand in Hand: Research Design and Statistics in the Behavioral Science Sandra K. Webster |
Comparative Politics: Using MicroCase® ExplorIt Michael K. Le Roy |
Student Achievement Series: The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume I: To 1877 Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Sandra McNair Hawley | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
Student Achievement Series: The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume II: From 1865 Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Sandra McNair Hawley | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
Student Achievement Series: The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
Student Achievement Series: The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume I: To 1550 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
Student Achievement Series: The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume II: Since 1500 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
Student Achievement Series: The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Sandra McNair Hawley | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
¡Conozcámonos!: Curso práctico de español para el estudiante bilingüe en los Estados Unidos N. Ariana Mrak | Edwin K. Padilla |
Discovering the American Past: A Look at the Evidence, Volume I: To 1877 William Bruce Wheeler | Susan D. Becker |
Discovering the American Past: A Look at the Evidence, Volume II: Since 1865 William Bruce Wheeler | Susan D. Becker |
Major Problems in American History Since 1945 Robert Griffith | Paula Baker |
Major Problems in American History, Volume 2: Since 1865 Elizabeth Cobbs-Hoffman | Jon Gjerde |
Major Problems in American History: Volume 1: To 1877 Elizabeth Cobbs-Hoffman | Jon Gjerde |
Western Civilization, From the 1400s Marvin Perry | Myrna Chase | James R. Jacob | Margaret C. Jacob | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society Marvin Perry | Myrna Chase | James R. Jacob | Margaret C. Jacob | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Family Involvement in Early Childhood Education: Research into Practice Jennifer Prior | Maureen R. Gerard |
GuÃa básica de la crÃtica literaria y el trabajo de investigación Frieda H. Blackwell | Paul E. Larson |
Major Problems in American Women's History Mary Beth Norton | Ruth M. Alexander |
100% Career Success Amy Solomon, M.S., O.T.R | Lori Tyler, MS | Terry Taylor, PhD |
100% Job Search Success Amy Solomon, M.S., O.T.R | Lori Tyler, MS | Terry Taylor, PhD |
100% Student Success Amy Solomon, M.S., O.T.R | Lori Tyler, MS | Terry Taylor, PhD |
On the Philosophy of Law David Reidy |
Organization Theory: A Public and Nonprofit Perspective Harold F. Gortner | Kenneth L. Nichols | Carolyn Ball |
Aging, the Individual, and Society Susan M. Hillier | Georgia M. Barrow |
Lab Manual and Workbook for Physical Anthropology Diane L. France |
The Informed Argument Robert K. Miller |
Challenging Gender Norms: Five Genders Among Bugis in Indonesia Sharyn Graham Davies |
Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement Wayne W. Bennett | Kären M. Hess |
2D: Visual Basics For Designers Robin Landa | Rose Gonnella | Steven Brower |
The Changing American Presidency Richard Waterman |
See How They Grow: Infants and Toddlers Sue Martin | Jennifer E. Berke |
Dynamic Argument Robert Lamm | Justin Everett |
Positive Child Guidance Darla Ferris Miller |
A Simple Guide to SPSS, Version 14.0 Lee A. Kirkpatrick | Brooke C. Feeney |
Child Welfare: Policies and Best Practices Jannah Mather | Patricia B. Lager | Norma J. Harris |
At Risk Youth: A Comprehensive Response for Counselors, Teachers, Psychologists, and Human Services Professionals J. Jeffries McWhirter | Benedict T. McWhirter | Ellen Hawley McWhirter | Robert J. McWhirter |
Motivational Leadership in Early Childhood Education Lynn Marotz | Amy Lawson |
The Practice of Family Therapy: Key Elements Across Models Suzanne Midori Hanna |
Experiencing the World of the Counselor: A Workbook for Counselor Educators and Students, 3rd Edward S. Neukrug |
Portrait of America: Volume 1: To 1877 Stephen B. Oates | Charles J. Errico |
Self-Directed Behavior David L. Watson | Roland G. Tharp |
The Civil Mind Margaret Earley Whitt | Janet L. Bland |
Portrait of America: Volume II: From 1865 Stephen B. Oates | Charles J. Errico |
The Color of Justice: Race, Ethnicity, and Crime in America Samuel Walker | Cassia Spohn | Miriam DeLone |
The Politics of United States Foreign Policy Jerel A. Rosati | James M. Scott |
Mentor Coaching and Leadership in Early Care and Education Mary Nolan, Ed.D |
Modern Radio Production: Product, Programming, Performance Carl Hausman | Philip Benoit | Frank (Fritz) Messere | Lewis O'Donnell |
The Adult Learner's Companion Deborah Davis |
Abnormal Child Psychology Eric J. Mash | David A. Wolfe |
Cultural Diversity: A Primer for the Human Services Jerry V. Diller |
Developmental Profiles: Pre-birth Through Twelve K. Eileen Allen | Lynn R. Marotz |
America: Religions and Religion Catherine L. Albanese |
CogLab Online Version 2.0 Greg Francis | Ian Neath |
Culturally Competent Practice: A Framework for Understanding Diverse Groups & Justice Issues Doman Lum |
The Essentials of Statistics: A Tool for Social Research Joseph F. Healey |
Management of Human Service Programs Judith A. Lewis | Thomas R. Packard | Michael D. Lewis |
An Anthology of Colonial and Postcolonial Short Fiction Dean Baldwin | Patrick J. Quinn |
Generalist Case Management: A Workbook for Skill Development Tricia McClam | Marianne R. Woodside |
Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Models, Metaphors, and Maps for Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Practice James A. Forte |
The Invisible Woman: Gender, Crime, and Justice Joanne Belknap |
Academic Literacy: Readings and Strategies Jill Lewis |
An Introduction to Human Services: Values, Methods, and Populations Served Cynthia Cannon Poindexter | Deborah P. Valentine |
Half the Human Experience: The Psychology of Women Janet Shibley Hyde |
Pueblos: Intermediate Spanish in Cultural Contexts Sheri Spaine Long | Ana Martínez-Lage | Lourdes Sánchez-López | Llorenç Comajoan Colomé |
Research Papers William Coyle | Joe Law |
Social Psychology John D. DeLamater | Daniel J. Myers |
The American Paradox: A History of the United States Since 1945 Steven M. Gillon |
The World of the Counselor: An Introduction to the Counseling Profession Edward S. Neukrug |
Counseling and Spirituality: Views from the Profession Oliver Morgan |
The Skilled Helper: A Problem Management and Opportunity Development Approach to Helping Gerard Egan |
En contacto: Gramática en acción Mary Gill McVey | Brenda Wegmann | Teresa Méndez-Faith |
En contacto: Lecturas intermedias Mary McVey Gill | Brenda Wegmann | Teresa Méndez-Faith |
Writing for Psychology Mark L. Mitchell | Janina M. Jolley | Robert P. O'Shea |
En contacto: Gramática en acción Mary McVey Gill | Brenda Wegmann | Teresa Méndez-Faith |
Research Strategies for a Digital Age Bonnie Tensen |
Criminal Procedure: Law and Practice Rolando V. del Carmen |
Public Law and Public Administration Philip J. Cooper |
Women & Gender: In the Western Past, Volume Two Katherine L. French | Allyson M. Poska |
Women and Gender: In the Western Past, Volume One Katherine L. French | Allyson M. Poska |
Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior Dennis Coon | John O. Mitterer |
Industrial/Organizational Psychology: An Applied Approach Michael G. Aamodt |
Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior Dennis Coon | John O. Mitterer |
Paso adelante Sharon Ahern Fechter | Sylvia López |
Counseling and Therapy for Couples Lynn L. Long | Mark E. Young |
Master Student Reader Catherine F. Andersen |
An Introduction to Family Social Work Donald Collins | Catheleen Jordan | Heather Coleman |
Media/Impact: An Introduction to Mass Media Shirley Biagi |
The Essence of Anthropology William A. Haviland | Harald E.L. Prins | Dana Walrath | Bunny McBride |
Video Basics Herbert Zettl |
Macro Systems in the Social Environment Dennis D. Long | Marla C. Holle |
Community Psychology: Linking Individuals and Communities James H. Dalton | Maurice J. Elias | Abraham Wandersman |
Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology Barry Lewis | Robert Jurmain | Lynn Kilgore |
Disaster Mental Health: Theory and Practice James Halpern | Mary Tramontin |
Cengage Advantage Books: Voyage of Discovery: A Historical Introduction to Philosophy William F. Lawhead |
Counseling Children Charles L. Thompson | Donna A. Henderson |
Research Methods Donald H. McBurney | Theresa L. White |
Casebook in Abnormal Psychology Timothy A. Brown | David H. Barlow |
Contending Voices: Biographical Explorations of the American Past, Volume I: To 1877 John Hollitz |
Contending Voices: Biographical Explorations of the American Past, Volume II: Since 1865 John Hollitz |
Home, School and Community Relations Carol Gestwicki |
Social Work Practice: A Risk and Resilience Perspective Roberta R. Greene |
The Sundance Writer: A Rhetoric, Reader, Handbook Mark Connelly |
Understanding Statistics in the Behavioral Sciences Robert R. Pagano |
Ideas & Details: A Guide to College Writing M. Garrett Bauman |
Assessment for Counselors Bradley T. Erford |
Research Design Explained Mark L. Mitchell | Janina M. Jolley |
Teaching Young Children in Multicultural Classrooms: Issues, Concepts, and Strategies Wilma Robles de Melendez |
How to Get the Most Out of Philosophy Douglas J. Soccio |
Autour de la littérature: Ecriture et lecture aux cours moyens de français Peter Schofer | Donald B. Rice |
Trusted Criminals: White Collar Crime In Contemporary Society David O. Friedrichs |
Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment Charles Zastrow | Karen K. Kirst-Ashman |
An Introduction to the Profession of Social Work: Becoming a Change Agent Elizabeth A. Segal | Karen E. Gerdes | Sue Steiner |
Logic and Philosophy: A Modern Introduction Alan Hausman | Howard Kahane | Paul Tidman |
The People: A History of Native America R. David Edmunds | Frederick E. Hoxie | Neal Salisbury |
The People: A History of Native America, Volume 1: To 1861 R. David Edmunds | Frederick E. Hoxie | Neal Salisbury |
The People: A History of Native America, Volume 2: Since 1845 R. David Edmunds | Frederick E. Hoxie | Neal Salisbury |
Organized Crime Howard Abadinsky |
Writer's Resources: From Paragraph to Essay Julie Robitaille | Robert Connelly |
An Introduction to Language Victoria Fromkin | Robert Rodman | Nina Hyams |
A Concise History of Christianity R. Dean Peterson |
Children and Their Art: Methods for the Elementary School Al Hurwitz | Michael Day |
Human Motivation Robert E. Franken |
The Politics of Globalization: A Reader Mark Kesselman |
Plazas: Lugar de encuentros Robert Hershberger | Susan Navey-Davis | Guiomar Borrás A. |
Crime Victims: An Introduction to Victimology Andrew Karmen |
Criminal Investigation Wayne W. Bennett | Kären M. Hess |
Fiscal Administration John Mikesell |
Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences Charles Stangor |
Scén@rios: Pédagogies du virtuel Michèle Magnin | Véronique Flambard Weisbart |
Wrightsman's Psychology and the Legal System Edie Greene | Kirk Heilbrun | William H. Fortune | Michael T. Nietzel |
Communications Law: Liberties, Restraints, and the Modern Media John D. Zelezny |
The Least You Should Know About English: Writing Skills, Form B Paige Wilson | Teresa Ferster Glazier |
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences Frederick J Gravetter | Larry B. Wallnau |
Careers in Psychology: Opportunities in a Changing World Tara L. Kuther | Robert D. Morgan |
Cengage Advantage Books: Building a Speech Sheldon Metcalfe |
Hawaiian Fishermen Edward W. Glazier |
The Essential Counselor: Process, Skills, and Techniques David Hutchinson |
Statistical Methods for Psychology David C. Howell |
Partners in Play: Assessing Infants and Toddlers in Natural Contexts Gail L. Ensher | Tasia P. Bobish | Eric F. Gardner | Carol L. Reinson | Deborah A. Bryden | Daniel J. Foertsch |
Powerful Social Studies for Elementary Students Jere Brophy | Janet Alleman |
Health Psychology: An Introduction to Behavior and Health Linda Brannon | Patty Feist |
Public Relations Cases Jerry A. Hendrix | Darrell C. Hayes |
Viewpoints: Readings Worth Thinking and Writing About W. Royce Adams |
Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice Joycelyn M. Pollock |
Judicial Process: Law, Courts, and Politics in the United States David W. Neubauer | Stephen S. Meinhold |
Observing and Understanding Child Development: A Child Study Manual Debra Ahola | Abbe Kovacik |
An Introduction to Critical Reading Leah McCraney |
Regime Change: Origins, Execution, and Aftermath of the Iraq War David Kinsella |
Digital Moviemaking Lynne S. Gross | Larry W. Ward |
Family Assessment Handbook: An Introductory Practice Guide to Family Assessment Barbara Thomlison |
Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology Margaret L. Andersen | Patricia Hill Collins |
Technical Communication: A Reader-Centered Approach Paul V. Anderson |
Becoming a Community Counselor: Personal and Professional Explorations A. Renee Staton | A. Jerry Benson | Michele Kielty Briggs | Eric Cowan | Lennis G. Echterling | William F. Evans | J. Edson McKee | Jack Presbury | Anne L. Stewart |
Beyond Sovereignty: Issues for a Global Agenda Maryann Cusimano Love |
Cases in Communications Law John Zelezny |
Moral Philosophy: Theories and Issues Emmett Barcalow |
Secondary School Literacy Instruction: The Content Areas Betty D. Roe | Barbara D. Stoodt-Hill | Paul C. Burns |
Writing, Reading, and Research Richard Veit | Christopher Gould |
A Logic Book: Fundamentals of Reasoning Robert M. Johnson |
Oggi In Italia: A First Course in Italian Franca Celli Merlonghi | Ferdinando Merlonghi | Joseph A. Tursi | Brian Rea O'Connor |
Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility Charles U. Larson |
Ten Questions: A Sociological Perspective Joel M. Charon |
Traversing Philosophical Boundaries Max O. Hallman |
A Guidance Approach for the Encouraging Classroom Dan Gartrell |
Creativity and the Arts with Young Children Rebecca Isbell | Shirley C. Raines |
Introduction to Sociology Henry L. Tischler |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Dolphin Edition Mary Beth Norton | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Thomas G. Paterson | William M. Tuttle, Jr. |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Dolphin Edition , Volume 2: Since 1865 Mary Beth Norton | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Thomas G. Paterson | William M. Tuttle, Jr. |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Dolphin Edition, Volume 1: To 1877 Mary Beth Norton | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Thomas G. Paterson | William M. Tuttle, Jr. |
Fundamental Perspectives on International Law William R. Slomanson |
Philosophical Thinking about Death and Dying Vincent E. Barry |
The Emergence of Sociological Theory Jonathan H. Turner | Leonard Beeghley | Charles H. Powers |
American Music: A Panorama, Concise Edition Lorenzo Candelaria | Daniel Kingman |
Classic Readings in Sociology Eve L. Howard |
Developing and Administering a Child Care Education Program D. June Sciarra | Anne G. Dorsey |
Kaleidoscope: Readings in Education Kevin Ryan | James M. Cooper |
Speaking of America: Readings in U.S. History, Vol. I: To 1877 Laura A. Belmonte |
Speaking of America: Readings in U.S. History, Vol. II: Since 1865 Laura A. Belmonte |
Systems of Psychotherapy: A Transtheoretical Analysis James O. Prochaska | John C. Norcross |
The Elements of Reasoning Ronald Munson | Andrew Black |
Understanding Social Problems Linda A. Mooney, Ph.D. | David Knox, Ph.D. | Caroline Schacht, M.A. |
Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking Merrilee H. Salmon |
Ethics: Selections from Classic and Contemporary Writers Oliver A. Johnson | Andrews Reath |
Globalization and Change in Fifteen Cultures: Born in One World, Living in Another George Spindler | Janice E. Stockard |
Intentional Interviewing and Counseling: Facilitating Client Development in a Multicultural Society Allen E. Ivey | Mary Bradford Ivey |
Intentional Interviewing and Counseling: Facilitating Client Development in a Multicultural Society Allen E. Ivey | Mary Bradford Ivey |
Math and Science for Young Children Rosalind Charlesworth, Ph.D |
Cognition: Theory and Applications Stephen K. Reed |
Informal Reading Inventory: Preprimer to Twelfth Grade Betty D. Roe | Paul C. Burns |
Public Administration in America Michael E. Milakovich | George J. Gordon |
Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society, Volume 1: To 1789 Marvin Perry | Myrna Chase | James R. Jacob | Margaret C. Jacob | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society, Volume 2: From the 1600's Marvin Perry | Myrna Chase | James R. Jacob | Margaret C. Jacob | Theodore H. Von Laue |
The American Past: A Survey of American History Joseph R. Conlin |
The American Past: A Survey of American History, Volume I: To 1877 Joseph R. Conlin |
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Bravo! Judith Muyskens | Linda Harlow | Michèle Vialet | Jean-François Brière |
Voces de España: AntologÃa literaria Francisca Paredes-Méndez | Mark Harpring | José Ballesteros |
Fuentes: Conversación y gramática Debbie Rusch | Marcela DomÃnguez | LucÃa Caycedo Garner |
Supporting Play: Birth Through Age Eight Dorothy Justus Sluss, Ph.D. |
AAUSC 2004: Languages Program Articulation Catherine Barrette | Kate Paesani | Sally Sieloff Magnan |
La France contemporaine William Edmiston | Annie Duménil |
PC 832 Concepts: Peace Officer Required Training Devallis Rutledge, Esq. | Derald D. Hunt |
Patterns and Themes: A Basic English Reader Judy R. Rogers | Glenn C. Rogers | Kathryn C. Mincey |
Sniffy the Virtual Rat Lite, Version 2.0 Tom Alloway | Greg Wilson | Jeff Graham |
Inquiry into Math, Science & Technology for Teaching Young Children Arleen Pratt Prairie |
Jazz Composition and Arranging Tom Boras |
Designing and Leading Comprehensive School Counseling Programs: Promoting Student Competence and Meeting Student Needs Duane Brown | Jerry G. Trusty |
We Are America: A Thematic Reader and Guide To Writing Anna Joy |
On Millikan Nicholas Shea |
Promises to Keep Paul S. Boyer |
Creative Art & Activities: Fun with Art! Mary Mayesky, Ph.D. |
Hurting the One You Love: Violence in Relationships Irene Hanson Frieze |
Work Stress Lorne Sulsky | Carlla Smith |
Sniffy the Virtual Rat Pro, Version 2.0 Tom Alloway | Greg Wilson | Jeff Graham |
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Challenging Perspectives: Reading Critically About Ethics and Values Deborah Holdstein |
Thinking Through the Past: A Critical Thinking Approach to U.S. History: Volume II: Since 1865 John Hollitz |
Native American Religions: An Introduction Sam Gill |
Guide to Criminal Law for Illinois Deborah Lantermo |
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Guide to Criminal Procedure for Florida Glenn Coffey |
America Compared: American History in International Perspective, Volume II: Since 1865 Carl J. Guarneri |
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A More Perfect Union: Documents in U.S. History, Volume 2: Since 1865 Paul F. Boller, Jr. | Ronald Story |
Understanding Arguments: An Introduction to Informal Logic Robert J. Fogelin | Walter Sinnott-Armstrong |
Community Policing: Partnerships for Problem Solving Linda S. Miller | Kären M. Hess |
Reading and Writing from Literature John E. Schwiebert |
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Cengage Advantage Books: Western Civilization: A History of European Society, Compact Edition, Volume I Steven Hause | William Maltby |
Cengage Advantage Books: Western Civilization: A History of European Society, Compact Edition, Volume II Steven Hause | William Maltby |
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Cengage Advantage Books: World History, Compact Edition Jiu-Hwa L. Upshur | Janice J. Terry | James P. Holoka | Richard D. Goff | George H. Cassar |
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Cengage Advantage Books: World History, Since 1500: The Age of Global Integration, Volume II, Compact Edition Jiu-Hwa L. Upshur | Janice J. Terry | James P. Holoka | Richard D. Goff | George H. Cassar |
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The Professional School Counselor: An Advocate for Students Jeannine R. Studer |
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Sex, Self and Society: The Social Context of Sexuality Tracey Steele |
Thinking Through the Past: A Critical-Thinking Approach to U.S. History, Volume I: To 1877 John Hollitz |
Western Civilization, Volume 1: A History of European Society, Volume I: To 1715 Steven Hause | William Maltby |
Western Civilization: A History of European Society, Volume II: Since 1550 Steven Hause | William Maltby |
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El Mundo 21 hispano Fabián Samaniego | Nelson Rojas | Maricarmen Ohara | Francisco X. Alarcón |
Making Connections: Reading and Understanding College Textbooks Sheila Allen |
The Role of Work in People's Lives: Applied Career Counseling and Vocational Psychology Nadene Peterson | Roberto Cortéz González |
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Guide to Criminal Law for Texas Barbara Belbot |
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Technical Communication Rebecca E. Burnett |
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Western Civilization: A History of European Society Steven Hause | William Maltby |
Criminal Evidence Judy Hails |
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Argumentation and Debate Austin J. Freeley | David L. Steinberg |
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Reading Context Gail Stygall |
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Guide to Criminal Law for Florida Patricia Cashman |
Reading the New Testament Today Robert E. Van Voorst |
Strategic Organizational Communication: In a Global Economy Charles Conrad | Marshall Scott Poole |
The Reluctant Welfare State: American Social Welfare Policies--Past, Present, and Future Bruce S. Jansson |
Du tac au tac: Managing Conversations in French Jeannette D. Bragger | Donald B. Rice |
Effective Communication Techniques for Child Care Mary E. Arnold |
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The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Dolphin Edition, Volume I: To 1877 Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
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A More Perfect Union: Documents in U.S. History, Volume I: To 1877 Paul F. Boller, Jr. | Ronald Story |
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Young Children with Special Needs Richard Gargiulo | Jennifer L. Kilgo |
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Language Development Erika Hoff |
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Moby-Dick Herman Melville |
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave and Essays Fredrick Douglass |
Principles and Applications of Assessment in Counseling Susan C. Whiston |
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The Red Badge of Courage Stephen Crane |
The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne |
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American Foreign Policy and Process James M. McCormick |
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Explorations in Privilege, Oppression and Diversity Sharon K. Anderson | Valerie A. Middleton |
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On Pragmatism Cornelis de Waal |
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Write to Learn Donald M. Murray |
Research Methods for Social Work Allen Rubin | Earl R. Babbie |
Teaching, Leading, and Learning in Pre K-8 Settings Rita A. Jensen | Therese J. Kiley |
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American Media History Anthony Fellow |
The Writer's Workplace Sandra Scarry | John Scarry |
An Introduction to the History of Psychology B. R. Hergenhahn |
Growing Artists: Teaching Art To Young Children Joan Bouza Koster |
Psychological Consultation and Collaboration: A Casebook A. Michael Dougherty |
Real World Instructional Design Katherine Cennamo | Debby Kalk |
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Investigating Social Problems: Using MicroCase ExplorIT David J. Ayers |
Reading Matters Laraine E. Flemming |
Steps to Writing Well Jean Wyrick |
Steps to Writing Well with Additional Readings Jean Wyrick |
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Frames of Mind: A Rhetorical Reader with Occasions for Writing Robert DiYanni | Pat C. Hoy, II |
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Among Cultures: The Challenge of Communication Bradford J. Hall |
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Audio in Media Stanley R. Alten |
Lighting and the Design Idea Linda Essig |
The Black Death Elizabeth A. Lehfeldt |
Nations and Government: Comparative Politics in Regional Perspective Thomas Magstadt |
Research Methods for Generalist Social Work Christine R. Marlow |
The Essentials of Learning and Conditioning Michael Domjan |
Your Career in Psychology: Industrial/Organizational Psychology Tara L. Kuther |
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Online Journalism: Reporting, Writing, and Editing for New Media Richard Craig |
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Why Nations Go to War John G. Stoessinger |
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Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume II: Since 1500 Jackson J. Spielvogel |
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Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume I: To 1715 Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Case Approach to Counseling and Psychotherapy Gerald Corey |
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Western Civilization: The Continuing Experiment, Volume 1: To 1715 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | William B. Cohen | David D. Roberts |
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Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume II: From the 1400s Marvin Perry |
Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender, and Culture (with InfoTrac), 6th Julia T. Wood |
Western Civilization: A Brief History, Brief Marvin Perry |
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Major Problems in the History of American Families and Children Anya Jabour |
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Words Count Laraine E. Flemming |
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Theory of Multicultural Counseling and Therapy Derald Wing Sue | Allen E. Ivey | Paul B. Pedersen |
Blood on Her Hands: The Social Construction of Women, Sexuality and Murder Frankie Y. Bailey | Donna C. Hale |
Grammaire Française Jacqueline Ollivier | Martin Beaudoin |
Classical Sociological Theory: A Positivist Perspective Jonathan H. Turner |
Jazz: A Century of Change Lewis Porter |
Strangers in a Not-So-Strange Land: Indian American Immigrants in the Global Age Arthur W. Helweg |
Innovations: The Comprehensive Preschool Curriculum Kay Albrecht | Linda Miller |
Graphic Communications Today William E. Ryan | Theodore E. Conover |
Mathematics for Teachers: An Interactive Approach for Grades K-8 Thomas Sonnabend |
Looking at Languages: A Workbook in Elementary Linguistics Paul R. Frommer | Edward Finegan |
Juvenile Justice Kären M. Hess | Robert W. Drowns |
Crime Types: A Text/Reader Dean A. Dabney |
Skin and Bones: The Management of People and Natural Resources in Shellcracker Haven, Florida Jane Gibson |
Conflict and Cooperation: Evolving Theories of International Relations Marc A. Genest |
Political Development in Emerging Countries Howard J. Wiarda |
The Criminal Justice System: Politics and Policies George F. Cole | Marc G. Gertz | Amy Bunger |
Police Integrity and Ethics Matthew J. Hickman | Alex R. Piquero | Jack R. Greene |
Mais Oui Chantal P. Thompson |
The Wadsworth Guide to MLA Documentation Linda Smoak Schwartz |
Voces de Hispanoamérica: AntologÃa literaria Raquel Chang-RodrÃguez | Malva E. Filer |
Morality in Practice James P. Sterba |
Ponti: Italiano terzo millennio Elissa Tognozzi | Giuseppe Cavatorta |
Writing Sentences and Paragraphs: Integrating Reading, Writing, and Grammar Skills Joy Wingersky | Jan Boerner |
Just War: A Wadsworth Casebook in Argument Sharon K. Walsh | Evelyn D. Asch |
Classics of Public Administration Jay M. Shafritz | Albert C. Hyde | Sandra J. Parkes |
Readings in Gender Communication Philip M. Backlund | Mary Rose Williams |
The Pocket Handbook for Biology Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell | Resa Crane Bizzaro (Contributing Author) | Patrick Bizzaro (Contributing Editor) |
The Pocket Handbook for History Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell | Patrick Bizzaro (Contributing Author and Editor) |
Advanced Foreign Language Learning, 2003 AAUSC Volume Heidi Byrnes | Hiram H. Maxim | Sally Sieloff Magnan |
Breaking and Entering: Burglars on Burglary Paul F. Cromwell | James N. Olson |
Constitutional Rights: Myths and Realities Christopher E. Smith |
Heinle Professional Series 2003: Teaching with Technology Lara Lomicka | Jessamine Cooke-Plagwitz |
The Criminal Justice Response to Domestic Violence Andrew R. Klein |
The Practice of Multicultural Group Work: Visions and Perspectives from the Field Janice L. DeLucia-Waack | Jeremiah Donigian |
Tâches d'encre: French Composition H. Jay Siskin | Cheryl L. Krueger | Maryse Fauvel |
La Grammaire à l'œuvre: Media Edition John Barson |
The Informed Argument, Brief Edition Robert P. Yagelski | Robert Keith Miller |
On James Robert Talisse | Micah Hester |
The Enlightenment Dena Goodman | Kathleen Wellman |
Religious Autobiographies Gary L. Comstock |
Children With Special Needs in Early Childhood Settings Carol L. Paasche | Lola Gorrill | Bev Strom |
Leadership, Advocacy, and Direct Service Strategies for Professional School Counselors Rachelle Pérusse | Gary E. Goodnough |
Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik: Wiederholen und anwenden Jamie Rankin | Larry D. Wells (Late) |
Your Career in Psychology: Psychology and the Law Tara L. Kuther |
Counseling Adolescents and Children: Developing Your Clinical Style Deanna S. Pledge |
Creative Art & Activities: Crayons, Chalk, and Markers Mary Mayesky, Ph.D. |
Creative Art & Activities: Print Making Mary Mayesky, Ph.D. |
Write It Down! Dawn Kolakoski |
Creative Art & Activities: Modeling Materials Mary Mayesky, Ph.D. |
Creative Art & Activities: Paper Art Mary Mayesky, Ph.D. |
Creative Art & Activities: Puppets Mary Mayesky, Ph.D. |
Creative Arts & Activities: Painting Mary Mayesky, Ph.D. |
¡ImagÃnate!: Managing Conversations in Spanish Kenneth Chastain | Gail Guntermann |
Mass Media and Politics: A Social Science Perspective Jan E. Leighley |
The Pocket Handbook for Psychology Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell | Philip Adams (Contributing Author) | Patrick Bizzaro (Contributing Editor) |
Economic Issues for Consumers Roger LeRoy Miller | Alan D. Stafford |
Essentials of Texas Politics Richard H. Kraemer | Charldean Newell | David F. Prindle |
School Counseling: Foundations and Contemporary Issues Daniel T. Sciarra |
Counseling Diverse Clients: Bringing Context into Therapy Jeanne M. Slattery |
Understanding and Writing about Literature Walter Kalaidjian | Judith Roof | Stephen Watt |
Texas: Crossroads of North America Jesús F. de la Teja | Paula Marks | Ron Tyler |
Understanding the Constitution Sue Davis | J. W. Peltason |
The Wadsworth Casebook Series for Reading, Research and Writing: Trifles Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell |
Antisocial Behavior in Schools: Evidence-Based Practices Hill M. Walker | Elizabeth Ramsey | Frank M. Gresham |
The Modern Researcher Jacques Barzun | Henry F. Graff |
The Wadsworth Casebook Series for Reading, Research and Writing: Cask of Amontillado Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell |
Reading Assessment for Diagnostic-Prescriptive Teaching Anthony V. Manzo | Ula C. Manzo | Julie Jackson Albee |
The Informed Argument Robert P. Yagelski | Robert Keith Miller |
Writer's Resources: From Sentence to Paragraph Julie Robitaille | Robert Connelly |
Doubletakes: Pairs of Contemporary Short Stories T. Coraghessan Boyle |
Statistical Analysis in the Social Sciences McKee J. McClendon |
The Power of Guidance Dan Gartrell |
Group Leadership Skills: Interpersonal Process in Group Counseling and Therapy Mei-whei Chen | Christopher J. Rybak |
España: Temas de cultura y civilización Luisa Piemontese Ramos | Carlos Arboleda |
Thinking Critically: A Concise Guide John Chaffee |
Reflejos Joy Renjilian-Burgy | Susan M. Mraz | Ana Beatriz Chiquito | Verónica de Darer |
Etlatongo: Social Complexity, Interaction, and Village Life in the Mixteca Alta of Oaxaca, Mexico Jeffrey P. Blomster |
A Contemporary Guide to Literary Terms: With Strategies for Writing Essays About Literature Edwin Barton | Glenda A. Hudson |
Mississippi Freedom Summer John F. McClymer |
Youth Gangs in American Society Randall G. Shelden | Sharon K. Tracy | William B. Brown |
Clinical Supervision: What to Do and How to Do It Robert I. Cohen |
Writing Connections: You, College, and Careers: Book II: Paragraphs and Essays Lee Brandon |
Conservation and Globalization: A Study of National Parks and Indigenous Communities from East Africa to South Dakota Jim Igoe |
Investigating Change in American Society William H. Frey |
New Capitalists: Law, Politics, and Identity Surrounding Casino Gaming on Native American Land Eve Darian-Smith |
The Reading Portfolio Diane Perotti Bosco | Janice Anselmo Buchner |
Writing for College History: A Short Handbook Robert M. Frakes |
Your Supervised Practicum And Internship: Field Resources For Turning Theory Into Action Lori Ann Russell-Chapin Ph.D | Allen E. Ivey |
Bravo for the Marshallese: Regaining Control in a Post-Nuclear, Post-Colonial World Holly M. Barker |
Introduction to Corrections Michael L. Birzer | Cliff Roberson |
Teaching Young Children: An Introduction to the Early Childhood Profession Margaret Puckett | Deborah Diffily |
Making the Dean's List Edmond Hallberg | Kaylene Hallberg |
The Road to the White House 2004: The Politics of Presidential Elections Stephen J. Wayne |
Rethinking Disability: Principles for Professional and Social Change Elizabeth DePoy | Stephen French Gilson |
Practicing Texas Politics Lyle C. Brown | Joyce A. Langenegger | Sonia R. GarcÃa | Ted Lewis |
Drugs: An Introduction Howard Abadinsky |
The College Writer: A Guide to Thinking, Writing, and Researching, MLA Update Randall VanderMey | Verne Meyer | John Van Rys | Dave Kemper | Patrick Sebranek |
The Woman's Public Speaking Handbook Elizabeth J. Natalle | Fritzi R. Bodenheimer |
Psychology of Language David W. Carroll |
Behind A Convict's Eyes: Doing Time in a Modern Prison K.C. Carceral | Thomas J. Bernard | Leanne Fiftal Alarid | Bruce Bikle | Alene Bikle |
Communication in Small Groups: Theory, Process, and Skills John F. Cragan | David W. Wright | Chris R. Kasch |
The Qualitative Research Experience, Revised Printing Deborah K. Padgett |
A History of Latin America Benjamin Keen | Keith Haynes |
Motivation: Theory, Research, and Applications Herbert L. Petri | John M. Govern |
California: Politics Of Diversity, Brief David G. Lawrence |
Observing Children and Adolescents: Student Workbook Michie Swartwood | Kathy H. Trotter |
About Prison Michael G. Santos |
Communicating in Groups and Teams: Sharing Leadership Gay Lumsden | Donald Lumsden |
The Public Agenda: Issues In American Politics Lawrence G. Brewster | Genie N. L. Stowers |
Theory and Design in Counseling and Psychotherapy Susan X Day |
Japanese Religion: Unity and Diversity H. Byron Earhart |
Primer of California Politics Lawrence G. Brewster | Genie N. L. Stowers |
Reading the Old Testament: Introduction to the Hebrew Bible Barry L. Bandstra |
The Western Perspective: A History of Civilization in the West, Alternative Volume: Since 1300 Philip V. Cannistraro | John J. Reich |
The Western Perspective: A History of Civilization in the West Philip V. Cannistraro | John J. Reich |
Families and Society: Classic and Contemporary Readings Scott L. Coltrane |
Culture and Psychology David Matsumoto | Linda Juang |
Drug Use and Abuse Stephen A. Maisto | Mark Galizio | Gerard J. Connors |
Measures of Legal Attitudes Lawrence S. Wrightsman | Angela L. Batson | Vanessa A. Edkins |
The Western Perspective: Prehistory to the Enlightenment, Volume 1: To 1715 Philip V. Cannistraro | John J. Reich |
Introduction to Comparative Politics Mark Kesselman | Joel Krieger | William A. Joseph | Ervand Abrahamian | Christopher S. Allen | Amrita Basu | Joan DeBardeleben | Louis DeSipio | Shigeko N. Fukai | Haruhiro Fukui | Merilee S. Grindle | Darren Kew | Atul Kohli | Peter Lewis | Alfred P. Montero |
Writing, Reading, and Research Richard Veit | Christopher Gould |
The Western Perspective: Prehistory to the Renaissance, Volume A: To 1500 Philip V. Cannistraro | John J. Reich |
The Western Perspective: Since the Middle Ages, Volume 2 Philip V. Cannistraro | John J. Reich |
African Politics and Society: A Mosaic in Transformation Peter J. Schraeder |
Guiding Children's Learning of Mathematics Leonard M. Kennedy | Steve Tipps | Art Johnson |
Introduction to Law and the Legal System Frank August Schubert |
Promoting Community Change: Making It Happen in the Real World Mark S. Homan |
Social Forces and Aging Robert C. Atchley | Amanda Barusch |
Sociology of Deviant Behavior Marshall B. Clinard | Robert F. Meier |
The Best American Essays Robert Atwan |
The Elements of Social Scientific Thinking Kenneth R. Hoover | Todd Donovan |
The Resourceful Reader Suzanne Strobeck Webb | Lou Ann Thompson |
The Successful Internship: Transformation and Empowerment in Experiential Learning H. Frederick Sweitzer | Mary A. King |
Writing and Publishing Your Thesis, Dissertation, and Research: A Guide for Students in the Helping Professions P. Paul Heppner | Mary J. Heppner |
Anthology for Musical Analysis Charles Burkhart |
Case Studies in Generalist Practice Robert F. Rivas | Grafton H. Hull, Jr. |
Color Basics Stephen Pentak | Richard Roth |
Discovering the Western Past: A Look at the Evidence, Volume II: Since 1500 Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks | Julius R. Ruff | William Bruce Wheeler |
Beginning Classroom Guitar: A Musician's Approach Philip Hemmo |
CogLab on a CD, 3rd Greg Francis | Ian Neath |
Educational Administration: Concepts and Practices Fred C. Lunenburg | Allan C. Ornstein |
InSight: A Media Lab in Experimental Psychology John A. Baro, Ph.D. |
Integrating the Arts Across the Elementary School Curriculum Phyllis Gelineau |
Juntos: Community Partnerships in Spanish and Portuguese: AATSP Professional Development Series Handbook Vol. 5 Josef Hellebrandt | Jonathan Arries | LucÃa Varona | Carol Klein |
Mitlesen Mitteilen: Literarische Texte zum Lesen, Sprechen, Schreiben und Hören Larry D. Wells | Rosmarie T. Morewedge |
On Buber C. Wayne Mayhall | Timothy B. Mayhall |
On Ethics Marshall Missner |
Present Tense: The United States Since 1945 Michael Schaller | Robert D. Schulzinger | Karen Anderson |
Essential Interviewing: A Programmed Approach to Effective Communication David R. Evans | Margaret T. Hearn | Max R. Uhlemann | Allen E. Ivey |
Cengage Advantage Books: Kagan and Segal's Psychology: An Introduction Don Baucum | Carolyn Smith |
Experiences in Movement: Birth to Age Eight Rae Pica |
The Basics of Communication Research Leslie A. Baxter | Earl R. Babbie |
Writing Connections: You, College, and Careers: Book I: Sentences and Paragraphs Lee Brandon |
Drawing from Life Clint Brown | Cheryl McLean |
Plays for the Theatre Oscar G. Brockett | Robert J. Ball |
Science and Science Teaching Sharon J. Sherman | Robert Sherman |
Allons-y!: Le Français par étapes Jeannette D. Bragger | Donald B. Rice |
Creative Editing Dorothy A. Bowles | Diane L. Borden |
Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare: Empowering People Charles Zastrow |
A History of Modern Psychology Duane P. Schultz | Sydney Ellen Schultz |
Conversación y repaso: Intermediate Spanish Series Lynn A. Sandstedt | Ralph Kite | John G. Copeland |
Language Arts: Learning and Teaching Dorothy S. Strickland | Lee Galda | Bernice E. Cullinan |
A Career Counseling and Services: Cognitive Information Processing Approach James P. Sampson, Jr. | Robert C . Reardon | Gary W. Peterson | Janet G. Lenz |
Essays from Contemporary Culture Katherine Anne Ackley |
Groups Rodney W. Napier | Matti K. Gershenfeld |
Writing Philosophy Papers Zachary P. Seech |
Civilización y cultura: Intermediate Spanish Series Lynn A. Sandstedt | Ralph Kite | John G. Copeland |
Doing Psychology Experiments David W. Martin |
PianoLab: An Introduction to Class Piano with CD Carolynn A. Lindeman |
The Essential Theatre Oscar G. Brockett | Robert J. Ball |
Academic Literacy: Readings and Strategies Jill Lewis |
Literatura y arte: Intermediate Spanish Series Lynn A. Sandstedt | Ralph Kite | John G. Copeland |
Social Work Practice and People of Color: A Process Stage Approach Doman Lum |
New Party Politics: From Jefferson and Hamilton to the Information Age John Kenneth White | Daniel M. Shea |
Personality Jerry M. Burger |
Teaching Elementary Social Studies: What Every Teacher Should Know James A. Duplass |
The Counselor Intern's Handbook Christopher M. Faiver | Sheri P. Eisengart | Ronald Colonna |
Theories of Personality Richard M. Ryckman |
United States Public Policy: A Budgetary Approach Dianne Rahm |
A Guide to MLA Documentation Joseph F. Trimmer |
Growing Up With Literature Walter Sawyer |
The Psychology of Women Margaret W. Matlin |
The Caning of Senator Sumner T. Lloyd Benson |
Point-Counterpoint: Readings in American Government Herbert M. Levine |
Constitutional Interpretation Craig R. Ducat |
Object Relations and Self Psychology: An Introduction Michael St. Clair | Jodie Wigren |
The Ultimate Job Hunter's Guidebook Susan D. Greene | Melanie C.L. Martel |
Community Policing: Can It Work? Wesley G. Skogan |
Constitutional Interpretation: Power of Government, Volume I Craig R. Ducat |
Constitutional Interpretation: Rights of the Individual, Volume II Craig R. Ducat |
Human Services in Contemporary America William R. Burger | Merrill Youkeles |
Jesus and the Gospels: An Introduction to Gospel Literature and Jesus Studies Jarl Fossum | Phillip Munoa |
The Way We Lived: Volume 1: 1492 - 1877 Frederick M. Binder | David M. Reimers |
Listening to Music Craig Wright |
Global Society: The World Since 1900 Pamela Kyle Crossley | Lynn Hollen Lees | John W. Servos |
Controversies In American Public Policy John A. Hird | Michael A. Reese | Matthew Shilvock |
Writing with Style: APA Style for Social Work Lenore T. Szuchman | Barbara Thomlison |
Fathers & Early Childhood Programs Jay Fagan, DSW, MSW | Glen Palm, Ph.D. |
Above the Bottom Line Robert C. Solomon | Clancy Martin |
Right from the Start: Taking Charge of Your College Success Robert Holkeboer | Laurie Walker |
Pocket Keys for Speakers Isa Engleberg | Ann Raimes |
The Police in America: Classic and Contemporary Readings Steven G. Brandl | David E. Barlow |
The American Bureaucracy Richard J. Stillman, II |
Kaleidoscope Kevin Ryan | James M. Cooper |
Family Therapy: An Overview Herbert Goldenberg | Irene Goldenberg |
Theories of Psychotherapy and Counseling: Concepts and Cases Richard S. Sharf |
The Heath Anthology of American Literature, Concise Edition Paul Lauter |
Understanding Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing Walter Kalaidjian | Judith Roof | Stephen Watt |
Orientation to College: A Reader Elizabeth Steltenpohl | Jane Shipton | Sharon Villines |
Communication Theories in Action: An Introduction Julia T. Wood |
Writing for Television, Radio, and New Media Robert L. Hilliard |
Criminology: A Workbook Using MicroCase® ExplorIt Steven F. Messner |
A History of Russia: Peoples, Legends, Events, Forces: Since 1800 Richard Stites |
Classic Readings in Cultural Anthropology Gary Ferraro |
Justice, Equality, and Rights Emmett Barcalow |
Politics in a Changing World: A Comparative Introduction to Political Science Marcus E. Ethridge | Howard Handelman |
Teacher Made Materials That Really Teach! Judy Herr |
The Canela: Kinship, Ritual and Sex in an Amazonian Tribe William H. Crocker | Jean G. Crocker |
Theory, Practice, and Trends in Human Services: An Introduction Edward S. Neukrug |
Using Stories to Make Art: Creative Activities Using Children's Literature Wendy M. L. Libby |
The College Writer, MLA Update Randall VanderMey |
Introduction to Therapeutic Counseling: Voices from the Field Jeffrey A. Kottler |
Discovering the Western Past: A Look at the Evidence, Volume I: To 1789 Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks | Julius R. Ruff | William Bruce Wheeler |
Deviance: Career of a Concept Joel Best |
Slaughterhouse Blues: The Meat and Poultry Industry in North America Donald D. Stull | Michael J. Broadway |
The Way of Torah: An Introduction to Judaism Jacob Neusner |
Child Development: A Thematic Approach Danuta Bukatko | Marvin W. Daehler |
Sources in the History of the Modern Middle East Akram Fouad Khater |
Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology Marie T. Banich |
Defending the Homeland: Domestic Intelligence, Law Enforcement, and Security Jonathan R. White |
Inventors of Ideas: Introduction to Western Political Philosophy Donald Tannenbaum | David Schultz |
When Words Collide: A Media Writer's Guide to Grammar and Style Lauren Kessler | Duncan McDonald |
Medieval Worlds: An Introduction to European History, 300-1492 Jo Ann Hoeppner Moran Cruz | Richard Gerberding |
Teaching Strategies: A Guide to Effective Instruction Donald C. Orlich | Robert J. Harder | Richard C. Callahan | Michael S. Trevisan | Abbie H. Brown |
Management Communication: A Guide Deborah C. Andrews | William D. Andrews |
Fundamentals of Substance Abuse Practice Jerry Johnson |
Behavior Management: From Theoretical Implications to Practical Applications John W. Maag |
Readings In Social Research Methods Diane Kholos Wysocki |
Theories of Public Organization Robert B. Denhardt |
The Craft of Revision Donald M. Murray |
A Writer Teaches Writing Revised Donald M. Murray |
The Brief American Pageant David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Thomas A. Bailey | Mel Piehl |
The Brief American Pageant: Volume 1: To 1877 David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Thomas A. Bailey | Mel Piehl |
The Brief American Pageant: Volume II: Since 1865 David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Thomas A. Bailey | Mel Piehl |
Culturally Competent Public Child Welfare Practice Krishna Samantrai |
The Generalist Model of Human Services Practice Grafton H. Hull | Karen K. Kirst-Ashman |
Thinking and Writing in the Humanities Suzanne Hudson | Molly LeClair |
Those Who Can, Teach Kevin Ryan | James M. Cooper |
Applied Sociology: Topics, Terms, Tools, and Tasks Stephen F. Steele | Jammie Price |
Katun: A Twenty-Year Journey with the Maya Cindy L. Hull |
From the Bush: The Front Line of Health Care in a Caribbean Village Marsha B. Quinlan |
Plants and People in Ancient Ecuador: The Ethnobotany of the Jama River Valley Deborah M. Pearsall |
Tropical Forest Archaeology in Western Pichincha, Ecuador Ronald D. Lippi |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
Global Passages: Sources in World History, Volume II: Since 1500 Roger Schlesinger | Fritz Blackwell | Kathryn Meyer | Mary Watrous-Schlesinger |
Theory and Practice of Group Counseling Gerald Corey |
Group Techniques Gerald Corey | Marianne Schneider Corey | Patrick Callanan | J. Michael Russell |
Diversity in Counseling Robert Brammer |
Integrative Psychotherapy: The Art and Science of Relationship Janet P. Moursund | Richard G. Erskine |
Global Passages: Sources in World History, Volume I Roger Schlesinger | Fritz Blackwell | Kathryn Meyer | Mary Watrous-Schlesinger |
A History of Russia David Goldfrank | Lindsey Hughes | Catherine Evtuhov | Richard Stites |
California Criminal Codes Cliff Roberson |
Research Methods: The Concise Knowledge Base Workbook James P. Donnelly | William Trochim, Ph.D. |
The Beacon Handbook and Desk Reference Robert Perrin |
Writing Skills Handbook Charles Bazerman | Harvey S. Wiener |
Aventuras Literarias Ana C. Jarvis |
Writing the Research Paper: A Handbook Anthony C. Winkler | Jo Ray McCuen-Metherell |
Form and Style: Research Papers, Reports, Theses Carole Slade |
A Cross Cultural Look at Death, Dying and Religion (Custom Publication) Joan Parry | Angela Ryan |
Empowerment in Social Work Practice: A Sourcebook A Sourcebook (Custom Publication) Lorraine Gutierrez | Ruth Parsons | Enid O. Cox |
Psychology Jeffrey S. Nevid |
Wadsworth MLA Update Card Heinle |
Sharing the Stage: Biography and Gender in Western Civilization, Volume I Jane Slaughter | Melissa K. Bokovoy |
Brain and Behavior Bob Garrett |
The Industrial Revolution Steven M. Beaudoin |
Health Counseling: Application and Theory Joseph Donnelly |
Complete Learning Spaces Book For Infants & Toddlers: 42 Integrated Areas With Play Experiences Rebecca Isbell | Christy Isbell |
Partnering With Parents Bob Rockwell | Janet Rockwell Kniepkamp |
Six Steps to Effective Writing in Sociology Judy Schmidt | Mike Hooper | Diane Kholos Wysocki |
The History Handbook Carol Berkin | Betty S. Anderson |
Atkinson and Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology Edward E. Smith | Susan Nolen-Hoeksema | Barbara L. Fredrickson | Geoffrey R. Loftus |
Becoming A Teacher in New York State Louis Larson | Joy Mosher |
How to Foster Creativity In All Children Mary Mayesky, Ph.D. |
Overcoming Prison and Addiction Chuck Terry |
Research Methods in Social Work David Royse |
Seeing Child Care: A Guide For Assessing the Effectiveness of Child Care Programs Warren R. Bentzen, Ph.D. | Martha B. Frost, Ed.D. |
The Sundance Reader, Brief Edition Mark Connelly |
Beyond Borders: A Cultural Reader Randall Bass | Joy Young |
The Human Polity: A Comparative Introduction to Political Science Kay Lawson |
Classics of Public Personnel Policy Frank J. Thompson |
Human Memory Ian Neath | Aimee Surprenant |
Modern Media Writing Rick Wilber | Randy Miller |
The New Testament: History, Literature, and Social Context Dennis C. Duling |
Understanding Crime: Theory and Practice L. Thomas Winfree, Jr. | Howard Abadinsky |
Basics of Singing, Revised Printing Jan Schmidt |
Discovering the Medieval Past Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks | William Bruce Wheeler | Kenneth R. Curtis |
Ciao! Carla Federici | Carla Larese Riga |
Becoming an EC-4 Teacher in Texas Janice L. Nath | Myrna Cohen |
Gramatica esencial Nelson Rojas | Richard A. Curry |
International Communication: Concepts and Cases Kwadwo Anokwa | Carolyn A. Lin | Michael B. Salwen |
Life-Span Development: A Case Book Barbara M. Newman | Philip R. Newman | Laura Landry-Meyer | Brenda J. Lohman |
Projections: Brief Readings on American Culture J. Sterling Warner | Bill Swanson |
Environment, Energy and Society: Exemplary Works Craig R. Humphrey | Tammy L. Lewis | Frederick H. Buttel |
Making Sounds, Making Music, & Many Other Activities for Infants: 7 to 12 Months Judy Herr | Terri Swim |
On Popper Mark Notturno |
The Marriage and Families Activities Workbook Ron J. Hammond | Barbara B. Bearnson |
AAUSC 2002: The Sociolinguistics of Foreign Language Classrooms: Contributions of the Native, The Near-Native, and the Non-Native Speaker Carl S. Blyth | Sally Sieloff Magnan |
Scene Design and Stage Lighting W. Oren Parker | R. Craig Wolf | Dick Block |
Rattle Time, Face to Face, & Many Other Activities for Infants: Birth to 6 Months Judy Herr | Terri Swim |
Rhyming Books, Marble Painting, & Many Other Activities for Toddlers: 25 to 36 Months Judy Herr | Terri Swim |
The Rhetorical Act: Thinking, Speaking, and Writing Critically Karlyn Kohrs Campbell | Susan Schultz Huxman |
Sorting Shapes, Show Me, & Many Other Activities for Toddlers: 13 to 24 Months Judy Herr | Terri Swim |
The Exemplary Middle School Paul S. George | William Alexander |
The Practical Writer Edward P. Bailey | Philip A. Powell |
Crossroads in Music: Traditions and Connections Arved M. Larsen | Paul W. Borg | David Poultney | Arthur Unsworth | Robert Washburn |
The Humanities in the Western Tradition: Idea and Aesthetics, Volume II: Renaissance to Present Marvin Perry | J. Wayne Baker | Pamela Pfeiffer Hollinger |
The Politics of International Economic Relations Joan E. Spero | Jeffrey A. Hart |
The American Paradox: A History of the United States Since 1945 Steven M. Gillon |
Rapports: An Introduction to French Language and Francophone Culture Joel C. Walz | Jean-Pierre Piriou |
Conversemos! Ana C. Jarvis |
Major Problems in the History of World War II Mark A. Stoler | Melanie S. Gustafson |
Six Steps to Effective Writing in Criminal Justice Judy Schmidt | Mike Hooper |
Culturas de España Carmen Pereira-Muro |
Policing Gangs and Youth Violence Scott Decker |
Continuemos! Ana C. Jarvis |
Aprendizaje: Técnicas de Composición Kimberly A. Nance | Isidro J. Rivera |
Introduction to Investigations John S. Dempsey |
Portrait of America: Volume Two: From 1865 Stephen B. Oates | Charles J. Errico |
The Clinical Assessment Workbook: Balancing Strengths and Differential Diagnosis Elizabeth Pomeroy | Kathryn Wambach |
Claiming Your Victories: A Concise Guide to College Success Linda Stevens Hjorth |
Major Problems in Asian American History: Documents and Essays Lon Kurashige | Alice Yang |
Applied Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences Dennis E. Hinkle | William Wiersma | Stephen G. Jurs |
From Sight to Insight: The Writing Process Jeff Rackham | Olivia Bertagnolli |
Criminal Procedure Christopher E. Smith |
Case Studies for First-Year Experience Students John Riesen | John Szarlan | Suman Singha |
Fundamentals for Practice with High Risk Populations Nancy Summers |
Technical Communication for Readers and Writers Brenda R. Sims |
Theory-Based Treatment Planning for Marriage and Family Therapists: Integrating Theory and Practice Diane R. Gehart | Amy R. Tuttle |
Outcome Uncertain: Cases and Contexts in Bioethics Ronald Munson |
Introduction to Family Theory and Therapy: Exploring an Evolving Field June Blumenthal Green |
Correctional Leadership: A Cultural Perspective Stan Stojkovic | Mary Ann Farkas |
Data Analysis and Interpretation in the Behavioral Sciences Eugene B. Zechmeister | Emil J. Posavac |
Responsive Therapy: A Systematic Approach to Counseling Skills Sterling K. Gerber |
Major Problems in the History of American Workers: Documents and Essays Eileen Boris | Nelson Lichtenstein |
Major Problems in the History of the Vietnam War: Documents and Essays Robert J. McMahon |
Focus on Florida: Writing Paragraphs and Essays Marilyn Broughton |
College Writing Basics: A Student-Writing Approach Thomas E. Tyner |
The Humanities in the Western Tradition: Ideas and Aesthetics, Volume I: Ancient to Midieval Marvin Perry | J. Wayne Baker | Pamela Pfeiffer Hollinger |
The Dolphin Reader Douglas Hunt |
Convict Criminology Jeffrey Ian Ross | Stephen C. Richards |
Social Statistics: A Text Using MicroCase William Fox |
Community Relations Concepts Denny F. Pace |
Harmony and Voice Leading Edward Aldwell | Carl Schachter |
Community Justice Todd R. Clear | Eric Cadora |
Contemporary Issues in Bioethics Tom L. Beauchamp | LeRoy Walters |
Criminal Justice Organizations: Administration and Management Stan Stojkovic | David Kalinich | John Klofas |
Employee Selection Lilly M. Berry |
Student Athlete's Guide to College Success: Peak Performance in Class and Life Trent A. Petrie | Eric L. Denson |
The Successful Distance Learning Student Carl M. Wahlstrom | Brian K. Williams | Peter Shea |
Interviewing and Change Strategies for Helpers: Fundamental Skills and Cognitive Behavioral Interventions Sherry Cormier | Paula S. Nurius |
Photography: The Concise Guide Bruce Warren |
Portrait of America, Volume One: To 1877 Stephen B. Oates | Charles J. Errico |
Contemporary Behavior Therapy Michael D. Spiegler | David C. Guevremont |
Governing America's Urban Areas Alan L. Saltzstein |
READ: Reading Enhancement and Development Rhonda Holt Atkinson | Debbie G. Longman |
Readings in American Government Mack C. Shelley, II. | Jamie Swift | Steffen W. Schmidt |
Gender: Crossing Boundaries Grace Galliano |
Murder American Style Alex Alvarez | Ronet Bachman |
On Eco Gary P. Radford |
Real World Treatment Planning Daniel W. Johnson | Stephanie J. Johnson |
Social and Political Philosophy: Classical Western Texts in Feminist and Multicultural Perspectives James P. Sterba |
Justice: Alternative Political Perspectives James P. Sterba |
Politics in Africa: A New Beginning? Carlene J. Edie |
Teaching with Technology: Designing Opportunities to Learn Priscilla Norton | Karin M. Wiburg |
Technology for Exceptional Learners: Choosing Instructional Tools to Meet Students' Needs Sarah Irvine Belson |
Theodore Roosevelt: In the Vanguard of the Modern Stacy A. Cordery |
A Practical Handbook for Writing in the Humanities Michael C. Milam |
Politics, Parties, and Elections in America John F. Bibby |
Theory Essentials, Volume I : An Integrated Approach to Harmony, Ear Training, and Keyboard Skills Connie E. Mayfield |
Techniques and Materials of Music: From the Common Practice Period through the Twentieth Century Thomas Benjamin | Michael Horvit | Robert Nelson |
Manual de gramática: Grammar Reference for Students of Spanish Eleanor Dozier | Zulma Iguina |
American Foreign Policy Eugene R. Wittkopf | Charles W. Kegley Jr. | James M. Scott |
Counseling and Psychotherapy Les Parrott, III |
How It's Done: An Invitation to Social Research Emily Stier Adler | Roger Clark |
Teaching Children About Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach Estelle Weinstein | Efrem Rosen |
Addiction Treatment: A Strengths Perspective Katherine van Wormer | Diane Rae Davis |
Marriage and Family: Using MicroCase ExplorIt Kevin Demmitt |
Revolutions: Theoretical, Comparative, and Historical Studies Jack A. Goldstone |
Community Counseling: Empowerment Strategies for a Diverse Society Judith A. Lewis | Michael D. Lewis | Judy A. Daniels | Michael J. D'Andrea |
Sources of the Western Tradition: From the Scientific Revolution to the Present, Volume 2 Marvin Perry | Joseph R. Peden | Theodore H. Von Laue |
American Constitutional Law Otis H. Stephens, Jr. | John M. Scheb, II, Ph.D. |
50 Ways to Leave Your Lectern Dr. Constance C. Staley |
Integrating Religion and Spirituality into Counseling: A Comprehensive Approach Marsha Wiggins Frame |
Family Therapy Basics Mark Worden |
Worldviews, Religion, and the Environment: A Global Anthology Richard C. Foltz |
Social Welfare: Policy and Analysis Andrew Dobelstein |
The Environmental Ethics and Policy Book: Philosophy, Ecology, Economics Donald Van DeVeer | Christine Pierce |
Clinical Practice with Adolescents David G. Martin |
Impacting Social Policy: A Practitioner's Guide to Analysis and Action Rodney A. Ellis |
From Self to Sources: Essays and Beyond Lee Brandon |
Practical Grant Writing and Program Evaluation Francis K. O. Yuen | Kenneth L. Terao |
World Ethics Wanda Torres-Gregory | Donna Giancola |
Ethics for the Professions John R. Rowan | Samuel Zinaich, Jr. |
Becoming an Effective Policy Advocate: From Policy Practice to Social Justice, 4th Bruce S. Jansson |
On Jesus Douglas Groothuis |
Reason and Insight: Western and Eastern Perspectives on the Pursuit of Moral Wisdom Timothy Shanahan | Robin Wang |
The Theory of Knowledge: Classic and Contemporary Readings Louis P. Pojman |
The Ethics of Leadership Joanne B. Ciulla |
On the Edge of Success Marmy A. Clason | John A. Beck |
Sources of the Western Tradition: From the Ancient Times to the Enlightenment, Volume 1 Marvin Perry | Joseph R. Peden | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Understanding Legal Concepts that Influence Social Welfare Policy and Practice Rudolph Alexander, Jr. |
A Nation on Wheels: The Automobile Culture in America Since 1945 Mark S. Foster |
Equality Deferred: Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration in America, Since 1945 James S. Olson |
Theory and Method in the Study of Religion: Theoretical and Critical Readings Carl Olson |
Casebook in Child and Adolescent Treatment: Cultural and Familial Contexts Faith H. McClure | Edward Teyber |
Clinical Ethics Casebook Peter Horn |
Thinking Critically About Moral Problems Thomas F. Wall |
Selected Works Ralph Waldo Emerson | Margaret Fuller | John Carlos Rowe | Paul Lauter |
We the People: A Brief American History, Volume I: To 1876 Peter N. Carroll |
We the People: A Brief American History, Volume II: Since 1865 Peter N. Carroll |
Understanding Judaism Through History S. Daniel Breslauer |
The Holocaust: Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation Donald L. Niewyk |
Sex and Gender: A Spectrum of Views Philip E. Devine | Celia Wolf-Devine |
We the People: A Brief American History, Comprehensive Volume Peter N. Carroll |
These Yet to Be United States: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties in America Since 1945 Jeanne Theoharis | Athan Theoharis |
Technology for Literacy Teaching and Learning William J. Valmont |
Andrew Carnegie: Robber Baron as American Hero James T. Baker |
Classroom Teaching Skills James M. Cooper | Susan R. Goldman | Susan M. Williams | Robert D. Sherwood | Mary S. Leighton | Greta G. Morine-Dershimer | David Sadker | Myra Sadker | Robert Shostak | Terry D. TenBrink | Carol Ann Tomlinson | Wilford A. Weber |
Public Opinion: Using MicroCase ExplorIt Stephanie Greco Larson |
Critical Thinking: Building the Basics Timothy L. Walter | Glenn M. Knudsvig | Donald E. P. Smith |
Integrations: Reading, Thinking, and Writing for College Success William S. Robinson | Pam Altman |
Police Ethics: A Matter of Character Douglas W. Perez | J. Alan Moore |
Learning from Mistakes in Clinical Practice Carolyn Dillon |
Interviewing in Action: Relationship, Process, and Change Bianca Cody Murphy | Carolyn Dillon |
Guide to Criminal Law for Maryland Joel Samaha |
Contemporary Social Research Methods Using MicroCase, InfoTrac Version Rodney Stark | Lynne Roberts | Michael Corbett |
Teaching Writing with Computers: An Introduction Pamela Takayoshi | Brian Huot |
Yuqui: Forest Nomads in a Changing World Allyn Maclean Stearman |
The Vice Lords: Warriors of the Street Lincoln Keiser |
Perspectives on Terrorism: How 9/11 Changed U.S. Politics Allan J. Cigler |
A Mountain Village in Nepal (Fieldwork Edition) John Thayer Hitchcock |
Aleuts: Survivors of the Bering Land Bridge William S. Laughlin |
Bunyoro: An African Kingdom John Beattie |
China's Urban Villagers: Changing Life in a Beijing Suburb Norman A. Chance |
Chinatown: Economic Adaptation and Ethnic Identity of the Chinese Bernard P. Wong |
Elota's Story: The Life and Times of a Solomon Islands Big Man Roger M. Keesing |
Himalayan Herders Naomi H. Bishop |
Samoan Planters: Tradition and Economic Development in Polynesia Tim OMeara |
Samoan Village: Then and Now Lowell D. Holmes | Ellen Rhoads Holmes |
Simbu Law: Conflict Management in the New Guinea Highlands Aaron Podolefsky |
The Huron: Farmers of the North Bruce G. Trigger |
The Hutterites in North America John A. Hostetler | Marcia Huntington |
The Inupiat and Arctic Alaska: An Ethnography of Development Norman A. Chance |
The Mi'kmaq: Resistance, Accommodation, and Cultural Survival Harald E.L. Prins |
The Urban Poor of Puerto Rico: A Study in Development and Inequality Safa Icken Helen |
The White Man Will Eat You: An Anthropologist Among the Imbonggu of New Guinea William E. Wormsley |
Vasilika: A Village in Modern Greece Friedl |
Terrorism and 9/11 Fredrik Logevall |
The Lugbara of Uganda John Middleton |
Choral Concepts: A Text for Conductors Donald Neuen |
The Dobe Ju/'Hoansi Richard B. Lee |
Avenidas: Beginning a Journey in Spanish Patti J. Marinelli | Mirta Oramas |
From Tribes to Nation: The Making of France 500-1799 James B. Collins |
The Ancien Régime and the French Revolution James B. Collins |
Thriving!: A Manual for Students in the Helping Professions Lennis G. Echterling | Eric Cowan | William F. Evans | A. Renee Staton | Grace Viere | J. Edson McKee | Jack Presbury | Anne L. Stewart |
Understanding Statistics in the Behavioral Sciences: Step by Step Judith A. McLaughlin |
Sociology: The Central Questions William Kornblum | Carolyn Smith |
Statistics for Social Data Analysis David Knoke | George W. Bohrnstedt | Alisa Potter Mee |
Popular Culture: Perspectives for Readers and Writers Megan O'Neill |
Perspectivas Mary Ellen Kiddle | Brenda Wegmann | Sandra Schreffler |
Major Problems in American History: Documents and Essays, Volume I: To 1877 Elizabeth Cobbs-Hoffman | Jon Gjerde | Thomas G. Paterson |
Oggi in Italia Franca Celli Merlonghi | Ferdinando Merlonghi | Joseph A. Tursi | Brian Rea O'Connor |
Outdoor Play Everyday: Innovative Play Concepts for Early Childhood Karyn Wellhousen, Ph.D. |
Creative Resources for Infants & Toddlers Judy Herr | Terri Swim |
Readings in Ancient History Nels M. Bailkey | Richard Lim |
The American Spirit: United States History as Seen by Contemporaries, Volume II: Since 1865 David M. Kennedy | Thomas A. Bailey |
The Criminal Event: Perspectives in Space and Time Vincent Sacco | Leslie Kennedy |
Research Methods in Psychology Gary W. Heiman |
Rites of Passage Judith Rae | Catherine Fraga |
Logic and Controversy Maurice F. Stanley |
Spirituality Within Religious Traditions in Social Work Practice Mary P. Van Hook | Beryl Hugen | Marian Aguilar |
Ceramics: A Potter's Handbook Glenn C. Nelson | Richard Burkett |
Integrative Helper: Convergence of Eastern and Western Traditions William Mikulas |
Psychology Applied to Everyday Life Rick M. Gardner |
The American Spirit: United States History as Seen by Contemporaries, Volume I: To 1877 David M. Kennedy | Thomas A. Bailey |
Learning and Adaptive Behavior Jerome L. Frieman |
Kaleidoskop: Kultur, Literatur und Grammatik Jack Moeller | Winnie Adolph | Barbara Mabee | Simone Berger |
Major Problems in American History: Documents and Essays, Volume II: Since 1865 Elizabeth Cobbs-Hoffman | Jon Gjerde |
Paragraph Essentials: A Writing Guide Linda Wong |
Major Problems in Texas History Sam W. Haynes | Cary D. Wintz |
Communication in Action Dorothy Grant Hennings |
Peak with Books: An Early Childhood Resource for Balanced Literacy Marjorie R. Nelsen | Jan Nelsen-Parish |
The Familiar Essay Mark R. Christensen |
SLA and the Literature Classroom: Fostering Dialogues, 2001 AAUSC Volume Virginia M. Scott | Holly Tucker | Sally Sieloff Magnan |
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences James Jaccard | Michael A. Becker |
A Survival Guide for Child Care Providers Karen Levine |
Sentence Essentials: A Grammar Guide Linda Wong |
Theory into Practice Ann B. Dobie |
Educational Policy and the Law Mark G. Yudof | David Kirp | Betsy Levin | Rachel Moran |
American Constitutional Law: Power and Politics, Volume 2 Gregg Ivers |
Faces of Social Policy: A Strengths Perspective Carolyn J. Tice | Kathleen Perkins |
Je veux bien! Jeannette D. Bragger | Donald B. Rice |
Research and Statistics Made Meaningful in Counseling and Student Affairs Rebecca M. LaFountain | Robert B. Bartos |
Ethics in the Workplace: Selected Readings in Business Ethics Robert A. Larmer |
Childhood Sexual Abuse: Developmental Effects Across The Lifespan Felicia Ferrara |
Paving Pathways: Child and Adolescent Development Laurel E. Hughes |
Instructional Models: Strategies for Teaching in a Diverse Society Thomas Lasley | Thomas Matczynski | James Rowley |
El próximo paso Bárbara Mujica |
Ethics and Values in the Information Age Joel Rudinow | Anthony Graybosch |
Worlds of Music: An Introduction to the Music of the World's Peoples Jeff Todd Titon (General Editor) |
The Atlantic Slave Trade David Northrup |
Wisdom Seekers: Great Philosophers of the Western World, Volume II James L. Christian |
Wisdom Seekers: Great Philosophers of the Western World, Volume I James L. Christian |
Humanism and the Renaissance Zachary S. Schiffman |
Piano for Pleasure: A Basic Course for Adults Martha Hilley | Lynn Freeman Olson |
The Ancient Voyage William F. Lawhead |
The Contemporary Voyage William F. Lawhead |
The Medieval Voyage William F. Lawhead |
The Modern Voyage William F. Lawhead |
En Breve: A Concise Review of Spanish Grammar Seymour Resnick | William Giuliano | Phyllis Golding |
International Relations: An Introduction Using MicroCase ExplorIt James C. Roberts | Alan Rosenblatt |
A History of Russia, the Soviet Union, and Beyond David MacKenzie | Michael W. Curran |
Sources of Twentieth-Century Global History James H. Overfield |
Power Tools for Technical Communication David A. McMurrey |
Media and Ethics: Principles for Moral Decisions Elaine E. Englehardt | Ralph Barney |
Mental Retardation: A Community Integration Approach Lynda Crane |
Skills and Techniques for Human Service Professionals: Counseling Environment, Helping Skills, Treatment Issues Edward S. Neukrug |
Musical Acoustics Donald E. Hall |
Social Work Practice in Mental Health: Contemporary Roles, Tasks, and Techniques Kia J. Bentley |
Autism: Teaching Does Make a Difference Brenda Scheuermann | Jo Webber |
Photography Bruce Warren |
Opening & Operating A Successful Child Care Center Dorothy June Sciarra, Ed.D | Anne Dorsey |
Safety, Nutrition & Health in Child Care Catherine Robertson |
Writing with Style: APA Style for Counseling Lenore T. Szuchman |
Do the Right Thing: Readings in Applied Ethics and Social Philosophy Francis J. Beckwith |
Doing Sociology: A Global Perspective Rodney Stark |
Doing Sociology: A Global Perspective: Using MicroCase ExplorIt Workbook Rodney Stark |
New Testament Story: An Introduction David L. Barr |
Watch and Pray: A Portrait of Fante Village Life in Transition Nancy Lundgren |
Measuring Performance: Early Childhood Educator in Practice Barbara Elliott |
Introduction to Political Thinkers William Ebenstein | Alan O. Ebenstein |
Practical Handbook for the Emerging Artist Margaret Lazzari |
Victorian Literature: 1830-1900 Dorothy Mermin | Herbert Tucker |
American Courts: Process and Policy Lawrence Baum |
Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Introductory Psychology William F. Price | Richley H. Crapo |
Managing Police Operations: Implementing the NYPD Crime Control Model Using COMPSTAT Phyllis P. McDonald |
Enriching the Curriculum with Art Experiences Wendy M. L. Libby |
Marriage in Culture: Practice And Meaning Across Diverse Societies Janice E. Stockard |
Reading Power James I. Brown | Vivian Vick Fishco |
Designing Effective Web Sites: A Concise Guide Johndan Johnson-Eilola |
Environment, Energy, and Society: A New Synthesis Craig R. Humphrey | Tammy L. Lewis | Frederick H. Buttel |
Patterns of Transcendence: Religion, Death, and Dying David Chidester |
The Thinking Reader James Koobatian |
Reading for Academic Success Jill Lewis |
Teacher as Reflective Practitioner and Action Researcher Rick Parsons | Kimberlee Brown |
eFictions Joseph F. Trimmer | Wade C. Jennings | Annette Patterson |
Clinical Social Work: Beyond Generalist Practice with Individuals, Groups and Families Lambert Maguire |
Marital Therapy: Concepts and Skills for Effective Practice Joe H. Brown | Carolyn S. Brown |
Developing Textbook Thinking: Strategies for Success in College Sherrie L. Nist | William Diehl |
Leaders and Supervisors in Child Care Programs Dorothy June Sciarra, Ed.D | Anne Dorsey |
Science Education for Elementary Teachers: An Investigation-Based Approach Ann E. Benbow | Colin Mably |
Social Organization of Work Randy Hodson | Teresa A. Sullivan |
Challenging Your Preconceptions: Thinking Critically About Psychology Randolph A. Smith |
On the Edge: United States Since 1945 David A. Horowitz | Peter N. Carroll |
Six Simple Ways to Assess Young Children Sue Yarbrough Gober |
Democracy for the Few Michael Parenti |
The American Pageant David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Thomas A. Bailey |
The Social Work Portfolio: Planning, Assessing, and Documenting Lifelong Learning in a Dynamic Profession Barry R. Cournoyer | Mary Stanley |
American Politics: Classic and Contemporary Readings Allan J. Cigler | Burdett A. Loomis |
The Counselor's Helpdesk Phil Travers |
Women, Prison, and Crime Joycelyn M. Pollock |
Major Problems in the History of American Sexuality: Documents and Essays Kathy Peiss |
Roads to Congress 2000 Sunil Ahuja | Robert Dewhirst |
Substance Abuse Counseling Judith A. Lewis | Robert Q. Dana | Gregory A. Blevins |
Counseling Gay Men and Lesbians: A Practice Primer Bob Barret | Colleen Logan |
Student Cultural Diversity Eugene García |
Effective Helping: Interviewing and Counseling Techniques Barbara F. Okun |
Technology and Teacher Education: A Guide for Educators and Policy Makers Howard D. Mehlinger | Susan M. Powers |
Everyday Statistical Reasoning: Possibilities and Pitfalls Timothy J. Lawson |
Interviewing for Solutions Peter De Jong | Insoo Kim Berg |
Essentials of Cultural Anthropology Garrick Bailey | James Peoples |
Training in Organizations: Needs Assessment, Development, and Evaluation Irwin L. Goldstein | Kevin Ford |
Distant Mirrors: America as a Foreign Culture Philip R. DeVita | James D. Armstrong |
On Camus Richard Kamber |
A Bagful of Locusts and the Baboon Woman: Constructions of Gender, Change, and Continuity in Botswana David N. Suggs |
Enduring Questions: Traditional and Contemporary Voices Jerry H. Gill |
Elements of Crisis Intervention: Crises and How to Respond to Them James L. Greenstone | Sharon C. Leviton |
Learning Success: Being Your Best at College and Life, Media Edition Carl M. Wahlstrom | Brian K. Williams |
Wisdom Without Answers: A Brief Introduction to Philosophy Daniel Kolak | Raymond Martin |
Age of Conflict Leslie Derfler | Patricia Kollander |
The Art of Writing About Art Suzanne Hudson | Nancy Noonan-Morrisey |
Social Thought Into the 21st Century R.P. Cuzzort | Edith W. King |
Sorpresas Elena Olazagasti-Segovia |
Race and Ethnicity in the United States Reid Luhman |
Brief Treatment in Clinical Social Work Practice Maria D. Corwin |
On Chomsky Morton Winston |
Prose Models Gerald Levin |
Writing for the Real World Ann Marie Radaskiewicz McNeely |
Houghton Mifflin Guide to Reading Textbooks Elizabeth Grasby |
Analytic Philosophy: Classic Readings Steven D. Hales |
Farther to Go Franklin D. Gilliam |
Reading to Write: Composition in Context Peter Elias Sotiriou |
Readings from the Roots of Wisdom: A Multicultural Reader Helen Buss Mitchell |
Documentation in Supervision: The Focused Risk Management Supervision System (FoRMSS) Janet Elizabeth Falvey | Christine F. Caldwell | Carol R. Cohen |
Counseling Today's Families Herbert Goldenberg | Irene Goldenberg |
Managing Clinical Supervision: Ethical Practice and Legal Risk Management Janet Elizabeth Falvey |
On Confucius Peiman Ni |
On Rawls Robert Talisse |
Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Generalized Causal Inference William R. Shadish | Thomas D. Cook | Donald T. Campbell |
Practical English Handbook Floyd C. Watkins | William B. Dillingham | John Hiers |
Major Problems in the History of American Medicine and Public Health John Harley Warner | Janet A. Tighe |
Explorations: La littérature du monde français Susan Schunk | Janet Waisbrot |
Teaching Cultures of the Hispanic World: Products and Practices in Perspective: AATSP Professional Development Series Handbook Vol. IV Vicki Galloway |
The Communicative Classroom: AATSP Professional Development Series Handbook Vol. III Terry L. Ballman | Judith E. Liskin-Gasparro | Paul B. Mandell |
The Portrait of a Lady Henry James | Jan Cohn | Paul Lauter |
De lector a escritor: El desarrollo de la comunicación escrita Michael D. Finnemann | Lynn Carbón |
European Politics in the Age of Globalization Howard J. Wiarda |
Conversation in Spanish: Points of Departure Cynthia Schmidt-Cruz | Frank Sedwick (Late) |
Practice Evaluation for the 21st Century William R. Nugent | Jackie D. Sieppert | Walter Hudson |
On Frege Joseph Salerno |
Do Carrots Make You See Better? A Guide To Food And Nutrition In Early Childhood Programs Julie Appleton | Nadine McCrea | Carla Patterson |
Innovations: Comprehensive Toddler Curriculum Kay Albrecht | Linda Miller |
Innovations: Infant & Toddler Development Kay Albrecht | Linda Miller |
Innovations: The Comprehensive Infant Curriculum Kay Albrecht | Linda Miller |
Criminal Law Judy Hails Kaci |
Ethnographic Essays in Cultural Anthropology: A Problem-Based Approach R. Bruce Morrison | C. Roderick Wilson |
Fingerprint Science Clarence Gerald Collins |
Introduction to Criminal Justice Cliff Roberson |
Investigating a Homicide Workbook Timothy Sweetman | Adele Sweetman |
Legal Aspects of Police Supervision Isaac T. Avery, III |
Legal Aspects of Police Supervision: Case Resource Book Isaac T. Avery, III | Mary Easley |
Strategies for Including Children with Special Needs in Early Childhood Settings M. Diane Klein, Ph.D, CCC-SLP | Ruth E. Cook, Ph.D | Anne Marie Richardson-Gibbs, M.A. |
Storytelling in Emergent Literacy: Fostering Multiple Intelligence Susan Louise Trostle | Jeanne Donato |
On Peirce Cornelis de Waal |
Rise and Fall of the Media Establishment Darrell M. West |
Texas Politics: Economics, Power, and Policy James W. Lamare |
American Government James Q. Wilson |
On Karol Wojtyla Peter Simpson |
Creative Learning Activities for Young Children Judy Herr |
International Relations: Politics and Economics in the 21st Century William Nester |
Community-Based Corrections Belinda Rodgers McCarthy | Bernard J. McCarthy, Jr. | Matthew Leone |
The African American Experience Joe William Trotter, Jr. |
Readings in African-American History Thomas R. Frazier |
The African American Experience, Volume I Joe William Trotter, Jr. |
The African American Experience, Volume II Joe William Trotter, Jr. |
The Atlantic World in the Age of Empire Thomas Benjamin | Timothy Hall | David Rutherford |
A Constructivist Approach to Block Play in Early Childhood Karyn Wellhousen, Ph.D. | Judith Kieff, Ed.D. |
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